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Everything posted by dallysingh101

  1. Not at all. I've lived life, and haven't used cowardice or the pseudo-conservatism that you (and many others) seem to espouse as an excuse for constant inaction. That's what a lot of people have been talking about in threads here recently too I notice. How we've got so many problems in our panth because people (like yourself perhaps?) are just constantly frightened to stick their necks out, no matter what. And then vilify those that do, because it probably (deep down) brings their own inadequacies into sharp relief. Invertebrates if you will. I don't think there are any of us who haven't done messed up things btw. I think constantly cowardly inaction or inertia is also a pretty messed up too, but people hide this flaw under some guise of being a goody-two shoes 'Sikh' in the most emasculated way. If I've done any (what you call) 'messed up things' I've owned them. I've paid for them. But what about all the other momma's boys types, do they own the fact that their inaction and paralysis by fear has brought our communities reputation to the gutter, to the point that sexual predators from other communities see ours as the go to one, for their prey. And you don't even need to bother trying to answer the above, because we've all heard the pathetic excuses for this for years now.
  2. Read DG, it covers both the physical and intellectual aspects you talk about (as well as spiritual). One without the others is useless. Maybe you don't know the rules or are rewriting them because you don't want to make physical effort? But you point about poor intellectual faculties IS important - without it, we could have a bunch of physically strong pendus running around being tricked into fighting others battles oblivious to their own people's needs. Like we've had for the last one and a half century.
  3. Too Tommy "English Defence League" Robinson - who's gonna protect you from the english themselves? I hope you've woken up to the true reality of your people and society now mate...... Now you might wake up to why some of us old school, intelligent Sikhs didn't support our people coming under your banner - some of us are clued up about the inherent two-faced, backstabbery of your society - now you're experiencing it yourself. Welcome to the party. And to some of you posters here that are worried about him in prison - stop crying - racist white screws will look after him.
  4. These people need attention MisterSingh. Not getting it makes them say crazy things to get it.
  5. Fool me once - shame on you Fool me twice, shame on me Fool me a hundred times over and have me coming back for more - I must be a pendu
  6. I'm not a millenial. I just didn't hide under a bed my whole life. lol Anyway, I'm glad there are many not like you - they are actually the ones who have the bollox to confront the problems our panth faces instead of constantly bottling it.
  7. I think you're just running around in circles and stating the obvious whilst repeatedly missing my point. I don't get what you are arguing about? I'm not talking about anyone faking confidence like you keep rabbiting on about. I'm talking about genuinely physically confident guys. The women running around them is just a by product of them being that way. Yes, it's true that some guys faking it attract certain types of females too - but I wasn't talking about them. And if you think all or most women can be simply conceptualised like you've done above....... Try reading CP and see what you learn from that.
  8. I was trying to understand this from whites perspective. But, if you're asking, if I think about it, I do admire how black people survived what was essentially a good few centuries of genocide and slavery. Let's compare African-Americans (for instance), with the current state of the original inhabitants of what is now the US. The former are infinitely more assertive despite centuries of hell and suppression - even given all the subtle and no so subtle racism in the US. That is quite possibly a relatively recent thing in my opinion. We know the upper classes were into inbreeding. I've been reading Dickens a bit lately too, and there a few examples of cousins marrying therein too - and it is mentioned without any guilt like it was normal. Don't think that what you see today is indicative of past norms. It has other support too. Look at how pedigree dogs are infinitely more prone to health issues compared to mongrels for example. The white scientific community, isn't some noble group of people trying to promote fairness and equality btw, they have their own bigots - probably even more so than in the wider population. Look at how top universities in England get exposed for serious discrepancies in their retention and support for black males for example. Having known a few guys of such backgrounds who've been to these institutes, I can say that these experiences are not exaggerated - probably actually suppressed and under represented in the media. And go out in England, see how English girls drool over light-skinned 'mixed race' guys. Are you a white pretending not to be btw? I agree. Maybe it's the individual masculinity they admire then? It's obvious that they are curiously fascinated by black males (physically) and feel threatened by them at the same time too. Maybe this is a way for them to reduce a potential threat - by breeding them out? Actually their fascination and promotion of these things are very unlikely to be down to a single simple factor - it's probably multifaceted - an element of which is subconscious. Maybe it's related to the mass covert homosexuality amongst the anglos too - so they have a secret fascination with perceived bbcs? Who knows exactly what goes on in these people's heads? Why don't you try not watching white media so much if it bothers you that much?
  9. Juxtaposition this, with this that I found in an old online manuscript of Giani Gian Singh's Twarikh Guru Khalsa. Look at the shear depth of his background reading and endeavours (i.e. recording family oral accounts and travelling to various places to find sakhis to create his work).
