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Everything posted by Ranjeet01

  1. My observations are that the liberal area of the media such as Channel 4 specifically seem to be involved in making subcontinental themed programmes since the 1980s where there always seems to be some sexual content where it needs to be "edgy" such as Rita Wolfe being the first Asian woman in nude scene on British TV (back in the 1980s) or where the main Asian protagonist in My Beautiful Launderette in homosexuals scenes with Daniel Day Lewis or in the production of Kama Sutra. Channel 4 seems to be behind a lot of these productions for some reason.There are a lot of gullible Asian people in the UK(subcontinental women in particularly) that love to complain about how Bollywood exploits women and how the women's bhezti and izzat is done yet don't see how they are objectified sexually on British TV. I guess they would see it as being "liberating" and "empowered". We still have the inferiority complex.
  2. The massive East European influx as well as other communities have diluted things considerably.
  3. They are schools that follow the national ciricullum with a Sikh Ethos. There are punjabi classes with morning assembly that consists of the pupils doing path and ardaas. Even if some of the pupils are not Amritdhari, they learn japji sahib, jaap Sahib etc . It may not be good enough for some of the posters here but it at least builds a foundation, it's better than what a lot of Gurdwaras provide. What you also need to remember here, a lot of manmukh,mona type parents send their kids to Sikh schools because they cannot provide their children with the Sikh, Gurbani education. It is something they missed out on in their childhood and feel someone else can provide it much better than they can. Whereas you expect a top down approach of parents teaching children, it goes into reverse where the children teach the parents. Nothing feels better for these parents than to listen to their children recite bani or play kirtan.
  4. Eduardo I think maybe you may have misinterpreted what I have been saying. I personally do not see it as a race issue, I was just trying to provide some context in how some Punjabi/Asian may see this. For me it is largely an intra - Asian issue in how particular Asian writers are pushed to the fore and they always have a particular theme that seems to be magnified by certain influential areas of the media. It is an insult to me and other Punjabis/Asians because it claims to be a victory for diversity and multiculturalism but who is it a really a victory for? The sad thing for me is it this all our Asian actors and writers are capable of? It's the same rubbish for the last 30 years. There is a lack of diversity of stories, themes, writers. We Asians and Punjabi's are not some 2 dimensional characters, there is far more depth and character than what we are being shown currently.
  5. To a lot of folk the Black and White Minstrel show was seen as a good evening's entertainment.
  6. I am kind of tired of female centred Asian female oppressed, evil male patriarch, forced arranged marriage, fall in love with non Asian person, sympathised by gay best friend storyline. But I guess it fits in with the lefty/liberal/luvvy agenda. I like to see something fresh from Asian writers without having to resort to same old clichés. Let's have a male centred story where the Asian male is being molly coddled by his manipulative conniving mother and being bullied by his man hating lesbian sister where he strives to regain his masculinity of which his cuckold beta male father is unable to provide.
  7. https://ssl.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02vgrl7/player?chromeless
  8. You make it look like everything is the man's fault and women can do no wrong. What about the men that pay alimony and get no visitation rights. Looks like men are seen as walking wallets.
  9. A big reason why some men may be non-commital to marriage is because a lot of the laws are so against husbands and fathers that a lot of men are scared of getting married that they will be taken to the cleaners and they lose their home, lose access of custody of their children and get hounded by the Child Support Agency. There are a lot of males that are opting out because it is not worth it.
  10. Gurdwara in muslim country holding iftar is for goodwill purposes. I would like to see a mosque reciprocate the same for Baisakhi or Bandi Chor Dinas.
  11. If management can get away paying committed workforce less money they will. I have heard contrary reports about the so called 70-72% wages for women. If women really were paid 70-72% of men, most companies would get rid of the men and just hire women to save almost 30% in overheads.
