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  1. Sikh men keeping Shitbulls, Bully breeds, Rottweilers, etc all those ugly breeds and just chaining them to rot outdoors and irritate anyone walking by needs to stop. The dumb menace that’s the Punjabi music industry promotes these ugly creatures (that are known to maul elderly, babies, and even grown men to death as per statistics) and I notice a lot of Punjabi men like these extremely ugly dogs. They name them dumb names like “Sheru”, “Killer”, just chain them outdoors all day, feed them <banned word filter activated> diets, and don’t give them adequate exercise which is also animal abuse and doesn’t create a loving environment. The absolute worst is when they have a Khanda symbol or whatever on their gate or property and there’s some vile Shitbull aggressively barking up a storm. You couldn’t go for one of the more majestic breeds that resemble wolves and aren’t some ugly brachycephalic mess? justso ghetto smh just had to vent gets me so mad and makes us look so low class as a whole
  2. Sikh Reddit is pathetic, it’s run by a fat POS. It’s natural to want a virgin if you’re a virgin yourself, so I don’t blame u. Especially when you’re religious and following Sikhi, it just feels so wrong to be w/ someone who is not a virgin. As a woman it’s easy to find a virgin man b/c any man who tells you he is a virgin is 99% not lying lol. But I understand it is harder to find a virgin woman since ur a man. Since ur in the west it’s gonna be 100% even harder, as only 4% of woman are virgins at marriage in the west. Nowadays there are more virgin men than women. A lot of women will also lie to get a good quality partner, they know deep down men want a clean partner so they’ll lie. Since ur in the west, u have to be very careful. Honestly my best advice to anyone reading this is u just gotta have common sense. Many men don’t, they’re pretty dumb and easily fall in love based on looks and lies. U don’t wanna be a dumb ***** who’s w/ a woman that’s been with the entire city, nor do u wanna be the dude paying this chick alimony, etc (women w/more sexual partners tend to correlate w/higher risk for divorce). U gotta sus out how she is in her day to day life. Dig into her background. Does she often go out, does she have many male friends, are there any stories about her past. If she has lots of luxury items and what not and is always going out, does she work hard for them by working jobs. If she’s velli and always doing that, that’s sus. A lot of women partake in much more expensive things than men and have lots of things b/c they have some simp or beta orbiter paying them, usually in exchange for some lewd things. The number of women I’ve met thruout the years doing this was insane, like even the ones I thought were angelic ones. furthermore does she have a history of smoking or doing drugs, think about how old is she? The older she is the less likely she is to be a virgin. Did she go to a uni, what kind of uni did she go to and what did she study? Women acquire their most number of sexual partners during uni. Is she a woman that doesn’t like the fact ur a virgin or isn’t as into u because of that? Red flag because a virgin woman would want a virgin man so she can feel more comfortable. There’s lots of memes that women prefer “Chad men with high body count” b/c it shows that they’re experienced but nah, that’s just b/c the majority of women are not virgins lol. Does she spend all her day on social medias like Instagram or Snapchat or Twitter or whatever? Know that there are many men in her DMs most likely. a woman should be willing to delete her socials for u if she truly loves u. The best person for a relationship is a person with no socials. Another tip is how does she speak and dress around family or outside?. Is her family conservative or liberal? Whenever she does goes out is she usually with her family? i can write more questions for u to think about but honestly it’ll be depressing for u. The true reality is you are most likely NOT going to end up with a virgin (the only way to know is if she bleeds ur first night, even the most repulsive and vile of Sikh/Punjabi women don’t pursue hymenoplasties such as Middle eastern women do, so u should be good). You are most likely NOT going to be with a woman who is obsessed with u and loves u deeply, is willing to do anything for u, many men simp for and obey their women these days and not the other way around. You are likely NOT going to end up in a happy marriage, over 6/10 married couples hate their marriage statistically. U just gotta keep your hopes up. If u do end up getting married to a witch, there’s not much u can do. Think of ur children and care for them deeply. Be a good man, etc.
  3. I’ve seen lots of alt communities or whatever inquire “which religion is the most tolerant, which is the most accepting, which will accept me as a LGBTQASHFKRLIV148959+, which will accept me because I’ve sinned, which will accept me bc I’m literally a pedo, which will accept bc I’m a furry” literally stupid things like this and guess what everyone usually replies with. ”Sikhi” the whole modernization thing is a joke, just stick to ur roots. Stop promoting the religion as some kind of charity free for all accepting of all sins and degenerates type religion. Just filth will join the religion then, it’s already happening. The leaders and youth of Sikhi are such a massive joke.
