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Everything posted by Kira

  1. Kira


    I'm still a teenager (i suppose haha) so I can feel your pain. What Balkeer bhaji said is pretty spot on. Try and minimize the time you spend alone, Masturbation urges can usually come when someone can be "bored" or have nothing to do. Find a hobby and get submerged into it, going out with friends (good sangat) is also a pretty good way to negate that, rather than wasting your time going looking up porn, perhaps get a start on that really long and tedious work (if you're studying) load. Music or even better Gurbani can also help with this. Keep yourself distracted from lustful thoughts. Barricading yourself away is by far the worst thing you can do. I'm not sure how old you are but if you're going into those awkward teenage years, controlling the urge will be a challenge.
  2. I actually wasn't aware of that, thank you for that information. But Mian Mir ji still did Nimaz, or am I getting confused here? ahh that clears it up, Hinduism is so vast and big I don't think iv done more than just tip my toe in their culture haha. Yeah i can see that, I was under the delusion they lead sikh-style life styles while still attached to their own faiths. As a result their bani (in Ravi-das ji's case, im not sure if Mian Mir ji contributed to the compilation of Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji or not) were included in our ocean of knowledge. That's sort of why I always thought that leading a Sikh-lifestyle isn't only exclusive to Sikhism.
  3. But they identified themselves as Hindu/Muslim though? Hinduism is a pretty big tree with many roots, belief in the hindu trinity isn't always necessary from what I heard.
  4. That doesn't quite answer what I asked. So am I safe in assuming that a marriage is a union of souls, not people?
  5. So how about those famous saints who still followed their own religion, like the likes of Mian Mir Ji or Ravi-das ji? :huh2: I got it haha xD
  6. Everyone has a soul bhaji, let's not beat around the bush. So what you're implying is, its a more of a union of 2 souls rather than 2 individuals? am I correct with my assumption. To the best of what I read (the lavann I believe though im not sure if they were the lavan as they seemed very short) it is more of a spiritual bond than a physical one.
  7. Naturally I can agree to that. But what I meant is say a muslim or even a christian. who follows his religion, does his form of simran (nimaz or singing hymn) and is an extremely good human being. Do you think they can achieve mukhti?
  8. I remembered a nice verse I heard, where Guru Sahib ji told us we should follow the Guru's teachings rather than chasing the actions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCEkct9laIw It's mentioned here around 1:45. Honestly saying that just because Guru Sahib didn't conduct a certain thing or didn't do it doesn't mean much. They accomplished a massive amount in their lives, their were one of the most inspiring and spiritual people that ever lived. However Gurbani also doesn't talk about things such as genetic engineering, artificial insemination and such things. Our job therefore should really be looking at gurbani and applying it rationally to these problems. There will be conflicts, periods. Some people will see things such as genetic engineering as playing god and a form of almost blasphemy .Others will attribute it to human ingenuity. Our Guru now is the shabad Guru, as in Guru Granth Sahib, our eternal guru. The divine jott of all the 10 human gurus resides in there, rather than looking into history and using that to find answers, we should use Guru-Sahib. But im going off track here. I was under the dilusion that marriage is a merger of 2 souls, not 2 people? am I wrong here?
  9. Nah there was another scene where her mother said something like what would baba-ji think, something along those lines.
  10. As a fan of Japanese culture (mainly their novels,manga and anime) I can safety say that Okatu are frowned upon in general. Their culture is broad but Hentai is pretty much porn to them. It's a thriving industry there though, just like adult films are here. Though in many manga/anime there are those small sexual jokes but the most masterpiece ones which are considered works of art are devoid of this kind of humor.
  11. Population around that time was along the lines of 6,220,406, let's assume sikhs are at-least 5% going by current figures. That's about 311,020 sikhs. By implying only 3000 were murdered in such a densely packed area is extremely degrading. Considering a large chunk of mobs turned it into a sport and armed with voter lists went on a rampage.
  12. In certain cases we should. For example a growing populous can have a massive strain on land and food. As a result this can cause a deterioration of lifestyle in people and lead to starvation and massive social problems such as the spread of disease.
