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Everything posted by doctor_mani

  1. Should a non-amritdhari carry a Kirpan? Many times I have thought of this question but I come to no conclusion. I have seen many non-Amritdhari brothers carry a Kirpan. I have asked them the above question and they told me, 'We carry it because it is one of the 5k's and if we can have the other 4k's then why not the Kirpan?.' This arguement is defonatly solid and holds water but what leeds to my confusion is when I then ask these brothers if they would use the kirpan if need be. The reply I get from these brothers most of the time is that, 'Im not sure Im ready to use the Kirpan yet though as Im not yet an Amritdhari'. This confuses me because if one is not prepared to use the kirpan in extreme cicumstaces and as a last resort then why carry it? To me whatever we do must serve a purpose and if it does'nt then it is nothing more than a ritual or 'parkand'. But hey I may not have thought of the way some of you guys think and maybe you might be able to change my mind or strenghthen my current beliefe. So what does the sangat think about this issue? I have also included alternative answers to this poll for those of you who may have slightly different views. Please have an input in this poll because it would be interesting to see what the sangat thinks. Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa! Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!! Doctor_Mani...Dont stress over small issues...anger can put your health at risk and is the primary cause of many diseases. KRODH KILLS! Doctor_Mani
  2. Dear Veer Ji's, I personally agree that non-Amritdhari sikhs should not wear a Kirpan just like the majority hear. Surrey Singh Veera you say, 'I haven't seen any non-Amritdhari Sikhs wear a Kirpan, but if i did, i would definitely approach them and tell them not to wear it.' You'll be suprised as to how many non-Amritdhari sikhs wear a Kirpan in Bradford. So if you're thinking of doing a parchar about, 'non-Amritdhari sikhs should'nt be wearing Kirpans' then youre more than welcome to come to Bradford, UK. Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa! Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!! Doctor_Mani
  3. Veera khalistani, I believe its OK to colour our eyes. Besides there are many other things we colour that you probably didnt even think of e.g. food with haldi, books, clothes, etc so whats wrong with colouring eyes? I really dont think Waheguru Ji has time to punish people for wearing coloured contact lenses as there are more important issues. (Just joking about the 'time' thing as Waheguru is timeless himself but my point is wearing coloured contacts is nothing big). Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa! Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!! Doctor_Mani
  4. Kipakaro veera, You'll be suprised when you realise that 84% of iduviduals in UK who get hurt with fireworks thought they knew the firework code. No doubt they did know the firework code but its not about knowing the firework code, but its about following it. Same goes to Sikhi, many people know the basic 'do's' and 'donts' about Sikhism, but not many follow them. Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa! Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!! Doctor_Mani
  5. IWannaBeAGurSikh Veera, I agree with you here. But veera you are not going to give youre 'lekha' to the people of the society. You are accountable only to our father, Waheguru Ji. So who cares what people think. Have no attachment with societies views as this is 'moh'. Just worry whether you'll be answerable to the wonderfull lord, Waheguru Ji. Whatever step you take in life, if you think you can justify the reason for it with Dharam Raaja, then go ahead and do it. If other people do different from you then you and the society must be write aslong you can justify yourself- thats all. You cant possibly be wrong. Doctor_Mani
  6. JKaur Penji forgive me for replying back to this issue but it will be my last reply to this matter. ISingh Veera, you asked me, 'Tell me this, can Naam Abhyaas EVER be negative?' Well I defonatly agree with you that Naam Abhyaas can never be negative. However there may be certain negative implications that science has discovered but remember science cannot be compared with the gratness of the Guru Granth Sahib- and therefore these negative implications are defonalty over-ridden by the posotive effects of Naam Simran. Its like a balance which has one negative side and one posotive side- if the posotive side ways more than the negative side, the balance is said to be tilted to the posotive way. When we look at this example in context with