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Everything posted by Big_Tera

  1. Thanks for the info guys. Will definantly get this checked at the hospital. Im quite a tough cookie so can take a bit of pain. Will get an exray to see whats happened. I didnt go earlier as it was a minor fall from a bike and landed on my shin bone. Looks like I did some damage as the pain has got worse.
  2. Anyone have any tips for a speedy recovery? Not sure if its broken but its painful.
  3. Absolutely. The key question is what can be done to curb this trend for the betterment of the faith?
  4. Are some people over complicating the Sikh faith. We have people over analyzing the faith to follow exact rules and regulations. People who do this are just confusing themselves through going into minute details. Then they start critising others for not following their 'ideals' of the faith. Sikhism is a beautiful religion that is simple to follow. Theres no thousands of customs, rituals and traditions that we are meant to follow. We belive in key concepts. Such as believing in one God. Living a good honest decent life. Helping others and fighting for the equal rights of all. Trying to follow minute details will not make you a better Sikh. All you need to do is follow the key beliefs and everything will fall into place. Yet many try to hard and forget the basics. Is this an becoming an increasing issue in todays society of perfectionist Sikhs who are trying to hard.
  5. Raheem sterling is a typical example of why you should not trust someone or look up to someone just because they have a beard and a turban. So many fakers out there that latch onto the Sikh identity to get respect from people but just end up tarnishing the image of Sikhs.
  6. Tejvir Why you have a a khanda with a british flag. What is meaning?
  7. Anyone know of some good informative Sikh channels. I am not talking about comedy channels like just reign but channels about faith and religion. Thanks
  8. Lol What have enuch and hijra community got to do with the war. lol As ajeet punjabi said if they want to enjoy themselves by taking it up the exit holes then let ajeet and other gay people do it and enjoy themselves. Obviously I dont agree with it but each to their own. Im not going to say lets beat them up. Ajeet do you attend gay pride events to show your support fo the homosexual community?
  9. Theres plenty of gays that openly call themselves Gandu. So how is it disrespectful. There are a number of things that can cause and encourage homosexuality. Its not just nature it is also nurture. Get it right and educate yourself.
  10. First of all beta. Dont go calling people son when your probably younger then the person your talking to. If you believe theres nothing wrong with taking it up your exit hole then good for you. As I said I dont believe in things such as we should 'kill gays' . But It is something I disagree with and I am entitled to my opinion. There are a number of things that can cause and encourage homosexuality. Its not just nature it is also nurture. Get it right and educate yourself.
  11. Well what is the correct term to call a man that likes to take it up the exit hole from another man?
  12. Its not about despising or hating it is just stating a fact. I am not saying attack or beat up gay people.
  13. Being a GAANDU is definantly wrong.
  14. This Korean needs to get to get his a$$ beaten and made into singapore fried noodles. Take your bullsh1t and get away from our temple.
  15. Going back to the original thread. No pun intended lol This topic is no way anything negative towards Hindus. I respect Hindu beliefs and practices just like I do any other religion. But that does not mean we should follow some Hindu practices just to please other faiths. If we all tie threads around our arm what message is that giving? Or maybe some tie it as a fashion symbol. But anyway just always wondered why I see so many Sikhs with the thread thing. Thought it was a bit strange.
  16. What the heck has this got to do with wearing a thread around your wrist. Its got nothing to do with holi or hindu festivals. These fools wear it all round the year. Maybe they think they are half hindu half sikhs. or whatever they call themselves.
  17. Not sure what its called but it looks silly In one hand you wear a kara in the same hand you wear a hindu thread. Its a disgrace.
  18. Why do many Sikhs wear Hindu Threads around their wrists? I have seen so many. They also wear the kara at the same time. At many a time I have thought about giving one of these confused people a good hard thapar for their foolishness. But not sure what its all about. Are these people copying Hindus?
  19. Ive seen plenty of Sikh coconut males. Large beer belly Can of beer in one hand wolverhampton scarfe around their neck strong brummie accent have had about 3 failed marriages Kids are married to goreh Kaleh and just about any race. No nothing about Sikhism but know everything about beer, football and barbecues and they go by the name of Jimmy. lol
  20. Nihal Singh. Sounds like a tamil presenter on bbc asian Along as we stop with the silly names like lovepreet ect.
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