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  1. ***THE 2014 UK INTERVIEW*** Dhadrianwale | World Exclusive | Early Years, Panthic Vision & Gurmat Vichar | HD World famous Sikh Parcharak Baba Ranjit Singh Khalsa Dhadrianwale made a brief visit to the UK during early September 2014. Renowned for their regular Kirtan, Katha and Tatt Gurmat Parchar Diwaans across the world, and attracting in excess of 100,000 people at events in India, the Parcharak is known to speak about Panthic affairs, explain the logic within Gurbani, speak openly against false Gurudom and Deravaad in Punjab, as well as discussing the social issues affecting the nation. A world exclusive interview recorded during their stay in the Midlands was broadcast by UK-based Sangat Television on Friday 5th September 2014 and well-received by millions of viewers worldwide. Conducted by Ranjit Singh Rana, the highly educational, informative and inspirational interview gives a glimpse of Baba Ranjit Singh Ji’s early years, education and an introduction to their vision. The interview can be watched in HD quality at -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVTy-iUSNq8 or http://youtu.be/vVTy-iUSNq8. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- During their few days stay, a Gurmat Diwaan took place at Guru Nanak Sikh Gurdwara, Sedgley Street, Wolverhampton on Sunday 7th September 2014 in which thousands of Sikhs gathered from across the UK at very short notice, while Sangat Television held its annual anniversary event, attended by many Panthic organisations. A recording of the live broadcast can be viewed at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqI_sEk6Fjk&feature=youtu.be.
  2. BHAGTI OF TRUTH** Hear It - Understand It - Preach It | Beauty Of Sikh Logic For Mankind | Dhadrianwale Reference Link - ਅਸਲੀ ਭਗਤੀ ਕਿਹੜੀ ਹੈ http://youtu.be/mO6oNxH9DM0 20th September 2014, ਕਰਤਾਰਪੁਰ, ਦੋਆਬਾ - Within the deeply informative and thought-provoking live recording that can be watched in the reference link (ਅਸਲੀ ਭਗਤੀ ਕਿਹੜੀ ਹੈ), Baba Ranjit Singh Khalsa Dhadrianwale discusses what 'Bhagti' is whilst speaking to the thousands who attended a Panthic Diwaan on 20th September 2014, organised by the Parmeshar Dwar Gurmat Parchar Mission in the Doaba region of Punjab within Jalandhar city's Kartarpur town. After doing 'Vaheguru Simran' with the Sangat present, a fundamental part of a Sikhs life, they explain with Gurmat justification that one form of 'Bhagti' is the truth (“Sach”). First Sikhs must hear the truth, then they must understand the truth and finally they should preach the truth. This is the beautiful concept in Sikh logic that is applicable to all of mankind. They explained that if they were to simply meditate on stage, no person would come into conflict with them. However, when the truth is spoken then certain people will enter into conflict, whether it be drug dealers, snake worshippers or those agencies working against the Khalsa Panth. They urged Sikhs to not fear what others may think as the person who looks at others is known as a “Moorakh”. As it is better for our body to stay hungry but not eat the wrong food, in the same way we must only feed our inner-being with truthful, right knowledge. If the wise Guru Nanak Dev Ji sat in Kartarpur meditating without propagating the truth, no person would have confronted them. In the same way Kalgidhar Guru Gobind Singh Ji could have kept quiet on the issue of castes, equality and authoritative power misuse and they could easily have lived a comfortable life in Anandpur, but instead they became a voice against injustice and propagated the truth. The world does not favour the Bhagti of speaking the truth. Those who understand the nations difficulties as their own, speak up for human rights and challenge corruption, they will always be targeted. Baba Ranjit Singh Khalsa talked about the simple and just demands raised in the 1980's Anandpur Sahib Resolution and the truth that was spoken by the Sikh nations saint soldier Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale, where others afraid of the truth became traitors of the Khalsa Panth. Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale challenged the system, spoke against injustices and ultimately propagated the truth, hence the reason they became a target of army's and tanks. Also sitting within the Sangat was Sathkaarjog Bapu Tarlok Singh Ji, father of the great martyr, warrior Shaheed Bhai Satwant Singh Ji.