Naam Simran we find out that this example is exagerated a countless number of times because the greatness of Simran cannot be put in words. Gurupanth Veera, you opened a poll on, 'Science vs Guru Granth Sahib'. My arguement was not that science is greater or far-reached than Guru Granth Sahib Ji, and nor did I say that the bit of scientific logic I explained on the form contradicts with Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Infact you would find that Sikhism is the only religion that science completly coincides with (we sikhs cover our head- the most vunerable part of the body, Bhagat Kabeer ji told us there are many planets and stars out there- science has only discovered that, many sikhs for a long time who have done simran claim they can heer 'Waheguru' in everything- and partical physics has only dicovered the resonating frequency, Einstien explained how something traveling at the speed of lig ht becomes timeless 'Akhal'- and Guru Nanak Dev Ji told us in his first bani (the Mool Mantra) that Waheguru ji has a timeless form 'Akhal Moorath'. Veera this list goes on and on- way beyond my kowledge. My point is it is absolutly TRUE that Waheguru Ji is far superior than science that it cant be put in words- afterall who created sicence- the lord Waheguru himself, 'Karta Purak'. Now if we start comparing Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji (the wholly scripture with the divine words of Waheguru and the jot of our respectfull father Gurus), who is being foolish? Dont you think that this is insulting our Guru, Guru Granth Sahib Ji? Chardi_kalaa Veera you ask, 'When was the last time you heard of a Gursikh having a heart attack or going into cardiac arrest from doing simran?' The unfortionate truth is that there are such cases of Gursikhs and non-sikhs going into cardiac arrest whilst doing simran/kirtan and sometimes even passing away as a result. Due to confidentiality and respect I cannot name anyone in particular. But however we Sikhs should view this posotivly and be re-assured that these Sikhs passing away whilst in meditation would be granted a place in Sach Khand. Veera you also ask, 'If your'e mind is at one with Guru Jee, do you think he will let you have an heart attack?'. Well as I understand, if Guru Ji is impreseed with youre simran, he may be punishing you for your bad karams in your previous/present life so that when you do leave this world you have had youre punishment and you can therefore be given a place in Sach Khand (its like you dont have a debt when you go to the bank as you cleared youre debts whilst you were employed). If however a Gursikh passes away whilst doing Simran then it was probably time for them to go as everyone has a designated number of beaths as all is uder Waheguru Ji's Hukam. One who leaves this world with Wahegurus name in their heart must be luck y as they will recieve a place in Sach Khand- so such views should not be viewed negativly but as Guru Ji's blessing. Waheguru Ji is so great that noone knows his wonderfull ways. I finally apologise for going too far with this thing. I defonatly was not talking anyone out from doing simran. Remember science is great but the greatness of it is of no comparosion with our father Waheguru. And when interpretated correctly science does not clash with Sikhi- it coincides with it. Never ever though compare the young science with the Akhal Waheguru though (the timeless one) as he has always been present and allways will. I will not comment further on this topic as it has strayed off course. Bhull Chuck Maaf. Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa! Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!! Doctor_Mani ... we can conqor our minds by only Simran of his glourios name, and once we've conqored the mind- we've conqored the world. 'Mann Jeete, Jag Jeet'
  7. IWannaBeAGurSikh Veera if you dont feel comfortable then dont go. But if your also going to feel uncomfortable staying home then my advise is to go. Dont feel you will be doing Guru Ji's beadbi by sitting in that environment. Remember the Guru in 'antherjami' and therfore knows whats going through you. Aslong as your faith is strong and Waheguru Ji is in youre heart, Waheguru would forgive you. Also treat it as a test from waheguru. I believe you want to take amrit. If you cant control your mind in the party environment then maybe youre not ready to take amrit yet. And if you find its not to be a problem in remembering waheguru in that environment- then maybe it is time to take amrit. By going to this party you would find out how strong you are and maybe you can change your screen name from IWannaBeAGurSikh to GurSikh if you pass the test. Good look veera Docotr_Mani
