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Everything posted by dallysingh101

  1. You can keep doing these typical dissonance moves, but eventually the truth about how deeply you've been made a fool of will dawn on you. And even if it doesn't; maybe your children wont be a docile as you and will figure it out. lol
  2. When you clock that you are feeling despondent or down, time to start shaking it off and leaving things in God's hand and having faith that in the long run, things will happen for the greater good. It's challenging some times.
  3. He is talking about being seduced, have you never heard of that? Read Charitrio Pakyaan, you'll get educated.
  4. I've grasped it, you haven't grasped the games and manipulation of our colonisers. They own your mind, you don't seem bright enough to crack their manipulative games. It's like you have low self-esteem which is only bolstered by narrow, casteist constructs; that too which were developed by outsiders (your beloved goray) to control your people. Your gullibility is staggering mate. The way you enthusiastically jump on the 'martial races theory' with gusto and without any critical evaluation regarding its creators objectives says it all. You place way too much emphasis on the post-annexation phase, when speaking frankly, we were subjugated, and don't realise what a different beast Sikh soldiery was prior to that. Khalsa fighting for their own interests, with their own independent military force is a world away from Sikhs fighting under a foreign banner, for foreign causes, in foreign lands - the consequences of which were obvious at partition. Like i said before, it's a sad joke - men fighting for a foreign land that get caught out in their very own homeland which they only recently ruled. This isn't about any other community, but the way many of our own (yourself being a perfect exemplar) foolishly adopt outsider constructs in forming their own self-perceptions without realising the implications of this psychologically. The very reason that you are an apologist and sycophantic towards Brits is a consequence of that. It isn't even really that complicated but the fact that your brain can't penetrate this says it all mate.... You have NO IDEA of how much being invaded and subjugated has negatively effected our community on multiple fronts. By the way, we haven't sparred at all; you've just continually pushed a sycophantic worldview and I've just brought it to your attention. You don't appear to be conscious of what you are doing, which speaks volumes of how brainwashed you are. You and every other Sikh who has the problem need help to see straight and start thinking like men, not servile nabobs.
  5. You know, when you think about it, growing up in England, the primary image of Sikh males presented by the mainstream is always the loyal Sikh sepoy. The other one that gets bandied about is the violent, misogynistic, irrational murderer at partition. I think all the iconography presented by Brits are actually clever attempts to manipulate Sikh minds and set the precedent of Sikhness, which is subservient to their authority. That explains why goray got upset at the painting I posted because it gives an alternative narrative to this, Sikh independence and military self confidence. I believe we have to be especially careful to explain this selective presentation of Sikhness to young Sikhs, because growing up with such imagery can have a profound effect on one's self-perception. The other thing I realised is that goray must have very quickly clocked the way Sikhs use art to convey and transmit their history and identity across generations and subverted this for their own agenda.
  6. It wouldn't surprise me, they play all kinds of psychological games with us. People like Jagsaw are the product of this. Another example was when some British military battalion recently commissioned an expert military battle artist to create a painting commemorating their participation in the Anglo-Sikh wars. By the time the artist completed his research he was inspired by Akalis and represented them (in his art) in the fierce/capable light that his research had pointed at. When he showed his work to the people who commissioned the painting, they refused to pay for it because it made the Singhs look strong, implying what they wanted was some image of Singhs being easily defeated. Thankfully the artist (a South African) eventually found a Sikh buyer for his work. His name was Jason Askew, here is the painting:
  7. Let's be honest, they found a bunch of easily manipulable country-bumpkin pendus in the villages of Panjab and used them for their own ends, subverting the Sikh faith along the way. Turning it from being loyal to your Guru to being loyal to some foreign king/queen and some foreign agenda. Only a fool or straight pendu can't see through that one. Given your shameless sycophancy and defense, I'd even posit that the simpleton mindset might even be genetic? Check you out, completely incapable of any critical review of your own people's history. Completely psychologically subservient to a people that plainly only have their own interests at heart - even if they can dress it up to fool simple folk like you and your clan. With people like you around Sikhs will always end up being someones subverted tool.
