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Everything posted by jkvlondon

  1. nah you got it wrong the male lawyer marries his choice of young eager brides to be who more than likely don't have equal level of education but are younger (something's got to give). So the time the female qualifies by passing the bar there is a dearth of same age/level guys to marry so then she hangs around looking but keeps getting rebuffed for her age then she has to settle for less educated guys whose lifeview is different than hers and she will get grief for her educated ways by her MIL.
  2. what do you expect Modi's been rubbing his hands together since brexit now he can put pressure on May's cabinet to defame us much like in the eighties and nineties . This Birdi guy needs to be talked to sounds like a total stooge . It's so sad the number of cocnuts coming out with those same tired lines sikhs believe are religions are equal ...so what's the problem ...honestly, coconuts the whole bunch.
  3. That's why I never exposed my kids to that vile brainwashing ... we watched bend it like beckham yesterday and my guys were horrified at the total slackness of morals ...guess I got it right cos even my little one said why are they all doing the wrong thing?
  4. maybe because they were the first to get out to the west ...longer exposure and in a way a bit too eager to remove kesh to be expedient in getting a job , My Nana ji only accepted my Dad's rishta because he had gone to the UK and came back sabat soorat to India having lived here a few years . Point to note is all my Dad's mates from back then were monay and the excuse was job nahin milda . You still hear that BS as an excuse these days from their progeny or grandkids .
  5. could we not achieve this ourselves (no meat shops and tobacco stalls) through encouraging better relations within the community and sponsoring an extension of the greening up of Amritsar to include no smoking policy to reduce pollution levels , free lung health checks and treatment , help to get people off the tobacco ? With meat industry maybe financial incentives to change business ? Why do we look at politicians they will never deliver ...
  6. one can only hope and do ardas that our menfolk realise just how deep sikhi is and has to go inside their psyche
  7. why feed the troll ? obviously he is fishing for people who sell their children , we aint no musley or hindus who have that track record
  8. agreed this is Ghazni Bazaar to power ten at least ... 'if your wife runs away within a year..we will send another'????? are these pieces of cardboard or human beings ? This is disguised sexual slavery , 'I bought you so you have to stay with me ' it is not a matter of fun BTW this is why the world weary women prefer gursikhs as they have a decency and humanity that very few others can match , provided that they are not bhekhi sikhs.
  9. I find this really suspect because it was always the mayor's intention to shut down the gurdwara ...from when they found illegals were coming for langar ...now they are putting fake-<banned word filter activated> smuggling daub on sikhs to achieve this after the gurdwara had already agreed to overnight closure (20.00- 07:00) so already no chance for rensabhais, akhand paats, or keeping of Guru ka langar maryada plus the other condition of identity searches of all coming and going ...is this not harassment of the highest order? Honestly if the sikhs are arguing it would probably be about the situation ...
  10. very simplistic thinking again , we only had Mum and Dad here no others from dadakey or nanakey , they would leave early in the morning and arrive back late at night due to the shop being many miles across town , we grew up with no local sangat/gurdwara apart from ourselves .Those who had full access to my grandparents back in India their children are all hinduized semi-nastik mayadharis dispite my Nani and Nana ji being firm Gursikhs , My Dada ji was an amateur kirtani when he wasn't working and did much sewa of the poor teaching them for free(he was an orphan and he managed to pull himself up without official schooling). I am grateful that I was given the parents I had because they maximised our exposure to real gursikhs when we were young and taught about Guru Sahiban and instilled the good virtues a sikh should have , they transported us by hook and crook to rensabhais in the whole of the UK, local and England based akhand paths, let us freedom to do full sewa in gurdwara langar even though we had no car . We would sit together as a family to do sodar and kirtan sohila and sukhasan of Guru ji .So although they couldn't be with us when they were , they really give us full attention IT IS NOT BOS's responsibility to teach iNSTEAD of parents doing their duty, parents should do their job properly and adjust their attitude to realise that to make the world a better place we have to create good humans beings that is the real sewa to show the world through the gursikh lens and encourage character of the highest order in AKal Purakh's newly sent .
  11. it is supposedly for kids to know about others cultures and beliefs and to share , I had cultural day and similar questions before the summer break . They had a picnic where the kids wore their cultures clothes and share their cultures foods too. it's a good intention but it seems bhain ji's son's school were a little haphazard with explanation or planning . I would never ask a teacher for what to tell your child about something so important as faith as many parents don't realise that many teacher can colour the kid's minds against faith and other cultures . My sons were taught religious education by openly hostile atheists , thankfully they had always come to me as little ones with their questions about sometimes very deep stuff and we talked about it. If I didn't know we would look together at what Sikhi says and what other groups say. I know it's hard because you are busy, but they only have one naive childhood where you can make them sure of themselves and give them the truth and non-judgemental aspect of others' ideas. the reward will come later when they grow up into wonderful strong humans who can see humanity as one , seperate from political manipulation of mayadharis. you could show him some of the basics of sikhi kiddie stuff to explain Guru, Waheguru, Khalsa and how sikhs are meant to be , before looking up other faiths . My daughter had an inkling of places where people go to do waheguru waheguru i.e. church, synagogue, mosque(turkish one near my Mum's) and would announce when she would see a place ...later she realise that there many names people use for Waheguru . , then from there she learnt that they have different ways of eating and drinking , dressing and speaking . It 's a good opportunity to familiarise yourself with the local places of worship location wise , if you visit maybe find something cool going on: our local church has a yearly flower display and show inside for autumn as well as collection of tinned goods and toiletries for the local shelter (link it to sewa concept helps him to see that others do this ).