  8. SIngh Veera and Khalsa Veera thank you. It is very common for someone to faint inside the Gurdwara hall - especially during ardaas- as I have observed this myself. This is because many Gurdwara's are not properly circulated with incoming fresh air and oxygen levels can fall in a crowded hall where there is more oxygen consumption. With an individual standing the blood supply to one of the most vital organs, the brain, decreases and the brain can be oxygen starved. This condition is know as anoxia and oxygen starvation of the brain for anything longer than 3 minutes can leed to permenant brain damage or even death. In the summer when conditions are humid, people are more vunerable to fainting as oxygen uptake in the lungs decreases, as the alveoli membranes become more moist. If anyone comes accross such a sitaution where a member of the sangat does faint- dont panic. Just remove them from the hall and take them out side where there is fresh air available, and open the windows inside the hall to minimize the risks for the rest of the sangat. Young children and the elderly are particularly at risk. If the induviual however does not recover after 1min then call the ambulance emmediatly. If need be, a first aider may have to give the iduvidual resusition and heart massarge. This is dependent on the severity of the anoxia and may I stress that the situation very rarely comes this far. Doctor_Mani
  9. Looks like you people are just ignorant. Never did I suggest you will die doing simran OK? 'KIRPAKARO' Veera you are hypercritical. You tell me it shouldnt be my concern of what happens during simran- so why is it yours?????? Dont tell me whats healthy or not or I can debate these matters untill you have no brathe left. You say, 'actually it is a fact that doing doing saas graas simran actually helps the body, not hurt it'. I ask you what have you got to back up your theory? Sure simran would have many possotive implications on the human body- NO DOUBT. But as a Doctor it is my duty make you aware the negative implications too. And if youre not willing to accept the scientific based facts then thats youre ignorance speaking. Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa! Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!! Doctor_Mani
  10. Although there will be Medics such as myself available on Gurdwara premises during the firework display- it is never completly possible to stop incidents that may affect ones health occuring. However to minimize the risks, I advise the sangat to strictly follow the firework code below: ¨ Buy fireworks marked BS 7114 ¨ Keep fireworks in a closed box ¨ Follow the instructions on each firework ¨ Light them at arms length using a taper ¨ Stand well back ¨ Never go back to a lit firework ¨ Never put fireworks in your pocket ¨ Never throw fireworks ¨ Light sparklers one at a time and wear gloves ¨ Never give sparklers to a child under five ¨ Keep pets indoors Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa! Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!! Doctor_Mani ...Dont play with fireworks- doctors have got more important issues to handle so be considerate
  11. S1ngh Veera the question was not whether Amritdhari's should carry a Kirpan, as this is manditory. The question was whether non Amritdhari-sikhs should carry a Kirpan? Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa! Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!! Doctor_Mani
  12. IMPORTANT NOTICE Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa! Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!: I come as gurus servant to tell the sangat that there is going to be a Firework display at Guru Gobind Singh Gurdwara Gobind Marg Bradford BD3 9JN On Saturday 8th November Approx 8:00pm. The display at Singh Sahiba Gurdwara is aproximatly at 7:30pm (30mins before the one at Guru Gobind Singh Gudwara)- so the brothers and sisters going to Singh Sahiba Gurdwara for the firework display are are more than welcome to come along to the Guru Gobind Singh Gudwara display. Bhul Chuk Maaf Waheguru ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru ji Ke Fathe! Doctor_Mani ...Dont play with fireworks- doctors have got more important issues to handle so be considerate
  13. Rash Veera you have not offended me or any of the Leeds Road Sangat. Im glad you feel open to share youre views and pray to Waheguru you continue to do so. If Singh Sahiba Gurdwara opened you eyes then that is something they should be proud of as to the many other things. Far as Leeds Road is concerned I am aware that they have not been active in promoting Sikhi to the youth in the past. But if you look around that is slowly but surly changing. There is a tabla and vaja class every week, and there is the Akhal Sikh Association too. It probabaly does not sound much, but scan youre mind 2 years ago, you'll find none of this. If the Sikhi promotion grows exponentially with waheguru ji's kirpa then the future should be bright- inshala. Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa! Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!! Doctor_Mani
