There's another interesting phenomenon I've noticed. Sometimes I go on other social media sites and I get a chance to interact with some white people who are more open expressing their thoughts under the guise of the protection of the Internet. I've seen a lot of them display interest in Islam and I've even heard some white supremacists think Islam is a 'based' religion and some of the things they do are admirable. Think about what kind of people white supremacists are and what type of a person an average Muslim is (if they truly believe in their religion). They're not much different. They each think theirselves to be superior to the rest of the World and they want their ideals/visions to be spread and not anything else.
The main problem is definitely how fast and quickly Muslims are reproducing. If not in the Middle East, then in Africa, ffs lol. I do feel bad for Muslims who are trapped as Muslims simply because they were born in a Muslim family. We all know how hard it is for a Muslim to express contrarian opinions, especially Muslim girls. If it's already hard in Sikh families, it's 100x more difficult in a Muslim family. Even if there are kind and moderate Muslims that exist in the world, just by sheer numbers there will be plenty of radical and ultra-identitarian extremes.
Take a look on social media for example, I see Muslims all the time writing things on their profiles such as 'I'm Muslim, if you don't like it, leave!' 'No Islamophobia' 'I'm a proud Muslim', most Sikhs don't even mention that they're a Sikh, lol. For Muslims their entire life revolves around being a Muslim.
Also, I hate to say it but Muslims tend to be lower IQ than other people. There's probably a counterargument somewhere here that 'oh but us Punjabis are dumb as well' or whatever but here's a study that proves the opposite. It's easier for them to not even be aware of their Koran's teachings and parade around with the Koran as if it's a thing to be admired even though it advocates for a lot of chilling ideas.