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Everything posted by 4RR

  1. I suppose if this story is true, then i'm sure people will be more aware of the attacks and danger, therefore, they'll be more protection. Does any1 agree? :lol:
  2. Well, dispite the fact that it isn't real, there are still ice burgs similar to this in the arctic, at the bottom. I'm sure God has made many other miraculous sights which we still have yet to see. Just makes you appreciate the beauty of nature though doesn't it?
  3. hmmm...hmmm...well, what can i say? That was most interesting and a bit boring. Hopefully the next ''movie'' will hit the cinemas- with any chance LOL
  4. lacyee (indian version of a cool milkshake)
  5. Shoot!!! That was actually an interesting game you know. Don't suppose any of you have seen this scary car advert on 'video google' Type in 'Scary' in the search engine, and look for a picture of trees and a white car. Watch it with FULL VOLUME. It's really freaky, but the only way u can see it properly is to look really close at the computer screen. This is so u don't miss the white mist!!!!!!!! ENJOY...Also, reply about ur opinions
  6. I've seen this happen b4, only i don't know that person (thankfully) It was like in slow motion, and the guy was like 'Noooooo', but in that deep kind of slow voice. Very funny @ the time, but also had an effect on both woman and man.
  7. I feel for you Simur Kaur!!!!! Just be glad that u were young!! Something similar like that happened to me when i was young. It was diwalli, and all the sangat @ the gurudwara had all gone outside 2 c da firework display. It was like da first time i had ever seen fireworks b4, and when i did, the first thing that came 2 my head was 'TAKE COVER!!'. And guess where i took cover? Under sum1's jugga!!! I looked up, and all i cud c was one hell of a big bum, but i didn't really cared @ that moment cus i was sh**ing myself scared big time. But now i'm not soo scared!!
  8. ''Answer: You don't bury survivors!!!. If you said ANYTHING else, you are a real dunce and you must NEVER try to rescue anyone from a plane crash'' You're one funny person, with a good way of dissin people without hurting them! Must be some kind of weird talent eh?! Well...I'm impressed with myself. Not to mention SHOCKED!!! I love doing brain teasers...Has any1 got any more? I've got one, but I don't know if any1 has ever seen or heard it b4:- iF A MONKEY LAYS AN EGG ON TOP OF A HILL, AND THE WIND IS BLOWING IN THE RIGHT, WHICH WAY WOULD THE EGG FALL (BEARING IN MIND THAT THE HILL IS ROUND AND PRETTY TALL)? hOW CAN SPACE SHIPS GO INTO SPACE WHEN THERE ISN'T ANY OXYGEN IN SPACE???????? U NEED OXYGEN TO SUSTAIN THE FIRE!!!!!! Scientists just lose it every minute...only they don't know what a minute is!
  9. I've been asked the same questoon many times, not by gori's but by muslims. There're always trying to challenge me, testing me. Their main aim is to prove that their religion is better than ours-but I think to myself- they've just asked me 'how do I know that god exists', not to prove that my religion is better. And i always use to ignore them, until one day, one muslim really got on my nerves, so i turned around and said- '' Hey look at yourself, u can't take the fact that i'm not answering you. And bcos i'm not answering u, u've got nothing to argue with me about. Well, maybe u should concentrate why we have been born into a religion, rather than u always wanting to show that your religion is the best. u're sooo focused about this, i bet u don't even know how to answer that question urself'' But i want some advice on how i cud give him an answer which'll make him shut up...plz
  10. I've not seen the video yet, and have no intentions of doing so!!!! However, from reading all your responses, i can see how india has degraded itself!! It's all about money, weapons and strict traditions there!!! That's probably why most of us are lucky to be born elsewhere for a reason. Thank you God.
  11. Hey, wait a minute they are taking the rip out of the Kirpan. Well noticed. Honestly, French People (well most of them) have no respect for themselves or for other people.
  12. Hey just out of curiosity, can you/ have you ever read the Guru Granth Shaib before? I'm learning, but really slowly. I wish I was more committed to my religion before. I'm 18 now, and I only started to take more interest and commitment to sikhism when i was 16. Don't suppose u know any sites or books which could help me penjii?
  13. Here's a simple one Aag (fire)
  14. Here's a simple one Aag (fire)
  15. Sorry, but the trailer isn't working!!!!! But Body shock is something which really makes you appreciate how you have been born, doesn't it?
  16. I don't agree with the Iran laws whatsoever. I'm sooo glad that I was born as a sikh, otherwise i'd be suffering the horrible treatment of girls. Do you know that all religions have the same purpose:- to follow and worship God. Yet, Muslim people don't seem to follow their religion, but follow rules and interpret their religion so that it suits them. In particular, when it comes to the subject of females, men make sure that that women are more inferior to them, because they want to dominate. They feel as though that they should tell and rule a woman's life. Who do they think they are? Females and males are equal, which goes for all religions and casts as well. I know there's conflict in the world, but there's too much conflict in the Muslim religion. It is the people who follow it, not the religion itself.
  17. I have sooo many embarassing moments. 1) Once, i was walking thru dA school grounds, like I would usually. Near da tennis courts I see none other than my Bebi walking with her M8 with their trainers on. The fact that they weren't allowed thru da school grounds made it embarassing, but very funny. I found out l8r on @ home, my sister saw her as well, and started 2 cry!!!!! Believe me, when my sister cries, her face is like a wet squashed sponge!!! 2) Me and my older sister was shoppin' once, and I was wearing heals (which my sister made me wear). I was really conscious of how i was walkin, i felt as though i was leapin from one place 2 another. All da sudden, i fall backwards an bring my sister with me. 3) Me, my cousin and my sister (the one who cried when she saw our grandma) were walkin in the field behind the garden. A dog came running from no where, and my sister ran for her life in the opposite direction. It was the fastest i've ever seen her run in her life. She was also screamin in front of all the quandy, and parents cud hear her too.
  18. Yep, I did, only i was a bit surprise though, as i'm not da gr8test @ maths LOL. But i can do riddles really well. Check this out (u've probably heard it b4):- If u had a round B'day cake, and had to cut it to make 8 slices but u cud only cut 3 times, how would u do it?
  19. The tongue is the strongest muscle, as a jaw is not considered as a muscle but as a bone. Did you also know that the eye is the only part of the body which contains the most water?
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