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Everything posted by akaltaksal

  1. Not really. I have yet to meet any Hindu or Sikh who used a Dharmic lense to look at Islam or Christianity. It's very much the opposite. So many scholars from an Abrahamic background looked upon the Sikh scriptures trying to see if it fit into their preconcieved notion of theology, religion, religious law, and doctrine. I'd like to see an example of the reverse. Don't expect the Gurus to list out every immorality and crime known to mankind. Janamsakhis mention it, but I doubt anyone here read those.When Guru Nanak Dev Ji was in Rüm, he spoke against Slavery there, as it was happening there.It's pretty clearcut. Again, the Sikh texts (and other core Dharmic texts too) aren't like the Quran, Talmud or Bible.
  2. Yes but the population and it's posterity have little responsibility over their government's actions once elected and placed in power
  3. Well no, not really. I and many others have no problem with their attire. Pew research polls tell another story. Any individual that adheres to and holds onto and enacts upon misogynistic, supremacist, and overall anti-western views, is incompatible with western society. I could care less for right wingers say in Europe (Not the best place for Sikhs to live in anyways). But in the US, we integrate pretty well. An extreme right wing lunatic here, could say what he pleases, it just wouldn't be well recieved by the rest of society.
  4. So your rhetoric here is that the general population is to be held accountable and thus needs to suffer for it? I can understand a good portion of these refugees coming into the US, we could do so with fewer repercussions. However, Europe cannot.
  5. No, they're not rumours. I just don't have the evidence at hand to provide for any statement I'd give. Doesn't mean I didn't verify or analyze what I found. If anything, I'm sure many of those whistle blowers from the Panjab police that are coming out now gave details in regards to Dhumma.
  6. I don't quite understand what you're asking. However, I can say that Italy has, overwhelmingly, African Economic migrants. Ironically, the far left (I say the far left, as I'm a classical Liberal) only admitted to this fact recently this year, when the truth became too obvious to overlook and cover in a cloak of political correctness.
  7. But you'd have to admit at some point that religion has a hand in shaping such a culture.
  8. That plan was in response to the imminent threat that the Muslim League posed to the Sikh population, as well as the massacre of our people a full year before partition.
  9. It's not about immigration but rather comforty and integration. Something that the muslim population migrating to Europe lacks. Furthermore, Not every European country was involved in the invasion of Iraq and other middle eastern issues, so why should they carry the load of migrants/refugees? Especially when they are a threat to the culture of the host population.
  10. Trump is nowhere near, not even comparable, to what muslim countries are doing. A majority of the population didn't vote for Trump neither is it shifting any further to the right. It's a separate matter altogether. Same could be somewhat said about Modi. and No, I still can blame them. Popularity and commonality does not equate to moral/ethical acceptance. If you seek to divert the attention and focus of scrutiny from one particular problem by pointing at another, it doesn't do your point any justice. Especially when you make a blanket statement such as the above.
  11. Akhand Keertani Jatha is divided into three prominent groups and some smaller groups. The Maryada and beliefs differ (Except for core AKJ principles like Keski, Larrivaar, Raagmala, Mool Mantar.) GurmatBibek group is not even mainstream AKJ, it's a splinter group that's at odds with the mainstream. They have noticably different Rehat.
  12. Traditionally, you approach the SGGSJ and/or Panj Pyare to end the marriage.
  13. Also, divorce is acceptable in Sikhi. There's an instance in which a Noble comes to have Darshan of Sri Guru Amar Das Ji. This noble was married to a girl who was less than half his own age. Seeing this, the Guru disapproved, and had her remarried to another person who was around the same age and had Sanjog.
  14. To begin with, you need to erase your whole perception of religion as a whole. Many times I see Muslims try to view Sikhi or any Dharmic faith through an Abrahamic lense and comparative criteria. Which is absolutely pathetic and does no justice to them when trying to understand the faiths at hand. In Gur Rattan Mal and Sri Gur Katha, there is a recorded instance of Sikhs capturing a Muslim Ranghar or Pathan woman as a form of revenge upon muslims, this was strongly detested by the Tenth Guru who ordered for the woman to be returned untouched, instructing the Khalsa to not stoop so low, as the Panth was made with to encompass morale. It's well established in Sikh scriptures and history (of the gurus and their Sikhs) that independence, sovereignty, and freedom of expression and practice, that conforms to the common moral reasoning and principles expected from all of human civilization and Gurmat, is a core principle that all Sikhs hold onto. In the biographies and hagiographies the Gurus and the Bhagat Sahibans, there are numerous instances in which the Gurus opposed such evil. ਕਬੀਰਜੋਰੀਕੀੲੇਜੁਲਮੁਹੈਕਹਤਾਨਾੳੁਹਲਾਲੁ॥ " Kabeer, to use force/coercion (Zori) is tyranny, even if you call it permissable." -SGGSJ Ang 1374 Slavery would be vehemently against the Gurmat principles laid down by our Gurus. Due to their treatment of conquered people (rape, looting slavery, etc.), The Tenth Guru had called the marauding Muslims 'Asurs' (Demons) and Malech (Barbarians). ਅਸੁਰ ਸਿੰਘਾਰਬੇ ਕੋ ਦੁਰਜਨ ਕੇ ਮਾਰਬੇ ਕੋ ਸੰਕਟ ਨਿਵਾਰਬੇ ਕੋ ਖ਼ਾਲਸਾ ਬਨਾਯੋ ਹੈ॥ "To slay the Asur (Demon), To kill the Durjan (wicked men), to eradicate Sankat (crisis, calamity, hardship, scourge), The Khalsa has been made." -Sri Guru Sobha, Kavi Sainapat Ji. To endorse, condone, and practice slavery is a crime that directly opposes the principles of the Gurus (ones instated especially by the first and the tenth) as well as basic morality.
  15. The problem with a sizable muslim population is that their religion at one point or another will real it's head up, followed by Islamic nationalism. It's a group of people that cannot, and will not conform to the moral culture that's present in the rest of the world. But would rather seek to dominate. Even secular, pre-dominantly Muslim countries are becoming increasingly Islamic and conservative. Bringing such people in, without an effective plan to dissolve, neutralize and integrate them is dangerous to the host country. Learn from Europe's mistakes.
  16. Muslims care for themselves and their own community. Thus they should watch over their own kind. It's survival. They won't come to the aid of Sikhs but would be more than happy to dig our graves. Khalsa Aid and all these other organizations needs to focus and channel their resources to needy Sikh populations across the world, and not to these rohingyas or other muslims, they already have a community to care for them.
  17. Sure, It's an open forum. But not to my liking. If they're useful to any topic and discussion, then of course, otherwise it's just a waste of time. Don't see what you'd get out of here anyways.
  18. Well, to address your last statement, they're in a better place now, aren't they?
  19. He turned out to be a better candidate than Rhode or Mohkam Singh. I won't say exactly why because I can't say anything with a concrete basis to provide for my statements but any old-Taksal defector from the 90s and Early 2000s would know.
  20. The reason why Jews are successful is because they were pushed around for 2000 odd years and within that period, that community gradually learned to value education, climbing up the ranks whilst offering use to and political leverage. I can't believe you're spewing all this zionist world domination nonsense. Israel isn't the only country to ban pornography. Not like it's ban deters anyone anyways. This mumbo-jumbo is an evolved carry over of the medieval anti-semitism. Also, I'm not sure you've ever known Jews, personally. Their women marry outside of the faith frequently. They're a community that values education, innovation, and that looks out for its own. I can't believe I'd end up reading that on this forum.
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