  14. Rash veera could you please tell me the source in which you learned that Guru Gobind Singh Ji told us not to do his dharshan if we are withought kes and shaster? If this is true people like me (who have no shaster) surly cant do Guru Granth Sahib Ji's dharshan as Guru Gobind Singh Ji's soul is in Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj. This also means the 'monay' Singhs cant do Guru Granth Sahib Ji's Dharshan. And if I cant do Guru Granth Sahibs Ji's Dharashan then I should'nt be allowed to go to the Gurdwara? Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa! Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!! Doctor_Mani
  15. Should a non-amritdhari carry a Kirpan? Many times I have thought of this question but I come to no conclusion. I have seen many non-Amritdhari brothers carry a Kirpan. I have asked them the above question and they told me, 'We carry it because it is one of the 5k's and if we can have the other 4k's then why not the Kirpan?.' This arguement is defonatly solid and holds water but what leeds to my confusion is when I then ask these brothers if they would use the kirpan if need be. The reply I get from these brothers most of the time is that, 'Im not sure Im ready to use the Kirpan yet though as Im not yet an Amritdhari'. This confuses me because if one is not prepared to use the kirpan in extreme cicumstaces and as a last resort then why carry it? To me whatever we do must serve a purpose and if it does'nt then it is nothing more than a ritual or 'parkand'. But hey I may not have thought of the way some of you guys think and maybe you might be able to change my mind or strenghthen my current beliefe. So what does the sangat think about this issue? Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa! Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!! Doctor_Mani...Dont stress over small issues...anger can put your health at risk and is the primary cause of many diseases. KRODH KILLS! Doctor_Mani
  16. SINGHNI penji why do you assume some people here have hatred for Singh Sahiba Bradford? Did anyone say that to you? As a sikh i recognise the whole human race as one- never mind having hatred for my own sikh brothers and sisters. As a doctor I cannot have hate for any one in anyway and I treat all my patients equally and with the most respect. SINGHNI Ji, I ask you, if master p called Singh Sahibas' Singhnia and Singhs militant then whats wrong with that? The cambridge dictionary defonition of 'militant' is, 'active, determined and often willing to use force'. You can check this defonition on this link for youre confirmation: http://dictionary.cambridge.org/define.asp...50517&dict=CALD Is there anything wrong with being active, determined and willing? More often than not I hear my brothers calling Singh Sahiba Bradford the most active G udwara in bradford- and when master p coincides with that statement you find it offensive! I observe you have a negative mentality- and negative thinking only gets you to one place- NOWHERE! Correct me if I'm wrong SINGHNI Penji, but i cant recall any1 commenting on diwali parties or the way the Sangat at Singh Sahiba Bradford dresses. I strongly recomend you to stop making up things to support your arguement because your not allowed to do that with Dharm Raja, so its best you get used to it now. You mentioned, 'or is it [...] we dnt allow inapropriate behaviour in gurudwara?' I ask you which gurdwara does allow inapropriate behaviour? The answer in NO gurdwara. But the truth of life is that we probabaly get inapropriate behaviour at every gudwara- because I certainly have observed inaproriate behaviour in every gurdwara in Bradford atleast. Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa! Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!! Doctor_ Mani
  17. SINGHNI penji it appears to me you have a low exitory threshold (in other words you get exited very quickly) if you found what i said funny, because I certainly was NOT trying to be funny. I did not say you would die early if you do simran and I certainly did not suggest you not to meditate on 'his' holy name. Infact I encoured you to do simran. What I DID do was inform you of the potential implications of doing simran. Now if you found that funny, Im afraid you must have other implications. Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa! Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!! Doctor_Mani