  10. I've said numerous times over the years now: no translation is ever perfect, and yes, they can have agendas behind them too. All of these types of things (like the glossary) are just tools (with all their strengths and weaknesses) for people to get closer to Gurbani in the original language. No more, no less. If it helps you pick up the meaning of a few dozen words you didn't know before, it's helped. Most apnay (especially rural ones) have a big problem with literature in general (an apathy or indifference). This is what is behind the problems of translating - there isn't that much interest in these things in the ahhm junta. They'd rather be into these types of things:
  11. Been after this for years and finally found it on sikhbookclub.com. This is an excellent resource to help increase our understanding of the vocabulary employed within Gurbani. https://www.scribd.com/document/416362237/A-Guru-Nanak-Glossary-By-Christopher-Shackle-2nd-Edition-reissued-in-2011
  12. I get where you're going, and there is truth to it (imo), but I also think that sullay and goray in the establishment are colluding to create a new bogeyman, to take heat off their own kartootan. One they feel is a safer bet to harass than other potential targets. Other than that, going back to my last post - this is nothing new - whenever apnay have asserted themselves and their issues - wasps have either outright attacked them, or turned a blind eye whilst others did. Unless you are being their docile, canon fodder, or just a toothless civilian who daren't stick their neck out, they don't really like thinking active Singhs.
  13. Like they haven't always endeavoured to keep Singhs in check either dude (from the get go)......usually through appealing to peasant vanities, and as a solution to desperate economic situations (which they themselves create - start a fire and then act like firemen to the simple minded - who then view them as benevolent saviours). Do you seriously think these people have ever liked Singhs outside of the docile hordes they've completely owned like super useful pets?
  14. Here's another one: Condoning paedophilia in their society in modern times although it has been made illegal through legislation (this is especially true in the so called upper ranks of their society). I must say though, the English seem MUCH worse than Yankees in this respect. When they sentence and punish paedos in the US , they seem to be much more hardcore? Brits only seem to have reluctantly (and in a very foot dragging way) confronted this recently - and it seems that is only because they have been compelled into it through overt public activism and a potential threat of civil unrest. They are probably waiting for things to die down again so things can resume as has been normal in their culture for so long? SIkhs need to be especially careful of this one - as they have absolutely no qualms about feeding young, gullible and dimwitted apneean into the grinder, even facilitating the groomers with antiSikh social services 'policies'. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7226867/Video-shows-moment-authorities-raided-Jeffrey-Epsteins-77million-mansion.html
  15. Yeah, but genuinely strong, confident guys (not those putting on a act) are going to attract women like no one's business. There are evolutionary reasons for this. Most females (not all) openly say this is something they find majorly attractive in blokes. That isn't to confuse this type of male with someone who is excessively overbearing, and a control freak - which can easily be done. I think most women want strong men that know how to challenge them over a pushover. Sure some women do prefer someone who doesn't challenge them at all, but many do. I think, in the current uncertain times, even more so than ever. That phase we had of homosexual driven media representations of 'metrosexuals' being some preferred model of 'masculinity' was only going to last so long.
  16. Real interesting topic. Gurbani clearly tell us to restrain ourselves in the amount we eat and even sleep. I think fasting as a ritual that is considered to bring specific spiritual benefits is what Sikhi doesn't espouse, however other health benefits of limiting how much we eat (according to needs) seem to be recommended? Obviously this shouldn't be used an an excuse to be purposefully underweight or anorexic. Recently I found an old account (late 1800s) by a gora army recruiter snooping around Panjab looking for colonial sepoys. Funnily enough, what it mentions in regard to farmers generally waking up and going out to work in the fields on an empty stomach is pretty much what we'd call intermittent fasting today! Then there are all the pre 'annexation' accounts of Singhs by Europeans that explicitly mention Singh warriors not being remotely extravagant with food, even though they were living very physical and hardy (and even dangerous lives). Read Madra and Singh's - Siques, Tigers and thieves if you want to see these for yourself. I don't think anything is banned like that in terms of health. Personally I think people should experiment and find what suits them best individually if required. Just don't be behamy about it. Now if we experimented with some ayurvedic type diet solutions, that doesn't make us a Hindu, in as much as eating Chinese food makes us Chinese or Buddhist or whatever. That's just my opinion though.
  17. That's exactly it. So does someone like this feel that their worth and acceptance within their family is inextricably tied to their academic and career success?
  18. I hear you there. I think many of the parents (of this type) define themselves by their success to such a degree that the children not meeting their standards is some inconceivable/intolerable/unimaginable thing. If you've got a child with a sensitive disposition who is struggling under this - the consequences can be heavy. I've also heard that some pampered, rich children (not saying this was the case here), can seriously over react when they hit a wall later on in life - and do this. What is surprising though (to me) is that she didn't do 'a cry for help' type suicide attempt like most girls do - but just jumped straight to it. Poor thing.
  19. What about family? Does putting serious pressure over achievements on youngsters play a part? Why do these youngsters not feel like they can approach their families about the pressure and stress? I would understand if the parents were unparh pendus, but the parents seem to be high achieving, educated people in these cases?
  20. Remember this: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/met-police-officer-carol-howard-was-bullied-by-her-boss-on-account-of-her-sex-and-race-so-why-did-10327331.html
  21. A leopard doesn't change it's spots. We all know about the 'institutionally racist' MET. They will continue to be racist - something like this just cools them down for a short period.
  22. This isn't the first time we've read about this sort of thing happening with a young high aspiring apnee? What's the deal? Okay, have high goals and all that - but to kill yourself over exams?
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