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Everything posted by SunSingh

  1. dandruff can be solved using medicated shampoo and some sort of oil to restore moisture to the scalp. don't cut the hairs, meditate on sri har krishan dhiaaeea jis dithay sabh dukh jai Sarb rog ka aukhad naam dass knows an elderly person who had fallen and displaced her hip. The doctors stated that she was too old to operate on and they could not help her. She would lose her balance and fall everytime she tried to stand. It was then that she placed her trust in Guru ji and began to continually meditate on the shabad ”Sree Hur Krishan dhi-aa-ee-ayy, Jis Ditt(h)ay Sab Dukh Jaa-ay!” After a few months she felt a current of energy in her leg and her hip was moved back into place – fixed as good as new!! Dass himself used the healing power of Gurbani for a pinched nerve near the spine. Everyday meditating on the above shabad for at least one mala (108 repetitions). After a few days the energy vibration in my back increased and the pain disappeared!! It is important to always always always do ardass (a prayer) after any meditation, otherwise we may not see the full benefit from it. It’s also HUGELY more beneficial to meditate nishkaam (without worldly desires). In my case I didn’t ask for ending my pain or fixing the pinched nerve, I just meditated on the mantr, and afterwards did ardass of the same mantr (Sree Har Krishan Dhiaaeaye, Jis Ditthay Sub Dukh Jaa-aay). As you can clearly see, the power of Naam is not merely psychlogical as some nishardic (faithless) people claim. If anyone suffers from great mental stress, continual meditation on gurmantr, mool mantr, or any Gurbani helps avoid the stress & it helps avoid the weakening of the mind the occurs from constant stress. An easy way is to download the Gareebi Nitnem from www.Gursevak.com and just play them in your ears 24/7.
  2. could you give us a synopsis ? what are the main points?
  3. seva and simran both remove past bad karams. sangat helps with motivation, helps save us from future bad karams. doing sangat of the spiritually enlightened is a pun in itself. although it is difficult, if you carry on with your bani then at the end you will probably have a stronger jeevan, so you'll come out ahead spiritually as well. if you really have doubts, there is no paap in going to another sant for guidance. but there is no benefit in reducing the amount of paath you do in the meantime. you can also help support your recovery from health problems through a healthy diet, exercise, and an optimistic attitude in addition to bani. you can also go back to the original sant and do benti that it's too hard for you, ask him/her to make it easier for you.
  4. Sangat Singh speaks against Dasam Bani. He also speaks against the nitnem banis used in amrit sanchar that are from Dasam Granth. I posted a link to some of his writing on this several months ago on this site. It is the same Sangat Singh you guys are referencing above. He has no credibility.
  5. we go where it is in our karams to go. we come into sikhi b/c we have the punns and kirpa for it. others, unfortunately, do not. note that other dharms began before kaljug, much of the methodology they use is from then. even christianity brought forward pre-kaljug methodology (despite the fact that it began in kaljug). all these dharms are rooted to a fairly large degree in old ways which do not carry as much value in the yug. Sikh dharm is the only one that has the most advanced methods, it has Amrit which no one else offers, and it makes it the easiest to get mukti. That being said, all dharms are good, as they all lead people closer to God.
  6. All religions have some aspect of Truth in them (we'll spell this with a capital T). This Truth is the path to God. Some religions have more of it, some have less of it. how much your soul moves forward spiritually is determined by God's grace and how much you live your life in alignment with Truth. Those who follow principles of Truth will eliminate bad karam, gain good karam, and probably gain a better next life. Muslims etc will go to heaven. After using up a lot of good deeds, they will then come back to earth. all the heavens, hellls, earth are within maya. Sach khand, which is our ultimate destination, is outside of this. When all of one's karma is used up, one gains mukti from life and death. Only those who are mukt can go to sach khand. Bhagat Kabir ji and Sheikh Farid ji (eventually) fully lived their life in accordance with Truth, they achieved mukti. They were great saints and their writing has teachings for us to live in line with Truth as well, which is why it is included. Wearing a dastar is mandatory in our dharm. All dharms have rules etc which are designed as part of an outer wrapping to protect the internal kernal of spirituality from being destroyed.
  7. SunSingh


