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Posts posted by MisterrSingh

  1. It is disappointing to observe these issues when in places like Punjab. When you're hoping for some cultural authencity, but you end up with a eastern-tinged facsimile of what you came from in the West, it does make you wonder why there's a sense of something verging on embarrassment to be proud of their natural state of being. Or maybe it's globalism and the forces of capitalism in full flow?

  2. 3 minutes ago, jkvlondon said:

    maybe major emf waves from sunstorms will knock all tech on its butt, Oil and Gas will be gone by then for sure , leaving us reliant on hightech  ecofriendly options of energy production which will be vulnerable to such storms also we are due switching of magnectic poles .

    There is a current trend of high tech jamming weapons development also ...

    Any theories on whether the internet is a technological abberation of our times or is it here to stay for good? I have to say my soul says it's a temporary diversion, albeit a pretty major one, that symbolises the contemporary trivialities of our shallow and somewhat empty modern lives. Its impact on people's consciousness outweighs the admittedly good that it potentially offers for education and enlightenment. A double-edged sword if ever there was one.

  3. 1 hour ago, jkvlondon said:

    and thus you swallow the Brahmin's lie too ... if englishmen could note that 'all an spurned and reviled untouchable had to do was become a khalsa and return home a hero and sardar garnering respect from all ' ....why wouldn't all natives not know this ???

    Because it wasn't practiced on a scale where the day to day experiences of a Dalit or other so-called lower caste individual reflected that ideal. If things are barely improving at a snail's pace in these times, imagine how obvious and pervasive it must have been back then.

  4. I'm guessing sometime in the future, horses will again become the standard mode of transport if most of the major religions state the end-of-times Messiah (or whoever) will arrive on a horse. I wonder if this follows a worldwide societal regression of technological progress, caused by the fallout from conflict and war? Sadly, no prophesies about unidentified flying objects, lol.

  5. 1 hour ago, AjeetSinghPunjabi said:

    not all dharmic faiths . Sikhi doesn't consider it as a 'good guy' because we don't believe in vishnu as supreme. Kalki is vishnu avatar. Hindus believe that vishnu, the maintainer of universe will wait till things get really dark in kalyug and then come sitting on a white horse with a khanda in his hand to kill the wicked . Whereas our 10th guru taught us "Jaha taha tum dharam pasaro . Dusht dokhian pakad pachharo"(Wherever u spread dharma, uproot the wicked and tyrants). So whereas hindus wait, Sikhs believe in acting in the present. big difference 

    The anticipation of his arrival is palpable among certain Sikh groups whether we "believe" in his divinity or not. He's enough to warrant a mention in Dasam Guru's Bani in somewhat positive terms, so there must be something in his coming that will spell a change for all humanity, including Sikhs.

  6. 1 hour ago, TheeTurbanator said:

    BoS does not put ads on their videos, and even if they did, it would not be anywhere near enough. 


    To put it simply: expenses outweigh their income. 

    The parent charity “Everythings 13” has many projects, one of which is Basics of Sikhi, among others which are the Parchaarik Academy, Sikh Press Association, the Amritsar Visitor Center, etc. 

    What people don’t realize is that BoS is just one of many sub projects of Everythings 13z 

    I understand now. Thanks. I always assumed they were receiving a modest yet steady income from views. Was that a decision made by Bhai Jagraj Singh, or was that YouTube's doing? Also, I didn't realise there was an umbrella organisation involved. Well, BoS has been a huge force for awareness for Sikhs and non-Sikhs alike. It's one of the few non-partisan sources of Sikh parchaar in these times, and as such it's essential.

  7. Gobind Singh translating the Purana version writes in the Sri Dasam Granth:

    When there is incest, adultery, atheism, hatred of religion, no more dharma, and sin everywhere, the impossible Iron Age has come; in what way the world will be saved? For the helpless, Vishnu himself will manifest as the Supreme Purusha. He will be called the Kalki incarnation and will be glorious like a lion coming down from heaven.

    Nearly there.

  8. From a wider perspective, the perpetuation of the idea of "love" and other related ideals, that are packaged and incessantly pushed onto the masses via the entertainment industries, has been toxic to the attitudes to marriage and relationships in general. The "waiting for the one" nonsense has resulted in people who have no business being picky suddenly gaining airs and graces, lol. I understand females deviating to that norm, but men, too? It's hilarious.

  9. 45 minutes ago, AjeetSinghPunjabi said:

    What I am far more scared off is the Karmic consequences of keeping her in dark for lifetime. Even though she might be merry and all , but in which hell would god put me for cheating her for lifetime like this . I fear divine retribution , but at the same time now i can't go back. Its a tough place to be in . 

    Yes, this would concern me, too.

  10. 58 minutes ago, AjeetSinghPunjabi said:

    i don't want to drag my story here , sorry , but by this logic my marriage is doomed to failure then ?

    Your circumstances are unique, shall we say. I'm referring to instances where the union isn't taking place under duplicitous circumstances, no offence, I.e. both parties are actively looking for a partner with whom they want to be willingly joined.

  11. 1 hour ago, AjeetSinghPunjabi said:

    I don't get it what are you trying to say exactly ? You're saying it is impossible to keep gayness a perpetual secret in indian society . Why do you think so ? Rather the opposite should be true. Without any proper dialogue in society about homosexuality , it is infact easier to keep one's homosexuality under the rug . 

    I have no plan on coming out to her . If I did , she won't stay put. I don't think any women would. Sorry but heterosexuals have created this climate. And now that I am engaged, ther'es no looking back 

    She's going to find out one day, Ajeet Singh. You can hope it never happens, but how can she not? Maybe I'm giving her too much credit? Are you one of those effeminate, limp-wristed gays or are you manly type? Do you have gay friends and acquaintances who you keep in touch with via the phone? What if she sifts through your phone and finds compromising things? Are you going to lead a secret double life, whereby you perform the duties of a householder during the week, but let your hair down (not literally; that would make you a trans) on the weekends and meet with your gay crew as an outlet for your true desires? It seems like so much of a psychological burden.

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