  4. Lol this is so common. This is the average wedding. Plus nowadays auntiyaan and young girls are dressing half naked in lenghas and saris and stuff or literally sometimes even a western dress. Men freely dance with women. Plus they hire some naked belly dancer or hire some Bhangra team dancing like monkeys at ur wedding. It’s awful. I assume it’s Punjabi culture. Let’s not mention all the men getting drunk and trying to hit on the women at the weddings. So many young folks skip the gurudwara wedding too because it’s boring and they can’t get lit even though that’s the main part of the wedding & most important. Amritdhari men and women are less likely to engage in such activities tho, I don’t see them doing this, when they get invited to such weddings they sit in the corner and refuse to engage or dance and such. I’m marrying into a non Punjabi family and me and my partner went to a Sikh wedding recently because he’s never experienced one and he was shocked and said he thought Sikhs were way more conservative.
  5. back then was waaaay different. ppl didn’t attend higher education or have much to do after the age of like… 13, lol. you’d have 13 year olds boys and girls that know how to do kethi, cook entire meals, etc nowadays even 22 year olds are extremely immature and can be sheltered. the average person doesn’t know how to do anything except their 9-5 which they are probably half arsing as well.
  6. i live close by and yea all the gurudwarehs around these parts are run down it’s sad
  7. what’s a rajput jatt sikh you’re either jatt or you’re not jatt
  8. the whole 'your husband/wife is chosen for you'/sanjog thing is real, it's just that a lot of people end up marrying the wrong person. they did not end up with the person that was meant for them. my friend, you should marry someone who you feel a connection with and love. there are millions of sikh girls, i'm sure you can find someone who aligns with your sensibilities and who you can truthfully say that you love. sikhi does not say anything against love marriages. you can also be in a loveless arranged marriage which is a safe option b/c both families are more inclined to keep the union intact. i was one of those people who was like meh, i guess i'll just get arranged to some sikh. well i finally started dating for the first time this year and i'm getting married to someone that i love and cannot even imagine leaving. i think it's better to have lost & lost than never loved at all. unfortunately, a lot of people confuse love w/ looks & lust. a lot of men go for the fittest girl they can find and think they won the jackpot or something. in reality, your partner should be like an extremely loved best friend. there's a reason why it's a fact that the most stable and long-lasting relationships started as friendships. i also think a lot of women are petty and divorce over small reasons, but there's other terrible things like high cheating rates as well. that's why the divorce rate in the west is high. be careful out there.
  9. andrew tate praises sikhi too & likes sikhs. his brother also donated to sikh families iirc. they just like any "alpha" religion and tbh islam is the most "alpha" in their eyes. islam is very good at promoting that image. but imo a real alpha man doesn't command respect by beating up his wive(s) or forcing them to wear a burqa. a real man will have his woman listen to him w/o raising a hand or his voice, and command respect by being respectful. he leads by example and integrity. that's true masculinity. you get the idea. + yes, it's definitely true that islam is growing rapidly and making massive inroads. strength in numbers + belief will do that. but rlly it's just because of the birth rate. a lot of them are muslim b/c it's their "identity" just like how a lot of young sikhs will say they're "culturally sikh" or whatever. there just aren't billions of sikhs who lambast their identity everywhere and have strict and linear rules like in islam. besides, the reality is that islam and its followers are some of the most morally bankrupt. you can see all the weird trans rules in iran, bacche baazi in afghanistan, visiting brothels, watching p*rn, p*dophilia what goes on behind the scenes in countries like uae & qatar, etc, and come to your conclusions. you can google all the stats yourself and see which countries do the most of these ^.
  10. stop associating with hinduism, that's the absolutely worst thing you can do as a sikh. not sure if you noticed but the entire world looks down upon and spits at india & hindus, literally no one respects them and considers them weak and cowardly. literally 1+ billion of them but not perceived as a strong religion commandeering respect.
  11. you wrote a whole lot but told us nothing. what exactly did you do wrong to make you feel this way?
  12. as soon as they're h*m*sexual they're not a sikh anymore.
  13. the whole failestine thing is annoying and i feel bad for the jews atp but israel just needs to stop already. billions of angry <banned word filter activated> gives me the chills. our own people are big clowns too with the silly flags in their bios and the whole solidarity shtick. edit: lmao why is s*lleh a banned word
  14. In general, no one really uses forums a lot anymore and growth is stagnant. Usually they're populated by OG users and once they stop posting and cease their activity, others tend to follow suit. There are still some socials that have engaging talks about Sikhi. You can try Twitter (X), Discord, Reddit, Tiktok, gurdwareh group chats, etcetera. Idk man. Sikhi as a whole is pretty much dying tbf. It makes sense that you'll see less engagement over time. A lot of people contend that the religion is being revived in the west, in particular by Gen Z. The zoomer lot is definitely kind of active, but they're mostly all talk and no action. It's like some kind of flex to feign religiosity. It's not just Sikhi though, it's all of 'em. Not only that, but at one point you just grow up and have more serious matters to attend to. I used to be online for hours and hours and mess around and post but now I don't even have time to do anything b/c I'm spending time with my family & getting married soon. Now, I'm just worried about making babies. Everything's a blur. There are probably others that feel the same as well.
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