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Everything posted by Sewadar

  1. Post the video link again when it's available. Till then this topic is closed.
  2. Gupt Forum Announcement "Thank you to everyone who have contributed to the testing of the Gupt forum in the past month. The trial has gone extremely well and is already becoming an integral part of the SikhSangat.com Forum. The Administrators and Moderators of the forum have recently decided to keep the Gupt forum however, we have decided to make it an intermittent feature. This means the Gupt forum will only be available during certain times and for a certain period of time. This is to encourage more n more members to join the forum and become part of the growing Sikh Sangat online. Gupt forum will be fully open during the time period of 1st and 3rd week of each month for anonymous posts. Then this section will be disabled for new threads and it will be read only archive for the 2nd and 4th week of the month however it will still be viewable to all members and non-members. In addition to the above changes, All new topics in the Gupt forum will be approved by the moderators to keep the quality of the topics on the forum high. Replying to Topics in Gupt forum category will remain unmoderated, and will not require approval, only the new toipcs posted under Gupt category will need approval. We again thank each and every one of you for your continued support and help in making the SikhSangat.com Network a growing success." The above rules will come in effect from 1st September 2005.
  3. August Press Release Sikhs in the Post-9/11 and 7th July terrorist bombings climate READ AUGUST PRESS RELEASE
  4. Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ki fateh Recently, we have had a number of threats via e-mail regarding some posts on this forum. We request members to use the "Report this thread" functionality provided to resolve any issues before e-mailing individual administrators. If you still don't see any action taken by mods/admins, email us at contact@sikhsangat.com Also, we have two new sewadars who will contribute to make this forum the much better place while staying neutral in all issues. We will introduce our sewadars in coming days. Where Report feature is located? See the Attached picture.. go ahead and give it a test try ! Best Regards SSTeam
  5. July 23rd Avtar Guru Har Krishen Ji
  6. This post is by user id : BRITISHARMYSINGH who accidently sent the reply to admin pm by using "report this post" feature. ----- i feel that it is sad that as sikhs we have not been able to inform the british people that we are not muslims however i dont think they would care so to that end the only answer is khalistan we aint gonna get it over night and we aint gonna be given it in on a plate we just gonna have to take it back ANON SINGH 12 REGIMENT ROYAL ARTILLERY BRITISH ARMY GERMANY
  7. July 5 Parkash Dihaara Guru Hargobind Ji
  8. Just guns like ak47, pistols, missiles anything like that.
  9. Sig Rules from rules & guidelines : For text signatures: 4 lines normal size, 8 lines small size and up to 90 chars per line. Font sizes above 2 are not allowed. (Blank lines count as lines.) For images in signatures: 1 image up to 300 pixels wide, 125 pixels tall and 20k in size
  10. WJKK WJKF This is the announcement about a very sensitive topic. We respect shaastars and hold utmost respect toward any shastar. Sadly, Sikh websites are being monitored by many agencies and thus we would like to request members not to upload pictures related to the guns (either personal or searched online). Having guns sigs or avtars means that the website is “R” rated and we all know everyone should be above teenager age to view “R” rated materials. So before we take action of removing all sigs and avtars, we will allow users and members to edit their images. Deadline is 07/2/05 - 12:00am PST. SikhSangat reserve the right to change and moderate signatures and banners as the moderators of the forum see fit. The Signature fonts should not be bigger than default normal font size set by board. Chardi Kala WJKK WJKF SSTeam
  11. if anybody in the UK has such problems then they should contact the Police. If they experience school & related issues regarding Sikhism (5 K's): Bullying and Racism, Depression, Abuse, Addictions (smoking / drinking), Problems at school, Problems at home, or other such problems then they can contact the Sikh helpline: 0845 644 0704 (Hotline) 01902 494240 (Office) info@sikhhelpline.com (General) help@sikhhelpline.com (Help)
  12. Finally YOM is here.... :doh: YOM for June & July is Ravinder Kaur from Leicester, UK. She truly is the "Voice of Youth" !!! Check it out @ http://www.UNITEDSIKHS.com
  13. Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ki fateh Everyone has said what they needed to and ideas have been exchanged. Its a complex problem and different for each area. Topic is Closed for now. Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ki fateh
  14. Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ki fateh Everyone has said what they needed to and ideas have been exchanged. Its a complex problem and different for each area. Thread will be closed after user id "BuddaSingh" Reply. Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ki fateh
  15. Dear SikhSangat, We can't urge everyone enough to stick to Gurbani related topics. eyhV qyhV Cif qU gur kw sbdu pCwxu ] eaeharr thaeharr shhadd thoo gur kaa sabadh pashhaan || Renounce your petty arguments, and realize the Word of the Guru's Shabad. Shabad The very fine points that are not directed towards anyone in specific get left out, because we tend to visit more often and see what someone has said against us so that we can backfire, this is not the characteristics of Gursikh. PLEASE stick to gurbani. Vaad virodh salahne, vaade avan jaan|| Topic Closed.