  12. I cannot claim to know your experience, but what I observed from my previous workplace was also observed by other women who brought this milking the maternity system. To claim that all women are oppressed in the workplace is simply not true. However(being devil's advocate here), a lot of employers (particularly smaller companies) tend to be more reluctant to hire women because they have to replace these women when they go on maternity leave and then when they come back, they come back part-time. Employees are looked upon as an overhead and if their resource cannot be extracted for the money they are being paid for then they will look for someone who they feel they will get more commitment.
  13. Your work in the journalist/newspaper trade where liquid lunches are the norm and you having to do all the work may not be due to you being a female either. Plenty of companies where men have to work extra to cover female colleagues. I have worked with female colleagues who milk the maternity system for all it's worth,getting pregnant, get long term sick leave then maternity leave, come back to cover another pregnant woman then get pregnant again, rinse and repeat. They spend majority of the 3-4 years on nearly full pay whilst practically doing very little work.
  14. Actually Feminism sees itself being superior to men.
  15. There was an opportunity for India to have a seat on the Security council but Nehru declined and it went to China instead, at least that it I was lead to believe. India will not be put on the council because it does not suit the major powers to do so. The only way could have one is if the UN is dismantled and re - built.
  16. Can you really get rid of politics. Any institution with some structure has some politics in it. I guess the question is what type of politics you want to get rid of.
  17. There are plant based protein shakes you can take, designed for vegans.
  18. On twitter, Sunny Hundal did his best to show the protests regarding the Guru Nanak film in the most negative light as possible. He was completely gunned down by Knowledgeable Sikhs and he was beaten down with facts, knowledge and logic. He ended up blocking people on twitter because he did not have any credible arguments. The problem with the Sunny Hundal/Katy Sian types is that they are Self-hating Sikhs who think that in order to be accepted by white middle class metropolitan elite they have to denigrate their own community and culture. They have particular prejudices and then try to fit reports and articles to suit their biases. The reality is the vast majority of mainstream media and mainstream media as well as the White middle class metropolitan elite in general have a good view of Sikhs. What these Sunny Hundal types have to gain I do not know. However they need to be careful. An example I can give is Barkha Dutt of NDTV an Indian journalist and broadcaster. She is seen as anti-Indian, anti-Hindu, anti-BJP by large section of the Indian community. She was at the forefront of criticising the rape culture in India and of showing the BBC documentary of the Delhi Rape called India ' s Daughter which kind of portrays that India is an evil patriarchy which oppresses women and that every Indian male is a rapist. However, afterwards she was on a show with some White American women and these women were talking about the prevalent rape culture in India and suddenly Barkham Dutt leapt to the defence of Indian society and how not all Indian men are rapists and they should look at Western society and it's problems. When these types slag off their own communities is one thing, when someone else does it, then it becomes unbearable.
  19. A coconut is a person of Asian (subcontinental) origin who are ashamed of their origins and considers themselves as being white whilst not actually openly admitting this. The issue in regards to Rachel Dolzel is that she is a white person who considers herself black, particularly with this term "trans-racial",using fake tan, perming her hair, braiding her hair. I can see equivalencies in the subcontinental community with the fair and lovely skin lightening cream, fake green/blue contact lenses as well as bleached blonde hair to make themselves more European looking.
  20. A coconut is a term when someone is brown on the outside and white on the inside.
  21. http://www.buzzfeed.com/claudiakoerner/a-civil-rights-leader-has-disguised-herself-as-black-for-yea#.arYVM9LPE I wonder how many of the coconuts in our community would love to be trans-racial.
  22. Would not be surprised if she is good friends with Sunny Hundal.
  23. What would be interesting to see if the native Hindu Punjabi population in Punjab is in decline.
  24. Aren't Ram, Krishna supposed to be incarnations of Vishnu, are they not avatars? Surely that is very different from Sat guru. Also isn't Vishnu part of a trinity, we as Sikhs are focused on the One.
  25. Let's not get into some p*ss*ng contest about which culture is better. Every culture has it's good points and bad points. The benefits of being a Western Sikh is you can take the best from both.
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