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Everything posted by eduardo

  1. It's probably just an excuse by the Police because firstly they are lazy and don't really want to deal with crime and secondly maybe this goes a lot higher than we know about and they are being instructed to leave the problem alone.
  2. Well we are inching a bit closer to the upper echelons of society, in Rotherham at least: "About 300 suspects have been identified in an investigation into child sex abuse in Rotherham, the National Crime Agency (NCA) has said. The agency said two of those under investigation were serving or former Rotherham councillors." http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-33256405 Old Skool English justice springs to mind, first put them in the stocks so the whole town can hurl abuse and any missile they like at them followed by a good old hang draw and quartering. Nyce.
  3. Just a little something I spotted and thought worth mentioning: "Two Moroccan gay men have been sentenced to four months each in jail after they were arrested for standing too close to one another as they posed for a photograph in front of a historic site in Rabat. Male homosexuality is widespread in Morocco. Until recently there was a de facto toleration of same-sex relations, providing they were private and hidden. The intensifying repression coincides with more gay Moroccans coming out and the emergence of online gay publications and chat rooms.” http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jun/22/moroccan-gay-men-four-months-prison-photograph Just felt the need to mention this, not sure why, probably to back Balkaar's argument up. I am straight by the way, 100%, I love the ladies.
  4. Aye it's amazing how the British upper classes will always protect themselves and each other. These are powerful people with very powerful connections within the Police and government and they very rarely if ever get prosecuted. You can be sure the security services like MI5 etc knew all about this but kept it quiet and I wonder how many others they know about but say nothing? Probably under the clause/ excuse of not being in the public interest. These members of the high classes have a streak of arrogance in them so wide they truly think they are above the Law. And of course most of the victims come from the lower classes. The British class system is still alive and well in Old Blighty in 2015.
  5. Who invited you here? You will make no money out of me? Edit, apologies, I thought you were spamming.
  6. Not sure about the funding etc will have to do a bit of research but a modern white feminist would probably fight to allow a Muslim women to wear the full Burkha in public and in effect they are encouraging the mental attitude of "hey it's my right to be oppressed as long as I choose it, it is OK to be oppressed if I choose to allow it". On the subject of oppression of women within Islam modern feminists blow a head gasket due to the mental pressure and their thinking gets proper fcked up. :stupidme:
  7. I agree 100%. Try getting a modern feminist to criticise extremist and literal Islam, they shrink away and start complaining about the question being some form of male entrapment. Or they will make the excuse that it is disrepectful and culturally insensitive and maybe racist to criticise another persons culture and that in the end under the doctrine of multi culturism all cultures are equal under the clause of cultural relativism and that any change within the Islamic community must come from its own people. There is only one true femanist I know of who does criticise political/ extremist/ literal/ or whatever you want to call it Islam and her name is Maryam Namazie. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maryam_Namazie "Namazie has denounced the discrimination women have to endure under the Islamic regime: “From the very fact that you are a second-class citizen, even your testimony legally is worth half that of a man's, you get half what a boy does in inheritance if you are a girl. You have to be veiled if you're a girl or a woman, and there are certain fields of education or work that are closed to you because you're considered emotional.” She compares women's situation under Islamic regimes today to the social inequalities under the apartheid in South Africa, and she cites as examples the existence of separate entrances for women into government offices and the separation of men and women on swimming areas in the Caspian sea by a curtain"
  8. Here's a good one: https://www.tumblr.com/search/princess%20sophia%20duleep%20singh http://www.getwestlondon.co.uk/whats-on/arts-culture-news/sikh-princess-suffragette-who-would-8476589
  9. Not surprising you think booze filled Bhangra is lame when you have all this treasure:
  10. Maybe not just Britain but the whole of Europe, how would you explain this in terms of Karma? And in terms of Karma, what have the Sikhs done to deserve the treatment they get in India, I mean if Karma is what it's all about what could the Sikhs have possibly done in the past to deserve the treatment they are getting today? And in terms of Karma why did the Sikhs have to suffer partition in the first place? What bad Karma was responsible for bringing this outcome? I mean if Karma is a way of explaining why bad things happen to you in this life and the explanation being that you somehow deserve these things happening to you because of past life transgressions then surely by this rationale partition was a result of previous past life trangressions by Sikhs themselves and ultimately what occured to the Sikhs was a result of their own bad Karma? It's quite a nice system because it lets the British off Scots free, I mean all we were doing was what needed to be done to set the balance of Karma back to equilibrium right? And the ultimate definition of Karma is that you brought it all upon yourselves and the British were mere agents in this cosmic Karmic soup. Where do you draw the line between bad things happening to you as a result of your own bad Karma (and ultimately being your own fault) and bad things happening to you as a result of pure evil? I mean do you believe evil exists or do you believe everything that happens to you is a result of past Karma?
