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Everything posted by Quantavius

  1. Are you also ok with alcohol and cigarette since there are actually positive effects to both these vices?
  2. Homeopathy = Crock science. LOL! Ok, maybe that was a bit harsh. Perhaps there are some good properties to this study however let's not fool ourselves. Those who did homeopathy are not exactly MD's. Throwing around a bunch of latin words to fool the gullible at SS won't change this fact. I got to hand it to the pot heads. They are way smarter then the average alcohol consumer or the cigarette smoker. LOL! They created a whole bunch of pseudo science babble nonsense around pot smoking and now apparently, it's good for health! Throw in a bunch latin words, keep using the word 'medicinal' in every sentence structure....bam!!...now you've legitimized what was once disdained by society. This reminds me of those cigarette advertisements from back in the day where they showed these 'doctor types' in white suites claiming smoking a cigarette is actually good for your health. Yeah, I guess those Native Indians smoking peace pipes were just suffering from ptsd. Looks like they were light years ahead of everybody else. LOL!!!!!! To all the ganja supporters here, does cigarette smoking have any medicinal properties? I'm sure the tobacco plant is loaded with all kinds of good vitamins and minerals. LOL!!! The irony, these are the same people who want to ban cigarettes. I think beer drinkers need to learn from these Ganja guys. Start by talking about the good effects of drinking beer. Keep throwing the word 'medicinal' around as much as possible. Find the latin words for hop, barley and alcohol, and impress the gullible. Tell you're suffering ptsd from office and you really need relieve this stress, so you're off to the local bar to get your 'meds'. LOL!!!!!! This just hit me, looks like I'm on a roll! Start telling everybody that a bar is actually a 'hospital' of sorts to help weary workers suffering from ptsd at work. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Pretty much almost every plant in the world has 'medicinal values'. Apparently this is the new reason for getting getting high. Yeah, maybe I'll go take some 'medicine' now. LOL!
  4. I'm assuming you're alluding to the anti Dasam Granth crowd.
  5. I very much doubt getting high helps you in any battles. I've never heard of any martial arts promoting drug use. Then again that movie 'Drunken Master' comes to mind. LOL! The only time I've heard of military using any kind of drugs were those Japanese kamikaze pilots during WWII partaking in some kind of tea ceremony where it was reported that the tea was laced with some powerful drug. Thus giving courage to those pilots to commit suicide on the battle field.
  6. Dude, nobody's denying the existence of a pistol. You're totally gone off the grid. LOL! Forget it.
  7. Show us historical documents by by historians in Punjab from back in the day using the word pistol in their writings. Pistol is not a common word, not even today. The British used words like firearms or flintlocks. Probably used Gun. Go read old books written by the Brits.
  8. Even if it existed back in the day, I very much doubt it was called 'pistol'. More then likely it would have been called 'benduk'.
  9. From your original post and the book you quoted below, can you please advice what page is the above you wrote on?
  10. Why would anybody patent their name? That's because they could and you couldn't. It's that simple. Your last name sells squat whereas his does. No, a rally is not a public event. Can I go to a concert and shout down the performers and have my own little show on the side? Can Hindus who have a beef with Sikhs with a Air India bombing go to a Gurdwara during Vasakhi and disrupt the prayers and shout their views to the Sangat in the Gurdwara? No! Do you need more examples? But you are simply too dishonest to admit the truth. A rally is a private event where the owner of the rally has the right to kick out disruptors. A rally is held so that Trump can air his views to those who attended and want to hear them. Disruptors do not have the right to disrupt a rally in the name of free speech. Your right to a freedom ends where another person's begins. If Trump is in the wrong, the disruptors would have taken him to court and won by now. Unfortunately you like so many here, are simply too deceitful and dishonest to admit the truth and will continue to argue again and again like a broken tape record. It never ceases to amaze me how how deceitful, dishonest and immoral regular Sikhs like yourself are, who come here and talk about Sikhism and God, and yet have no qualms protecting thugs just because somebody's opinions and views in life does not jive with yours. IMHO the fundamentals of Sikhism is being an honest person. IMHO without honesty, one cannot find God. No use attending thousands of 'kirtans', prayers in Gurdwara, talking about God till your face turns blue....etc, etc when you are so deceitful, dishonest and immoral in your everyday behavior.
  11. Did I deny anywhere that Trump lost to Kasich in Ohio? So what if he lost Ohio? That does not mean they voted against him. For goodness sake it's Kasich's home state, of course they're going to vote for him. It's a given. As for open primaries where delegates voted for Trump thinking he'll be an easy win against Hillary, did you interview each and every delegate or voter to know this for sure? No. You read in some leftists garbage site and believed it wholeheartedly simply because it corresponds with your anti Trump views. There is zero critical skills from you. Please don't lecture me on logic as you have no understanding what it means. I really don't care who wins but for goodness sake please employ some critical thinking skills instead of accepting everything the media tells you.
  12. There is no such thing as 'moderate' or 'right wing' Republicans. These are made up terms by leftists and the media. This is the same media that said he would be out within a month. The fact of the matter is that he is in the lead.
  13. Best comment in this entire thread! LOL!!!! Just goes to show are delusional these 'anti Trump low IQ pendus' are. LOL!!!! This is what happens when you only mix with a close circle of friends. You then start having a very myopic view of the world.
  14. LOL! I have to admit, the guy is right. You guys are suffering from illusions of grandeur.
  15. Please specify display these 'personal attacks' coz I don't see it. Stop being deceitful and let your huge ego take a break.
  16. You do not have any right to 'confront anybody' in a private rally. A rally is a private event. You do not have the right to go there and disrupt the event just because you have a bone to pick with Trump. That Sikhs behavior was disgraceful. As for being dumb, what are your accomplishments in life? Have you ever written a best seller? Hosted your own reality tv show? Patented your last name? Like so many here, you are woefully ignorant, arrogant and lack morals.
  17. Mexican refugees? LOL! Do you even understand what constitutes a refugee? It is being followed. Nobody is stopping you from practicing the right to free speech. If anybody did, they would be arrested and charged under the law. However free speech does not allow you to disrupt a private rally. In the name of free speech, you do not have the right to break into a private rally and shout your views into somebody's face. A rally is a private event. This is akin to me breaking down your house door to shout out my views on you into your face. That is not free speech. If you still do not understand this point it is most like because you lack morals. Please do not invoke the Divine to support your narrow ideological view point as you are no Sant or Baba. Don't let your arrogance get the better of you.
  18. I am talking about the concept of free speech and not individual behavior, something that eludes you. So far it's the leftists that have attacked the freedom of speech of Trump supporters by outright attacking his rally in Chicago and blocking highways to his rally in Arizona. If Trump comes to power more then likely NAFTA would be ratified or repealed. Once that happens, Canadians are going to get a huge economic drop kick up their arrogant back sides.
  19. When you attach qualifiers to speech, it is no more free. It's either free or not. There are no two ways about it. It's that simple. That is why the Americans created a super power in a short span of 200 years. Canada wouldn't survive a day without the free security it receives from the US. Large numbers of people like you will eventually regress Canada to a 3rd world dump.
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