  18. Glad to see gmb_sim veera and rash veera sorted it out amongst themselfes other wise I didnt really want additional casualties on top of my work load. This is a prime example of how unity can be achieved. If anyone has not read the the previous constituent 6 conversations between rash veera and gmb_sim veera then please do so. You see they first have conflicting opinions but just by simple disscussion they manage to sort everything out. This is esactly how the Akhal Sikh Association is aiming to achieve unity. Not rocket science is it? When the Khalsa will 'Raaj' it would obviously be great to the Sikh Panth but to us Doctors too, who have to deal with many sikh casualties who get assulted by one another as they have different views. Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa! Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!! Doctor_Mani
  19. AKJforever, I seen Khalsa Mero Roop Hai Khaas. Good film. Good ending. But if you look at the hero's dad, hes another pretend amritdhari. Whats the point of having thake amritdhari's with thake kesh when there is REAL amrithari's out there. Another point, in hawayein why is the hero a mona? I would like to watch a film with an amrithdhari hero or atleast a kesh dhari hero. Has anyone seen one. Please let me know. The films that really inspire me is Shaheed Udham Singh, and Shaheed (with Bobby Deol). Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa! Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!! Doctor_Mani
  20. I am not making fun of naam abyasees or naam simran- I meditate myself. I respect the naam abyasees and naam simran 100%. But do you know the amount of tension the heart is put under whilst doing simran? I have seen the style alot of the sangat does simran (esspecially at AKJ events), where the tendancy is to say the true name 'Waheguru' whilst one is breathing out and in. Try saying anything whlist breathing in and see how difficult it youself. When you breath in the intra-thoracic pressure increases above the set point therfore the venous blood return to the heart decreases and hence the blood pressure falls. To counteract this physiological change the the stroke volume and the heart rate increases which increases the cardiac ouput. Together with slight vasoconstiction and and an elevated cardiac output, the blood pressure is restored. My point is the heart is naturally put under stress whilst breathing in and the fact that actualy saying something whilst breathing in puts ones heart under more stess. You may think the risks are not reall but you very occasionally see many singers and ragi's with heart desease. I am not putting anyone off from naam simran- infact I incourage it. But what I am trying to do is to make the sangat concious of the risks involved and that they are reall. Life and death is in the all mighty, Waheguru Ji's hands and us doctors can not do anything about that. But given the chance, we will always try our best to assist in saving someones life 'inshala'. N30 S!NGH, you say, 'But dont save them... remember...at time or moment of deat h if simran comes "vaheguroo"" vaheguroo" ... ruh(atma) straight go to good place' But as a Doctor it is my duty to save many lifes as possible. You may ask me 'why?'- my answer is us doctors want a place in heaven (or sach khand) too! Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa! Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!! Doctor_Mani
  21. Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa! Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!! Dear brothers and sisters, I've read all the messages posted on this topic. The overall impression I get is that we the youth are still fighting and are not united. The only difference is that the split before was largely due to caste, but these days the split is primarily due to our individual belieifs/bringings and by the different ways by which we practice sikhi. One TRUE example I would like to share with the sangat (withought mentioning names) is that once the Giani Ji of a Gurdwara was asked to recite the Sukhmani Sahib at the house of a 'Ramgharia' brother (to me there is no difference between Ramgharia brothers and non-Ramgharia brothers but this was the only way I could describe the situation- Bhull Chuck Maaf). Everything was absolutly fine and the auspicous occation was officialy booked. Neer the date of the paath, the 'Rhamgaria' brother told Giani Ji that the Guru Granth Sahib would come from Rhamgaria Gurdwara. Giani Ji (who served at another Gudwara) refused to conduct the paath as his job only permitted him to conduct the paath with Guru Sahib from