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Everything posted by GodLoves

  1. This is getting ridiculous. Why aren't these kids standing up for themselves? Why was this 18 year old scared of a 15 year old? I really think Sikh parents need to emphasize more on physical fitness and self defense for their kids at a young age. So no child feels scared to stand up for their rights. Whether it’s boxing lessons, karate/tae kwon do or just simple self defense techniques; these kids are lacking the self-confidence. We must start at a young age, the older they get the harder it is to instill self-confidence. How many people here practise some sort of martial art or think they could handle themselves in an altercation?
  2. Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do (been doing it for 8 years), Krav Maga (been doing it for 1 year) Krav Maga is a self-defense and military hand-to-hand combat system developed in Israel. Also do boxing and kick boxing for stand up and brazilian jiu jitsu and wrestling for ground fighting. I think we shouldn't limit our seleves to one style, rather learn different styles; stand up and on the ground, because you don't know whats going to happen in a fight. Also learn to use weapons, from a simple stick, pipe or bat to a hand gun. Yes the dastaar can be a challenge for us sardars that do martial arts. If you are just doing standup fighting style then a simple patka will be fine but for us who practise wrestling or jiu jitsu (ground styles) the patka come off easily. One good way of fastening it on so that it doesn't come off easily is that I wear a wrestling ear guard, that way not only are my ears protected but it also holds down my patka.
  3. This is one of Bhupinder Singhs works of art..he is a great Sikh artist...amazing stuff...here is his website. Check out more of his stuff. http://www.bhupi.ca/
  4. Why do hotdog buns come in packages of 8, while hotdogs come in packages of 10?
  5. If you guys want some REAL action, you all should check out mma (ufc, pride). Forget all this fake wrestling; its pretty much a gloryfied soap opera, with bad acting and terrible story line.
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