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Everything posted by Akalllllll

  1. Hunt your food or do jhatka supermarket stuff off limits its killed inhuman manner maybe cross contamination halal food n filled with drugs. Meat milk make you very physically strong I have done both way vegetarian and meat only. Meat will get you a physique that with whey protein cant and the amount of whey needed to make the equivalent is tons. But veggie you have less lean mass strength is not as much and the high amount of carbs is damaging to liver and make it fat. Plus insulin issues etc. Indian food with balance of meat is best make your food with ghee extra virgin olive oil. Avoid soy vegetarian oil canola soy makes estrogen higher. Bandi Khalsa was vashnoo they didnt eat garlic or onion and jhatka meat. But tat Khalsa did jhatka and easily defeated bandi Khalsa in wrestling. Guy on youtube eats raw meat his testosterone went higher two twins one vegan the other with meat diet. Vegan lost weight but lean mass and the other gained weight but more in lean mass then fat.
  2. Soy is mostly GMOs. There pushing meat substitutes but cant compare to it. Look list of ingredients.
  3. I posted that now see If thoroughly read you can I never made one reference to strip club and I would never do it there. I was about to go to job interview but I asked front door guy hes like strip club I turned around and didnt go in. I'm talking about specifically about pubs nightclubs it's a great experience to be put in stressful situations and use words of physical controls to stop the person. I still went to amritvela right after work where sangat did simran. Hence I was looking to make more money and still get to sangat. Right now I work 4 days 32 hours all night shifts and I miss amritvela simran I feel off feel sick I have a prior chronic condition that feels amplified from not going to simran and feel off in every aspect compared to before where I worked as a casual since I tried to make everything work around amritvela schedule. You need to not make assumptions and ask. I worked in a pub as amritardi I never made advancements to girls. I just did my job showered went to amritvela.
  4. End of the day innocents are being killed by Russian army in which each person responsible for there own actions so where there is people killing innocents Khalsa should be there to fight.
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