  3. **GOLDEN PARENTS: CREATORS OF SOORME** Bapu Tarlok Singh Ji, Mata Pyaar Kaur Ji & Bibi Surinder Kaur Ji | The Amazing Family Of Shaheed Bhai Satwant Singh Ji | Dhadrianwale ਧੰਨ ਪਰਿਵਾਰ - ਕਰਤਾਰਪੁਰ, ਦੋਆਬਾ - http://youtu.be/Hz4Pyf5Q_Zw Baba Ranjit Singh Khalsa Dhadrianwale talk about the fearless Shaheed Bhai Satwant Singh Ji, the incredible story of his wife Bibi Surinder Kaur Ji and the ultimate willpower of his parents, Bapu Tarlok Singh Ji and Mata Pyaar Kaur Ji, the creators of warriors. This live recording clip is from the Panthic Diwaan that took place on 19th September 2014, organised by the Parmeshar Dwar Gurmat Parchar Mission in the Doaba region of Punjab within Jalandhar city's Kartarpur town. Sitting within the Sangat was Sathkaarjog Bapu Tarlok Singh Ji, father of the great martyr, warrior Shaheed Bhai Satwant Singh Ji. ***RELATED VIDEOS*** 1) ANOKHA VIYAH (World Famous Diwaan) - The Unique Wedding Of Shaheed Bhai Satwant Singh & Bibi Surinder Kaur:http://youtu.be/avhGsbjkcLk 2) BAPU TARLOK SINGH JI (Exclusive Speech) - Shaheed Bhai Satwant Singh Ji's Parents & Mandeep Singh 'Kubbe' Honoured:http://youtu.be/2_xPTcX14Ko
  4. Clip from 6th December 2013 Diwaan: News Update: 11:00pm, 7 December 2013, Mohali - After the arrest of Bhai Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa, it was decided by the Sikh organisations that Bhai Damandeep Singh, a Sikh youth from Ludhiana, would continue with the peaceful hunger strike at Gurdwara Amb Sahib whilst Bhai Gurbaksh Singh remains imprisoned in Ropar Jail. Baba Ranjit Singh Khalsa Dhadrianwale has visited Bhai Damandeep Singh this evening to show the young Sikh support. Sikhs must continue to display solidarity towards the cause to free Sikh prisoners who continue to languish in Indian jails after the completion of their legal sentences.
  5. News Update: 11:00pm, 7 December 2013, Mohali - After the arrest of Bhai Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa, it was decided by the Sikh organisations that Bhai Damandeep Singh, a Sikh youth from Ludhiana, would continue with the peaceful hunger strike at Gurdwara Amb Sahib whilst Bhai Gurbaksh Singh remains imprisoned in Ropar Jail. Baba Ranjit Singh Khalsa Dhadrianwale has visited Bhai Damandeep Singh this evening to show the young Sikh support. Sikhs must continue to display solidarity towards the cause to free Sikh prisoners who continue to languish in Indian jails after the completion of their legal sentences.
  6. News Update: 11:00pm, 7 December 2013, Mohali - After the arrest of Bhai Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa, it was decided by the Sikh organisations that Bhai Damandeep Singh, a Sikh youth from Ludhiana, would continue with the peaceful hunger strike at Gurdwara Amb Sahib whilst Bhai Gurbaksh Singh remains imprisoned in Ropar Jail. Baba Ranjit Singh Khalsa Dhadrianwale has visited Bhai Damandeep Singh this evening to show the young Sikh support. Sikhs must continue to display solidarity towards the cause to free Sikh prisoners who continue to languish in Indian jails after the completion of their legal sentences.
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