  13. Nah, her parents forbid her from playing because they considered it a waste of time and stuff. Then her sister's wedding got cancelled because they thought the main character was making out with a guy on the street (she was really just laughing with a friend). It does expose how controlling Punjabi culture is, but they did drag Sikhi into it a bit as well.
  14. what exactly does that have to do with the hostility I sensed coming from you? Why exactly are you bring that up when I was addressing something completely different. The whole concept of "Chilling out" is to remain calm. If you don't carry out actions in a calm manner how exactly are you going to get by in life? My mistake I mis-read. That sounds like a very hostile response so I felt the urge to comment on it. On the internet no one is who they say they are. You'd be naive to think anyone was, heck I might actually be some really bored Caucasian kid who suddenly decided to join a site to peeve of people. The world may never know. Our origins shouldn't matter no :strong:
  15. Would you mind finding me the vaars and angs please :D That's nice to hear, I sometimes get told my line of questioning seems like I'm attacking either Sikhi or the person haha. I'm just a curious soul by nature. Just another question, do you feel that taking Amrit is a requirement for us Sikhs if we wish to achieve salvation.
  16. Please enlighten me oh great one, on how I am equating "chilling out" with being quiet. "chilling out" refers to everyone calming down, Eduardo's not a Sikh, he'll have different views than you. Is that what you want on this site? a lack of opinions, where we cast out anyone who doesn't agree with us or even follow our faith. You should quit being so toxic to other people, rather than answering something that makes you angry with venom, try explaining things from your point of view. No point asking MODs or Admins to ban someone for saying something controversial.
  17. People here need to lighten up. We're all learning, living, trying to become better humans.
  18. I don't blame all this entirely on the media lol. The previous generation merged the conservative punjabi culture with our peace-loving, tolerate religion, nowadays when people think sikhk, punjabi is also a word that crops in there.
  19. There's nothing wrong with the pictures our Gurudwara's are also meant to be centers of learning. History is very rarely modern, our History is our heritage and usually it has pictures from key moments in it. It's sort of like our stained glass windows that many churches have.
  20. I don't get why people are so fascinating with Islam. Muslims were tyrants to Sikh people and we should never forget that but I feel that history is now affecting our youth who seem to develop this hatred for them as a people. The pictures are sort of meant to remind people of the hardships the Sikhs who came before us faced. We shouldn't look at it as Muslims killing Sikhs, it should be tyrants oppressing the masses and how the strong will of those iron clad sikhs withstood those swords. I mean not all muslims back in our Guru-ji's day were bad. Even when Guru Gobind Singh ji was facing Aurangzeb's hoards there were some gentle muslim souls who helped sikhs.
  21. Everything is waheguru's will. Nothing can exist outside of his will, that's something that was highlighted to us, I never understood how things like being gay or transgender or anything is something he didn't will for the person. Maybe it's a test, maybe it's a blessing, I have no idea. Yeah I don't understand free will as well, it's really a paradox for me but then again I over-complicate things. So basically you're arguing that it's against Sikhism. if it was then why wouldn't Guru-Sahib forbid it outright in Gurbani? Gay lifestyle is all kaam? you sound like the sort of person that's never spoken to a gay person let alone ask them about their lifestyles. Let me help you shed some light on it. They have to deal with discrimination, hatred, glares, in some cases death threats. Some of them are killed because of the fact that they can't help but be who they are. Do you honestly think that they don't want be like everyone else? do you really think they want to suffer like that? A tranny is a direct rebellion to waheguru's will? are you saying that we, humans, are capable of rebelling against waheguru? the omnipotent,omniscience and omnipresent lord who created the universe? By your logic you're implying that we're capable of defying his will? Our physical appearance or even our sexual orientation has little to zero development on how we expand spiritually. Our Souls are gender-less, it''s our deeds that define us, not who we're born as. Gays fall for someone of their same gender the same way heterosexual people fall for someone of the opposite sex. By that logic all their lifestyles are kaam.
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