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NS Walsall

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Everything posted by NS Walsall

  1. Why have the police made investigations and found no evidence for any of this having taken place? What are they, part of an Islamic conspiracy? It's all a part of the violent mob thinking and fascist extremists in Birmingham who are in a militant and bloodthirsty mood and want to stir religious hatred and religious war ---- the kind that set fire to peoples cars and houses, go round with petrol cans and axes, thugs and extremists who want to stir passions for the expression of their own fanaticism and hate. I repeat --- the police have investigated this and found no evidence. Are you going to launch a battle against them next? It's so transparent what is going on it's unreal. Guru Fateh Prem, everybody is allowed their own opinion, if you think grooming occurs or not but untill it hits you in the face when its one of you're own then only will you know whether its true or not. It seems like you,ve got some next hidden agenda or just want to be the next mahathma gandhi....howabout a hunger strike.
  2. how about if we invite the various jathabandia from across the country hold a meeting and then create a 10 member panel and then get a picture taken so that it appears in the des pardes and awaze quam. .....and then forget about what the original meeting was for.
  3. What you guys on about I totally agree with what the text says. The issue isnt about 1 case or 1 girl, I think u guys need to wake up and smell the coffee. There are hundreds of cases like this all across the country, where our sisters and brothers are groomed into converting or as they put it "reverting". We shouldnt use there businesses, im not saying all of them are the same but if you read the quran you will no what promises are made if you convert one person into islam. carrot and stick come to mind. You guys need to look in to the real world and what is happening on the streets. Im against violence and hatred for no reason as this goes against our sikhi values but action is required on numerous fronts from getting our own house in order and to not helping funding the extremists by using there businesses.
  4. It is an easy option to say I’m fed up of the same old stories, but the truth is that this kind of stuff does happen, and more regularly than any of us would like to admit and may be one only feels the pain when it happens in their immediate family. Only when you have to see a family totally broken in half and mothers crying of pain because they have lost a daughter or son then only can one understand what these families may be going through. PAAP KARNA PAAP HAI, PER PAAP SEHNA BHI PAAP HAI It is up to us to educate and try to help change the mindsets of the youth today so that less people go through the heart ache that many families have, this includes raising awareness of actually what happens in the real world not just cyber space and at the Gurduwara and educating the youth about Sikhi and relighting the fire that was buried deep in to the hearts of our ancestors and the following was true. sir javeh ta javeh bhul chuck maaf
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