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Everything posted by sher-e-panjab

  1. Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa! Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!! THE FOLLOWING VIDEOS ARE AVAILABLE TO DOWNLOAD FRM ME IN GURSEVA HUB: Shaheed Baba Deep Singh Gatka Akhara (UK) - Seni '04 (45 Clips) Agan Bhet Sewa Documentary Gurdwaras Of Pakistan - Jinna Toh Panth Nu Vichoria Giya Sant Baba Kishan Singh Ji & Jathedar Baba Ji
  2. im with Khalsa Soulja on this one, if any1 has info make sure u pass it on, dis <admin-profanity filter activated> shudnt get away with it.
  3. its true, there was mass protests on the eve of its release, because they said no ordinar person, a mortal could play the role of maharaja ranjit singh. go to this page on Sikh.net and watch the video: Maharaja Ranjit Singh
  4. daasn daas making such films would cause so much controversy, there was a film made about maharaja ranjit singh and the week it was due to release many people protested against it n it was not shown anywhere.
  5. heres another audio from the radio prog: Radio Recording2
  6. i think it was set-up too, n shes lucky she ran off when she did coz if she stayed to end of show who knows wot would have happened
  7. after the singh called, there was another caller (muslim) who told her what she said was wrong, then they went to news n after that she ran away during the news. the presenter was trying to call her mobile but she wudnt answer. i'll upload that audio
  8. rochak i dont really think emailing sonia would be very useful, she did the best she could, n i think she handled it really well. later on a caller says that the girl should read 'the guru nanak book or wotever' n she handled that well too, correcting him in what he was saying
  9. it was a repeat of Tuesdays morning's show, so which will now be overwritten with todays show. Mr Singh i'll give u the recording when you come on msn. ms514 its not an opinion its slander, she has no proof to back up what shes saying, and she also says that to all muslims guru nanak dev ji is the devil, so for those who dont know what guru nanak dev ji means to sikhs and also muslims, it will make them think that guru ji is the 'devil'
  10. the discussion goes on for about 2 hours, but thats the background of the girls life etc i have the certain bit were she called guru nanak dev ji a 'shetan (devil)' but aint got anywhere to upload it
  11. yea the presenter did handle it well, later on a muslim caller says that the girl should read 'the guru nanak book or wotever' she immediately goes on the offensive n says its not the guru nanak book or wotever its the guru granth sahib and the name is guru nanak sahib ji
  12. there was a radio show on bbc today about inter-faith marriages, wheter they can survive, what effect it has on children etc. this 22yr old girl came in to studio whos father is sikh n mother is muslim, parents have split up. she has decided to become muslim. when asked why she chose one over other she says 'guru nanak singh is the shetan' as he formed another religion to solve disputes over hindus n muslims. the radio presenter corrects her 1st of all n tell her that its Guru Nanak Dev Ji not Singh. and from there a discussion occures. Click here to listen to full show and forward to around 1hour 39mins.
  13. chamkila bro you would be better off asking at your local gurdwara, they would know as theres lots of gurdwaras in UK arranging coaches to go to London for the march
  14. yea why u so quick to jump to the conculsion that it was a mona, anywayz do u guys have any idea of the things that go on here it would b very likely that the person attacked was involved in this and if so serves him right
  15. E-Bay Auction is this right? if its genuine and rare shouldnt it be preserved and kept safely
  16. well u know ppl in India, 'oh meni paise daynay'
  17. woooh-hooo ARSENAL all the way :umm: :D should have beat chelsea in champions league and that would have been ours too @
  18. Theres also 2 other Kesdhari cricketers who have played and still play for india - Reetinder Singh Sodhi & Sharandeep Singh
  19. whats the big deal he was never a skih anyway
  20. Download prog from here: DC++ Website one you install and run, the settings page will open. chose a username, in connection settings go into active mode. Then go to sharing and add some files/folders to share (min 30mb or so). Put your slots to 2 Then go to public hubs (1st icon in toolbar) type gursevahub.com in the Manual Connect Address then connect. when you enter hub there are some tips on using dc++, downloading etc
  21. VIDEOS FROM GURSIKHIJEEVAN.COM Vision TV on 149 Saroops From India Chardi Kalaa on 149 Saroops From India
  22. id say that the reason for more coverage of those events would be becuase they approach the media and make them aware of the events. yea n its always to do with terrorism, i dont think we need prog like that about us.
  23. get a phone that allows you to take videos as well as pictures
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