  16. [B]June 16 Shaheedi Guru Arjan Dev Ji[/B]
  17. hmm i just checked your account any there is nothing that should prevent you from posting. Are you sure u just didnt see the posts because of there are so many posts already in that topic and you may have missed your? I can see your post in the introduction thread, its three topics from the bottom. direct link :doh: http://www.sikhsangat.com/index.ppa?showto...ndpost&p=103032 Let us know if you still have posting problem or any other problem.
  18. SikhSangat.com - 100,000 Post Anniversary Congratulations to all the members of SikhSangat, it is you who have made SikhSangat.com a big success with your inspirational, education, and uplifting posts. We as sewadars hope that SikhSangat.com continues to grow in all directions and we all continue to learn from each other's experiences, knowledge and wisdom. They say its quality not quantity. But thankfully, throughout the years, SikhSangat.com has managed to deliver both, and this June of 2005 we are celebrating the 100,000th post. This, as well as an achievement, is a thank you. A thank you to everyone who has contributed in making SikhSangat.com one of the most successful Sikh public forums on the Internet today. SikhSangat.com has come a long way, through trials and tribulations the sangat stood together and strong under one nishaan sahib overcoming many obstacles online as well as in the local communities around the world. Lets continue to carry the torch of Guru Nanak in every part of the world and generate love, tolerance and compassion all around the world. Lets continue to stick together as one jatha of Gursikhs under the guidance of Sri Guru Granth Sahib reflecting on the essence of the teachings of our Gurus. Lets continue to build a foundation for many generations to come. And lets continue to inspire and be inspired in the holy company of Saints.
  19. June 11 - Gur Gadi Guru Hargobind Ji
  20. Facts are taken from the ppt presentation of one singh's website and they are 100% valid. It's time to talk about facts rather than just opinions. Spread the word out jeeoo !! Chardi kala and Massive respect to Shaheed Freedom Fighters !!
  21. Sikh Freedom Struggle Here's the brief explanation of Sikh Struggle in India expanding several decades. http://pr.sikhsangat.com Contents: The Beginning - Freedom Struggle The Independence - Conference in England 1946 Sikh Killings in Pakistan Promises After 1947 The Fight for our Rights The Sikh Demands of 1953 Continuing Struggle The Sikh Demands of 1973 Massacre of 1978 The Revenge Betrayal of Akali Dal The Attack Blue Star The Aftermath READ SIKHSANGAT PRESS RELEASE
  22. Just added a nice game to the Arcade Check it out @ the following link http://www.sikhsangat.com/index.ppa?act=Ar...=play&gameid=52 Also Created a Category called Top Games where i have put all the most played Games.
  23. Added 18 new games to the Arcade , will add few more good ones tonight. Also can someone list possible categories for the games, cos i dont really know wat category "tetris" goes into. Main thing left is to categorise Games now.
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