the Gudwara at which he served. This 'Rhamgaria' brother wrongfully accused Giani Ji of diffrentiating the Guru Granth Sahib between Ramghaia Gurdwara and the Gurdwara at which Giani Ji conducted his sewa. The person who did however prejudice against Guru Ji was the Rhamgaria brother but accused his sins to Giani Ji. My point is that today not only are we difrenciating the sikh brothers and sisters from different Gudwaras but we have gone so beyond that, that we are now prejudicing with Guru Granth Sahib. Jagjit Singh Vir Ji, I once heard from a veera that you sent a letter to Shiromni Gurdwara Parbandakh commitee regarding the issue of the Nagar Kirtan being allowed to attened a Hindu Mandir (please correct me if I'm wrong). Has there been in response to youre letter? It would be interesting to know what the SGPC had to say about whether the Nagar Kirtan can be permitted to go to the Hindu Mandir, so if they replied I would appreciate it if you could share their views with this form. ISingh, Vir Ji, if their is a hukamnama stating that Guru Granth Sahib Ji should not be taken to or rest outside any other place other than the Gurdwara- please could you state it. If you are not completely sure if there is such a hukamnama (as it appears to me), you should not presume there is one. Jagit Singh Vir Ji, and some of my other respectfull vir ji's you seem absolutly sure that the Hindu Manidir on Leeds Road has links with RSS as you say, 'Pyare jio, to say the Hindu Mandir has no RSS links, is like saying the Klu Klux klan is not white. Not only are they white, but they are white and proud.' I do not doubt that The Hindu Mandir does have links with RSS. But I do not view the Mandir any differently just because it has links with the RSS. For me it is still a mandir. If the people who attened the mandir have links with RSS it is their problem. If anything we Sikhs should be more willin g to visit the mandir if it has links with RSS- to let the RSS know that we sikhs are so strong that noything can change us. Personaly, I dont see whats wrong for a sikh or the sikhs guru (Guru Granth Sahib Ji) to attened a Mandir- correct me if i'm wrong, did not Guru Nanak Dev Ji not visit a masjid? Guru Nanak Dev ji visited a masjid but still worshiped the one mercifull waheguru beacuse he saw no difference in allah and waheguru. We sikhs should be so strong that even if we go to a mandir we do not hesitate to chant Wahegurus name or do a jaykara on the top of our voices. GMB_Sim Veera, forgive me for going off the point but i felt it was important to clarify some of my personal beliefes. As to what could be done about the 'one gurdwara bradford' project i have a suggestion which i shall propose tonight at the Akhal Sikh Association form and i shall post in this topic in the near future. If theres any health issues this Doctor can help the sangat with please dont hesitate to contact me. Bhull Chuck Maaf Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa! Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!! Doctor_Mani
  22. Ill be there too incase anyone has a cardiac arrest (heart attack) whislt doing simran. Its always re-assuring that the Gurdwaras have Medics for emergencies these days. So feel safe to come, youre all in good hands. Doctor_Mani
  23. Yess this stuff is defonatly usefull to everyone- not just females. But statiatics show that women are 76% of the time the victim of such cases. Rashpal Singh Deol, why do you say the raping bit is usefull for only women? Men too can get raped. Whether it is a homosexual assult ur a hetrosexual assult is another matter. Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa! Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!! Doctor_Mani
  24. lol women look good with open dari 2 lol Lol gmb_sim. I think the human looks the <admin-cut> untouched- <ADMIN-CUT!!!!> The dhari is a functionally important tissue for humans. It serves as potential 'antenas ' of the face and helps keep the skin moisterised. In areas where skin surface heat loss due to conduction, convection and radiation exeeds heat gain, the dhari serves as an essential insulater of the face where heat loss is most substantial. Along come the benifits of protecting the facial skin from occasional insect bites and <admin-cut>. My point is, ladies and gentelmen- keep the dhari and leave it open. Doctor_Mani Admin WARNING: Innapropriate discussions of intimacy are NOT allowed. Especially on a YOUTH and SIKHI forum.
  25. I believe life can be hell if the 5 evils take over ones mind. On the other hand life is heaven if one remembers the one glourios lord and praises his name. Waheguru~Waheguru~Waheguru Doctor_Mani
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