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Pakandi baba

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Everything posted by Pakandi baba

  1. Yes so this Kanjar can go elsewhere and abuse another girl! People like this understand nothing better than good kick in the unmentinables. He'll not forget it in a hurry!
  2. Why do you think all the buddhe were up in arms? Because they know, and we know it happens on a daily basis. We forget Guruji has told us to stand up to this kind of thing and not, sweep it under the carpet and stroke our long beards and say 'Waheguru' We have to do something about it and SOONER rather than later!! :wub:
  3. I'm sure it'll do much more damage than a flip flop!
  4. I'm sorry to hear of this incident! Perverts like that should be publically shamed. then castrated. You should discuss this a family member, to see what can be done (only if you choose to pursue it) which i sincerly hope you do. Do not be afraid to take any neccesary steps to make it clear that this kind of abuse will not be tolerated, you can make a complaint at the Police Station. Yes it will bring bad publicity but it's what needs to be done in order to stop kanjar like these. Look at the Church, how many peadophlia cases have they covered up? it's all out in the open now isn't it!
  5. Why do they feel they need to set up there own Gurdwaras with the use of the term 'Guru' instead of refering to Bhagat Ravidaas ji as a 'bhagat'' This is not acceptable in Sikhism as the only Gurus that are were the 10 and the SGGS!
  6. If his religion meant that much to him did he not take this into consideration when he was commiting the crime he is accused of?
  7. With all the 'Satgurus' who are springing up like weeds in a nicely kept garden i'm not surprised Guruji decided not to grant guruship to any living being! We get Darshan Das, Namdhari, Radaswami & Nirankari, i mean bloody hell when will these imbeciles who follow such pathetic cretins wake up and see sense!!!!
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