  8. After Sikh defeat in the Anglo-Sikh wars, goray introduced a bunch of racialised theories into the region (Aryan and Scythian) which no indigenous Panjabi had ever thought of previously, and that was it; from then on certain Panjabis start to imagine themselves as all manner of exotic crap, Aryans, Jutes, Scythians etc. etc. A strong part of the strategy was to make certain gullible Sikhs identify with their conquerors more than their fellow Panjabis. It worked like a treat and certain backward pendus still haven't managed to mentally negotiate this obvious mind game even till this day. And I think they specifically targeted the rural segment because they quickly clocked that these yokels were the easiest to manipulate. They were right. Muppets.
  9. I'd even doubt that. And I don't really care too much anyway. Wherever you are from, if you are Sikh now, you need to stop acting like some backwards pendus now.
  10. Bollox mate. You're just a natural groveler with low self-esteem towards goray. Panjab is the cesspit it is today because of the effects of British interference in the region and the rise and proliferation of jat greed in the shape of Badal and co. Plus, I don't see any other people from former colonies overplaying the grateful card like you. In all your grovelling you seem to forget just how much loot they took from Panjab. How many mind games they played. Their divide and rule policies. The way they systematically ostracized Sikhs not playing their game. Being left to fend for ourselves at partition. Because you seem to have a long standing mentality of sycophancy in your blood. And I've said this before on this site: just because your forefathers were unskilled, don't go making the mistake that other people were in the same boat. Your family might have had to work in unskilled factory jobs, cleaning Heathrow toilets, minicab driving and whatnot but other people had skills that were infinitely more transportable. A lot of your people should be eternally grateful for skilled Sikhs who taught you trades and skills so you could live with honour without being a white man's pet. Plain and simple instead of gallivanting abroad in foreign wars Sikh soldiers should've been keeping a closer eye on home. That'll go down in history as a major donkey move - being so busy fighting outsider's battles that you got caught with your pants down at what was going on at home. Where I'm at, it wasn't any Sikh sepoys who established themselves, it was hardworking, skilled Sikh men.
  11. The first thing you want to do is forget everything you've learned in this respect. These western courses are just vehicles for pushing an orientalist agenda. Jats have been patronised (in both senses of the word) because so many gave blind loyalty to the British. In return goray concocted a whole new identity for jats based on the most tenuous of evidence but which pandered to their ego - to keep them loyal and controllable. It worked a treat. And frankly, I'm not remotely impressed by American qualifications (or most others), I've been university a few times now and I've worked as a teacher, so I know the ins and outs of the academic world. Personally, rather than qualifications I like to see if anyone claiming intelligence can firstly see through the propaganda of formally and widely accepted historical 'truths'. If they are unable to see through this, then their education is a failure in my eyes.
  12. I grew up around some badass pakis. They are ashamed of being jatt, they wont admit to it - they'd rather say they were Rajput.
  13. Yep, in many of their letters they are shocked (as well as happy about - cough-cough) how gorian are behaving - especially in France. They used to send coded letters home saying 'the black pepper is stronger than the red pepper' meaning that the brown soldiers were better fighters than the goray. David Omissi's work on this is REALLY eye-opening: http://www.sikhsangat.com/index.php?/topic/60167-letters-of-indian-soldiers-of-world-war-1/ I'd love to hear them. I'm sure I'm not alone in this!
  14. It's not weird. They just don't want to look like some ostentatious women, unlike our lot. Reserve is a thing totally lost on many of our lot. The way many of us conduct ourselves when celebrating looks 'gay'. By this I mean the choice of glittery, bright colours and grinning like an imbecile who is oblivious to the world. Conduct yourselves veeray! lol
  15. Notice also, this puppy is genuinely loved up with his sulli. Usually when it is the other way round, Abdul sees the apnee as some plaything. Or passes her around to his mates/family.. Or converts her to attack our community. When a <banned word filter activated> tells his family he's pulled a Sikh bird, the blokes probably snigger and give it some 'go on son!'. Apnay on the other hand.....well you can read Us Sikh men are some soft, cuddly mofos when it comes to outsiders (but inbetween ourselves we are pukkhay haram-zaday). lol
  16. That's interesting. I feel a lot of the British lionising of Sikh contributions to their wars is a continuation of the ego massaging that they used to get people to fight their causes in the past. Right now so much of British Sikh identity revolves around this condescending loyal British sepoy construct. We'd have come a long way in the right direction, when we've shaken this off in my opinion. Without that, there are subtle but strong implications of being subordinate to Europeans. Maybe your great grandpa eventually clocked this, hence his actions?