  11. The one question I have is can you blame partition solely and 100% on the British? Surely there were other players involved, the British were a spent force after WW2 and didn't really have any gobal power left and partition was in 1947. I mean if honesty is the word here then what other parties were guilty of this crime? Why would the British be interested in dividing the Sikhs if we were no longer a part of India? What possible benefit could it be to us? Something doesn't add up here.
  12. Sorry it was a bit of an idiotic post, I wasn't myself when I wrote it. What I meant is that if you are an old person and just by the fact you are old this guarantees you respect whether you have earned it or not then this sounds like a nice comfortable environment to find yourself in. If age equals respect then old people must have quite a nice life within the Punjabi community.
  13. Nice. Wearing the clothes of old age automatically qualifies you for respect. Nice comfortable existance. Sounds good to me.
  14. Do you have any immortal Saints? I mean besides the Gurus do you have any Saints that have reached the ultimate goal? It's a genuine question.
  15. My parents are quite old but what they excel in is being able to spot bad company. If I bring people back or get friendly with someone they seem to be able to judge that persons character/ motives better than me. I mean they have my/your best interests at heart and have a lifetime of experience observing relationships so I think where older people are wiser is in this area. The area of relationships and whether someone is a genuine friend/ partner or not and whether their motives are in your best interests or not. Just my tuppence worth.
  16. It is however something that is very noble about Punjabi culture in that the old ones can feel quite safe amongst the young. At least they are not abused in public and mistreated just for being old, I am thinking groups of young western kids victimising and terrorising an old fella sitting at a bus stop in the UK purely because the fella is old. This is not uncommon here.
  17. Balkaar is a top poster, far more intelligent than you mate.
  18. I read this earlier, my main impression was that of a white Madam/Pimp Islamic convert named Shafina Ali gaining the trust of these girls and then selling them on, all good business in her mind no doubt. PC Hassan Ali's death sounds a bit suspicious to me, I reckon this scandal goes a lot deeper and we may never now the full extent of how far this virus and infection has spread.
  19. I always thought hell was an Abrahamic construct. Didn't realise it existed in Sikhi too.
  20. But there is no end right, just continual change for all eternity? Is that about right? I mean is there an end?
  21. Thanks for that. So the expression is not really a slur against white Europeans but rather a slur against those who would disown their own culture in order to imitate white Europeans. I've often found it quite ironic when talking to some Indians or Punjabi's in that because I am white I sense they are trying to say the right thing to me to try to impress me that they are good citizens and just want to try to fit in. I mean they don't really know me but immediately they take the position of "hey, we are just like you". Sometimes I feel like screaming because in my mind we should be learning from Asian people, learning what a lot of us in the west have forgotten namely family loyalty and duty to one's kith and kin. If I concentrate on just the Punjabi people I speak to there seems to be a lack of confidence in some of them like they don't really know where they are and how they should fit in and it seems sometimes an apologetic tone of voice appears when they talk about being Asian. This is crazy talk because you have so much to be proud of and it does pain me when I listen to some of the younger guys who have lost or are deliberately distancing themselves from their cultural heritage. And the very worst thing I see is some Asian people trusting or looking up to others simply because they are white. I am no self loathing white man, but let me tell you I have met many dodgy, wouldn't trust them as far as I could spit white people. Totally selfish and don't care about anyone, not even their own families, would rip anyone off and are full of lies and deceit. I mean does this post make sense, or am I imagining all this?
  22. Well what's the difference between being brown on the inside and white on the inside? Please explain.
  23. Acapella Jatha: How amazing this would sound in a big Cathedral echoing off the timeless walls:
  24. "Music was performed by: Gursevak Jatha who are all students of the Gurmat Sangeet Academy; Acapella Jatha -- three sisters who have been singing together for nearly 25 years; and Oliver Nelson, a renowned British violinist.. ****************************************** The Sikh and Christian faiths share a recognition of the virtues of Mercy, Truth, Righteousness and Peace. In this sense they both reach beyond their faithful to a vision of a better world. It is for the vision of that world, and in commemoration of those who have died seeking it, that we are gathered today." I am starting to feel exonerated now.
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