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Revival Of Militancy Haunts Punjab


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Higher echelons of the state government are concerned over rising incidents of violence involving former militants. At least three recent incidents in the state indicate bids by the Inter-Services Intelligence of Pakistan to revive militancy in Punjab.

The shoot-out at the Ludhiana railway station today involving Babbar Khalsa activist Balbir Singh Bhootna is the third incident in recent days with militancy angle returning to haunt the Punjab Police. The police has linked recent killings of Rulda Singh of the Rashtriya Sikh Sangat (RSS) and Lily Kumar of Mansa, follower the Dera Sucha Sauda, to Punjab militants. Interrogation revealed that the Babbar Khalsa had supplied arms for the killing.

Groups dormant and spread across the state have started receiving more funds from overseas. This was revealed by some persons interrogated at Kot Fateh police station in Faridkot district.

Sanjiv Kalra, Inspector-General of Police, said, “There is no cause for serious concern. There are dormant terrorist outfits, without much mass base that plan small incidents to keep themselves in the news. However, we cannot deny their presence”.

The intelligence agencies also link recent spurt in heroin smuggling to increased activity in militant camps in Pakistan that aim at targeting soft targets in India. Narco-terrorism is the order of the day in which women and children act as carriers. Balbir Singh too was accompanied by a woman. When cornered he offered to surrender if a former terrorist was brought to meet him, exposing the link.

Militancy started raising head about two years ago when terrorists struck at the Shingar cinema in Ludhiana in October 2007. Senior police officials say bombing in the cinema house was an act of terrorists to target migrant labourers. But their designs were curtailed.

The situation is alarming, but positive side is militants do not get new recruits and are dependent mainly on former associates scattered in the state. DIG, Jalandhar, Ishwar Singh said, “There are no terrorist organisations with established base in Punjab. But their support from abroad in terms of motivation and money keeps the police on the alert”.

In 2005, the European Union had asked its member countries to freeze accounts of the BKI. The funds, however, continue to flow from individual coffers.

Besides militant leaders like Wadhawa Singh Babbar, there are others like him in Pakistan. These include Ranjit Singh Neeta of the Khalistan Zindabad Force. Other militant groups having presence in Punjab include the Bhindranwale Tigers Force and the Khalsa Action Committee.

Sources say the ISI has asked the Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) to train Babbar Khalsa International (BKI) militants.

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Militancy started raising head about two years ago when terrorists struck at the Shingar cinema in Ludhiana in October 2007. Senior police officials say bombing in the cinema house was an act of terrorists to target migrant labourers. But their designs were curtailed.

Don’t know whom to believe On Ludhiana bomb blast. It was possibly hand work of RSS just on lines of malagon blast. as most of victims were Poor Muslim labourers

These people(Muslim labourers) , if I am not wrong facilitate Bhai dalljeet singn bittu & KAC members few days before in Ludhiana during these festival. Hope peace remain in Punjab

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Guest PunjabSingh


Militancy started raising head about two years ago when terrorists struck at the Shingar cinema in Ludhiana in October 2007. Senior police officials say bombing in the cinema house was an act of terrorists to target migrant labourers. But their designs were curtailed.

Don't know whom to believe On Ludhiana bomb blast. It was possibly hand work of RSS just on lines of malagon blast. as most of victims were Poor Muslim labourers

These people(Muslim labourers) , if I am not wrong facilitate Bhai dalljeet singn bittu & KAC members few days before in Ludhiana during these festival. Hope peace remain in Punjab

Yes you are right.

There is even a video on http://www.sikhsiyasat.com about the felicitation of Bhai Bittu by these Ludhiana muslim labourers.

That is the reason why Bhai Bittu personally visited the injured muslim labourers after the blast.

In Punjab some thing happens but police and media twist the stories according to their own agendas.

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