  12. it's true we work but need to leave the result to Waheguru He know best for our development.
  13. judging from her pics she doesn't strike me as into sikhi in the slightest as she's got her slave nose pin in and bleached hair ... Guru Teg Bahadur ji said it truly 'eh jag meh meet na dekhio koi'
  14. Redbridge is not a rough area , neither is chigwell . I grew up in Hackney on the council estates which was and is still to some extent . However I do not behave like an animal and neither do my siblings or our children so that is not the reason it is the parents fault for not teaching about sikh saroop and respect for fellow human beings ...
  15. not to mention being totally racist ...by referring to the people of the whole continent of Africa as Abdi ...SLAVES.
  16. they put up prices and were more worried about the paise side than student safety ... I put him there as I had to go through bullying by gorey and kaley when I was little and these days Sikhs need to be confident in themselves, I thought our own would leave him be but that was not the case . He still feels badly towards 'sikh' monay and otherwise kids because of it and now I have to counter gorey lax ways in his peer group. What is wrong with our people that they will teach their kids to attack those who follow sikhi properly?
  17. I didn't... my own dadi and dada ji and My Nana and Nani ji were young teens when they got married and they had a marriage which lasted over seventyfive years... so we got to know them when they still had energy to give and could share fully their advice . My mother however was in her late fifties when I had my kids and she is struggling now she is seventy to keep up with her younger grands , I will probably be in my mid sixties before I have grand kids and I am thinking ahead and know I have to work on my health and energy now to be a strong and active grandmother then.
  18. hmm Russian Gori commenting on young marriage as experienced via teenage love match methinks . The gursikh model was young too but more supported in extended family setting so not as fragile . another plus is young parents make young grandparents and therefore have the energy and wherewithal to teach the new grandkids from their life experience and bhagti.
  19. given the recent figures on whose spending on armaments on the globe compared to their GDP and this initiative It seems that the 565 billion dollars being spent by china may figure in this infrastructure project too...think british raj and railways
  20. maybe they appeal to him because they are already cowed ...bl*dy misogynist
  21. bro , nice try but my point was arguing about substances which is maya above thinking about conduct thoughts and actions is upside down . I don't eat maas and I don't care what others choose for themselves because they are piling up pain for themselves , sure I can suggest be deep thinkers and not just plump for easy option ... but the truth is most meat eating sikhs don't even consider the prohibition on kosher/halal/bali style meats their desire to eat rules . Sikhs are made to improve and make the world better place for all and if we can create khalsa ethics based farming (organic) and Dairy (natural insemination, fixed number of pregnancies well spaced out, mother child bonding and retirement to pasture ) it will be great for this country and any others who take it up . I have seen up close how my Nani ji treated animals and I think she took it as a sewa done with much love , eating after making sure they were fed first 'just because they cannot speak doesn't mean we treat them badly or lesser , they too are Akal Purakh's jia.' I am predominately vegan now as dairy eating causes my fingers to seize up and also I do not want to add to the misery of those poor animals... if I find an ethical dairy then I may consider it for sourcing butter to make ghee for Karah .
  22. My eldest went to GGSK and it was the mistake of my life , he was bullied from the age of 3 until when he got an alternative place in state school at age 6 by his teachers, by his classmates and even the older kids . By older I mean 13 year old and he pulled a knife on him , the k*&*r owner tried to pin it on my kid because the other guy was a troublemaker and had similar parents. His teacher tried call him half sikh and was more worried about my marriage than his studies : to which I replied you are either a sikh or not it has zero to do with nationality or ethnicity , I came to talk about my son not answer your questions about my life. He was bullied by apnay the most because he wore a patka and they were mainly monay. My son is a hyperintelligent kid and they had to sit him in with year one students because he was too advanced for the age appropriate classes. He was threatened by that 13 year old and told to hold the knife him and if he told that boy would kill my husband and myself , the boy was so petrified he didn't speak about it for hours when the school called us to collect him 'because he was in trouble'. (Just like Indian Non Justice) . we slowly coaxed it out of him and were horrified to find out the truth. The level of sikhi there was minimal ...I hope for other kids it has improved but since then most of the people I have met who have been said it was not great
  23. bro when we come into this world we are all loving beings who know no hate but then we forget that we are the same and look for differences if you think somehow that your faith is teaching this seperation and hate then you have a choice to leave and find an all-accepting/loving one .
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