    The sahaj paath recording is complete adn the pothi has been written. Currently, they are examining and re-examining the pothi for errors.
  8. For more on 1984 pogroms, and the cover up that followed, Read the essay Lie of the Truth Commissions
  9. nope. the military forces were available to move in pretty much right away, they were then ordered out, and confined to barracks.
  10. np. For a good meditation technique, combine what's taught in the following vid with your breath. http://khojee.wordpr...ran-techniques/ There are other techniques and info contained on this blog.
  11. I would begin by incorporating a regular meditation practice. As this practice deepens you will strengthen from within. This will help you deal with any unfortunate circumstance that might come up. A lot of people who don't understand Gurbani just listen to it as a meditation to quieten the mind. There are actually videos which play Gurbani and have the english translation shown on youtube.
  12. weaera small kirpan on a short gatra under your clothes. this way it won't swing around as much and should casue you no problesm.
  13. Bhagat ji's sahaj paath recording is done. i don't know when they will put it up.
  14. above posts are correct. if you are asking about career, i recommend you read the book now, discover your strengths. also , read the studyhacks blog.
  15. if they make you angry, imagine them as babies. babies are pure and innocent and completely vulnerable, they can't imagine doing harm to anyone. imagining this vulnerability that's at the person's core helps in overcoming anger towards them. see them with daya, people try to find meaning, something to help them swim the sea of darkness... often they do wrong things to keep from sinking. have compassion for them, their evil ways are based on ignorance.
  16. SunSingh

    Team Work

    stay true to yourself and gurmat principles. it may be harder, but when you look back, you'll be happier you did. when i was in a similar position, i would share with those who shared with me, otherwise i wouldn't. no point in being taken advantage of.
  17. -maintain your own integrity, no matter what. -speak in a nice manner, so the other's feelings are not hurt. -read books on communication. the best start is 'how to make friends and influence people' by dale carnegie. i'm sure if you google search you can find tons of guides online about communication and job interviewing, but this book is the best start. -find out who you are as well. you seem somewhat confused on that. soul searching i not easy, but after the journey, which may be long, you will gain the confidence you seek. this will then automatically project into your speech. i recommend you begin by studying Guru ji's teachings about why we are here. listen to katha from mahapurkhs. go to www.gurmatveechar.com and listen to Baba Isher Singh ji rara wale and Baba Gurbachan Singh ji
  18. SunSingh


    i dont' know about your condition, but inflammation was mentioned, so it may help to look up ways to decrease inflammation in the body, such as those mentioned by david wolfe and bhagat ji in his health pothi.
  19. some old yogis are shown as blue b/c they used to eat snakes. the poison changed thier colour. can't comment on Baba Sri Chand ji's saroop though.
  20. SunSingh

    Need Help

    it's a cult, not a part of proper sikhism. problem is, they have enough knowledge of sikhism to msilead people into thinking that they are spiritually knowledgable people. there are a lot of unsavoury news stories about this guy, show those to your friend.
  21. keep in mind that in some western countries, like canada, the police can't just search you for no reason, even if they suspect you of wrongdoing, they have no legal right to search you. if they asked me if they could search me, i would ask them why. even if it sounded reasonable, i would still refuse. if they ask why, you can just say that you don't feel comfortable with someone violating your privacy like that. if they arrest you that's a different story. then they can search. just be aware that police generally pretend to have the legal right to do certain things that they don't have the right to do, like search you or search your vehicle. BUT, because they carry themselves so authoritatively, usually people agree to a search. At that point, you have effectively given them permission to search you or your vehicle. of course, if they see your kirpan poking out from under your shirt and mistake it for some ordinary weapon,that''s kind of a different situation.
  22. go see a guidance counsellor.
  23. you can probably find some if you search. he also sells books. i don't think lack of specific tips are what the problem is. it sounds like you need to clearly examine you rlife, your motivations, where you want to go, and your relations hip wiht the guru.
  24. IF you don't have any reason to feel angry in your life, then the following applies. when we walk this path, sometimes old thoughts and feelings come up. it's a process of cleansing. the old emotional junk comes back up. just ignore it, focus on naam. it'll go away when it's time for it to go away. don't feel bad about it, don't dwell or focus on it too much, it's actually part of the healing process. just try to maintain your emotional balance during this time. exercise helps a lot for dealing with anger energy. maybe beating on a punching bag until you're tired may help more? If someone wronged you, then you have reason to feel angry. and you may need to deal with the situation. anger, like most emotions, is a signal letting us know something, calling our attention to something that needs to be dealt with. it is not bad.
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