  17. Then you are a TINY minority of jatt. Most of your people are cut haired, drinking shinking, party animals. Wake up to this. Stop living in some closeted lala-land. Sort out the slappers, alcoholics and smack heads in your wider community before you try and sort anyone else out mate. Actually, whilst you are at it, try dealing with all those crooked, corrupt peasants infesting the Akali Dal and SGPC too. Do you know many jatts sleep rough, drunk and/or high as hell in east AND west London? Sweep up under your own manji before you start talking about the gundh under someone elses. Stop trying to live off the back of your ancestors achievements too. Even the greatest people can (and often do!) have descendants that are complete muppets.
  18. I just hope some of our people don't swallow the implied 'guard dogs of the British empire' thing. Whilst our people were busy running around fighting white-man's battles in Europe, we totally lost the plot regarding our own homeland - and lost more than half of it as a consequence. Not to mention the destruction of Sikh sovereignty by the British. I'm sure those of you who descend from members of the Anglo imperial army will be chuffed at this; for some of us others, we don't really view being colonised as something positive, in fact some of us feel that a helluva lot of our communities problems (which negatively impact us even today) have their genesis in this period.
  19. That's because you are an insulated peasant with a low IQ. Crawl out from under your rock a bit more and see the big bad world if you're man enough. Your illusions will soon be smashed. You only see what you want to see because you're mentally too weak to see reality. And that's why you are a part of the problem; we can't solve problems with people like you, because you're too weak to acknowledge and recognise them under your own nose in the first place - like you'd have some sort of mental breakdown or identity crisis if you did. Exactly like the majority bewakoofs with the grooming issue over the last few decades. If you want to point fingers, look at how jatts used to share wives between brothers only a generation or so back (disgusting!!). Promoting it undercover with all the 'pubi, pubi' songs under the guise of 'Punjabi culture'. So before you start pointing out weird practices elsewhere recognise your own. As for talking about other people drinking. GOOD GOD!! Even Rabh can't separate jatts from sharaab. You know it's a part of your culture, stop being in denial...Khaan bukray peenh sharaabaan; putt jattan de. Most of this gundh in Panjabi culture comes from jatts being unable to repress their barn dance instincts and pushing this 'let's get drunk, put on brightly coloured skirts, grin like we're on drugs, waggle our heads and do bhangra' culture. It's that ish that put girls on a plate for groomers and romeos. The sad thing is how jatts have spread their gundh around and now even others start copying foolish practices like ostentatious weddings and whisky-shishky culture and dancing around like life's one big party. You must be deluded to talk about other people being an affront to what our Gurus stood for. Look at what you are doing: being overly conscious of the perceived shortcomings of others whilst applying selective amnesia to the mountains of gundh from your own community. Your game is played out. No one is falling for that pendu strategy any more. Here's an idea: Why don't you focus closer to home and try sorting out the rampant problems there instead of trying to foolishly call other people out? Because until you do that, you wont have a leg to stand on.
  20. Jagsaw's momma obviously robe maars over his bapu..... What a pajama. lol Jagsaw trying to highlight Bhatra community failings is ridiculous given the amount of jatti slappers out there; whether they are sneaking around with sullay or working in the city and acting like a white girl, sneaking around with a gora. Mate, universities are full of them.When a lot of them come to East London when studying here, the amount that jump on sullay is ridiculous. I suggest you look closer to home before you start pointing fingers elsewhere. Before you start your played out, out-of-date jatt bull, think about how weird and out of touch you appear. I know in East London a good few of them Bhatra boys are tasty, they aren't scared to have a fist up with anyone. Some of the originals that came here used to be into that bare knuckle fighting ish. Contrast that with your own lot, who only seem to be good at fighting inbetween themselves or with other apnay over some fudhoo ish. A bit like you actually.
  21. Just to throw this in the mix, as I just recalled it earlier: I remember reading an eye-witness account of the Anglo-Sikh wars. Most of us will (or at least should!!) know that Sikhs lost most lives because a boat bridge used to cross a river was burnt behind them. I recall one gora saying that after Singhs tried to make a a retreat over the damaged bridge (they were tricked by traitor generals), many were being drowned in the river. A few of them would actually refuse offers of help from goray to get them out of the water and drowned themselves rather than accept defeat.
  22. We have to be careful of the OP because I would guess that you could easily find a bunch of apnay/apneean who would sing the other song about how successful their interfaith marriage is.
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