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Arsh1469 last won the day on September 3 2023

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  • Birthday July 19

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  1. 1991 edict essentially saying the same. Kharkus made Amritsar to Phagwara meatless, alcohol-less, drug-less etc. People who violated the edict risked their life.
  2. Edict by Kharkus banning bhang, meat, alcohol, drugs, etc. All Kharkus supported it.
  3. Some say Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji did jhatka of goats and not of the Panj Pyare. Well one day a Dhadi got up and answerd it, “Thori kinde Maharaj ne bakre mare. Thori kinde Pyare da sees kataya. Sach aa ki vo bakre nahi c. Vo bakriyan c. Bakriyan da jhatka kita. Bakrea da nahi.”
  4. Check out my blog on the Kharku movement. I just published a biography on Bhai Harmeet Singh Ji PhD. https://sikhfreedommovement.substack.com
  5. Pictures are probably fake. Just pasted his face on to some random guy. Look at a tutorial online it is easy.
  6. I was hearing katha and it said that if you think marriage is mandatory for an amritdhari how come none of the Panj Pyare got married and had kids. We should think before saying Sikhs must be married and have kids.
  7. That is a copy of the Puratan Janamsakhi. I think it was the first one or one of the first copies of the Janamsakhi to be found
  8. Yes it is one Janamsakhi which is called Puratan Janamsakhi. It is also known as the Macauliffe-wale Janam Sakhi
  9. Hope the sangat enjoys this. @dalsingh101 i would be very interested in your opinion on the puratan janamsakhi.
  10. Below I will post some pictures from the Janamsakhi First image is Guru Nanak with Bhai Bala (Proving he at least existed) and Bhai Mariana dating to 1785 Second image is Guru Nanak with Bhai Bala dated to 1790-1820 Third image is Guru Nanak in Mecca from the Late 18th century Fourth is Guru Nanak as a shopkeeper from the late 19th century Final image is Guru Nanak with a Brahmin from the early 18th century Imtresting how in the earlier images Guru Nanak looks like a Peer or more of a Muslim Saint while in the later ones he look more like a Hindu Saint and even royalty.
  11. Puratan Janamsakhi is the most contemporary and probably authentic. It was written in the early 1600s making to a very reliable source. Bahi Vir Singh writes it is the oldest janamsakhi though he goes with a mid 1600s date of Guru Hargobinds time. He says the Hindalias have made their own corrupt version of the janamsakhi. He also says that Bhai Bala Wala Janamsakhi is a copy of this while changing parts to fit the agenda of the author who Bhai Vir Singh believes to be the Hindalias. Bhai Vir Singh believe that Sakhis of this Janamsakhi were each written at different times. The third sakhi is written a while after the Mughals while Sakhis about Guru Arjan Dev Jis shabads were, by the language, written during Guru Hargobind Jis time. Another Sakhis appears to be of Guru Gobind Singhs time. The language is south western Punjabi and it does not seem the writer is a professional nor an expert. There are many errors that seem to be copying mistakes. The first Sakhi says Guru Nanak was born in the month of Vaisakh in the third period of the moonlight night. I.e amrit vela. It interestingly says that by the time he was 5 Hindus and Muslims started to consider him and avatar or a saint. There is a lot of Gurbani used in this Janamsakhi. The author makes the mistake of attributing Saloks of the fifth Guru to Guru Nanak.
  12. Out of curiosity how many kids do you have? If you have none then how old are you?
  13. Every Sikh should have as many kids as they can manage. We don’t want Sikhs to have 4 kids when they can handle only 2. Let’s see how many kids the Guru’s had for example. Guru Nanak 2 Guru Angad 4 Guru Amar Das 4 Guru Ram Das 3 Guru Arjan 1 Guru Hargobind 6 Guru Har Rai 3 Guru Har Krishan 0 Guru Tegh Bahadaur 1 Guri Gobind Singh 4 (Maybe 5 because of adopted children) We can see that each of the Gurus had different amounts of kids. Guru Nanak didn’t spend much time with his children so he had two. While Guru Hargobind had 6 from 3 different wives. My point is we shouldn’t have a defined number of kids we need. We should all have kids yes but have as many as you can manage. Just for fun I created an average for how many kids the Gurus had and it is 2.8 so 3. If we don’t count Guru Harkrishan because Guru Sahib was too young to have kids it is 3.11 so still 3. Hope this helped people.
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