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Muslims In Malaysia Wage War Against Non-muslims Using "allah"

Guest mehtab1singh

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Guest mehtab1singh


KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 13 — A sliding glass door to the entrance of a Sikh Temple in Sentul here was found cracked late yesterday by a barrage of stones, making it the first non-Christian house of worship hit since the controversial landmark "Allah" ruling.

The Sikhs also use the term to describe God in their Punjabi language and had unsuccessfully sought to be part of the Roman Catholic Church's legal suit to use the name to the anger of Muslims in Malaysia who claim it is exclusive to them.

Eight Christian churches and a convent school in Selangor, Perak, Malacca, Negri Sembilan and Sarawak have been hit since Jan 8 in attacks linked to the Dec 31 High Court decision that has provoked Muslim outrage.

The stoning of the Sikh temple or gurdwara in Jalan Haji Salleh near the former Sentul Railway Yard comes a week before Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib makes a three-day official visit to India on Jan 19 to meet his counterpart Manmohan Singh, a Sikh himself, and reflects the government's struggle to contain the issue and keep it from spiraling out of control.

Kuala Lumpur police chief Datuk Muhammad Sabtu Osman confirmed the incident when contacted by Bernama news agency.

During the incident, he said, several volunteers who were busy cleaning the temple witnessed stones flying into its main entrance and immediately alerted the police.

Some 20 stones were thrown from outside the temple compound, he said, adding that police had retrieved the stones and were carrying out further investigations.

The Sikh temple officials have appealed for calm in the wake of the attack.

They are an important minority among the Indians who form seven per cent of the 28 million population.

In the earlier attacks against Christian churches, the perpetrators had used firebombs, stones and paint with the worst hit being the Metro Tabernacle church in Desa Melawati which was partially gutted.

Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein was on TV3 last night saying the situation was under control and the attacks were isolated incidents.

He also vowed to use the Internal Security Act (ISA), which allows for detention without trial, against those who stoke religious tension.

Hishammuddin, who is Najib's cousin and also son of a former prime minister like Najib, also praised the maturity of Malaysians for not being baited to respond in the string of attacks.

The Christian community, who form 9.1 per cent of the population, have responded with prayers for peace and unity, Muslims form nearly 60 per cent of Malaysia.

The government has said it will hold private inter-faith dialogues to discuss the issue while the opposition have called for a state interfaith council to solve touchy religious issues in the multiracial country.

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The root cause of this problem is the goverment of malaysia itself. Malaysia is about 70% muslim but statistics get massaged to bump up the muslim numbers. Further, the ruling coalition is mainly controlled by a muslim party called UMNO which has ruled the country since 1957 . Now, this party is the Aurangzeb of Malaysia. Umno leaders from whom the majority of the country's leaders come, say they are muslims but they are sons of the devil, no exxageration. Forget about Sikh temples and the controversy about Allah, they even falsely accuse the muslim leader of the opposition i.e anwar ibrahim of homosexuality when it is blatantly clear that he is straight with a devout wife who is a doctor as well as has a couple of very god loving daughters. they have put this man i jail and beaten him up several times over false charges. In the name of Islam , they rape the country of its oil wealth and transfer the cash to their own private bank accounts across the world . Even Joe Biden, USA Vice President has written to the Malaysian goverment to voice its suspicions that the ongoing trial of Anwar is politically motivated. The above mentioned prime minister is involved in a murder case of a mongoloid woman who was his secret mistress and this is being covered up .

Yet this people, to maintain power have used Islam as a tool to control this nation since 1957. They have played the religion card at every election to win , apart from rigging the elections sucessfully. Yet this are the same people who pray 5 times/day, do their haj, zakat and rozas -utter hypocrisy . They have projected themselves as ultra-islamists to maintain power , and given a free hand to the state religous departments to allow open conversion of sikhs and others to islam. recently a sikh body was buried under muslim rites in a muslim cemetery.

Now the very people who are responsible for stoking religous tension for 50 years are the ones calling for calm!-what hypocrisy is that! The real reason for this is that the UMNO led goverment is using this issue to cause a serious fissure within the oppposition as elections are drawing near., since the opposition includes a radical Islamic party(PAS), a moderate Islamic party and some non muslim parties . The ISA mentioned in the article above is a tool used by the goverment to stiffle opposition, not to arrest muslims dead loyal to UMNO, even if they bombed a sikh temple!

This country should have been governed by responsible, honest, secular leaders ensuring religous and racial harmony for the last 50 years and ensuring minorities their religous rights. Then the incident mentioned would not have happened.

Another cause of this problem, trust you me, are the leaders of the malaysian sikhs themselves. They have spent 50 years sucking up to this corrupt aurangzeb style muslim goverment, instead of playing a more proactive role and sticking up for the rights of sikhs in the country in a clear and bold manner. but why not? these are namesake sikhs given to booze and merry making , having flashy cars and priding themselves as ''pardhans''!. They have failed to unite to present a common front and have behaved like shy ladies on an afternoon walk in articulating and presenting forth the needs, rights, and demands of sikhs.

Sikhs are disadvantaged in more than one way in malaysia thanks to the above mentioned problems i have summarised in brief, for which volumes more can be said. Sikhs in malaysia are openly discriminated in education, employment, licensing, the civil service and so forth. This incident is only the tip of the iceberg.

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and oh! to add further, there are 5 important obvious reasons why the goverment which controls and dictates to the judiciary, allowed the decision to be taken that non-muslims can use the word Allah, i.e

1) to please the Americans who defend christian interests overseas, as Malaysia is trying to win favour for a huge trade agreement between m'sia and US .

2)to present a false picture that the m'sian judiciary is independent, since a major court case implicating Anwar for homosexuality is around the corner, for which the goverment wants to repeat itself and lock him away for many years to come and weaken the opposition , as electionsare near

3) to please christians in the state of sabah ,in order to hold power in that state

4) to take away attention from the murder of the mongoloid model by right hand men of the prime minister

5)to cause a break up of the opposition

The Sikhs leaders who decided to back the christians and highlight nation-wide(through the court battle) that Allah appears in Sikh scriptures have foolishly waded themselves in this silly mess and made Sikhs a target for religous attacks unnecesssarily, now they beg for calm when the milk has been spilt!! I am saying this because the goverment at the highest circles has always known that Sikhs use the word Allah and there has been an unofficial silence and acceptance of this matter, ask any high ranking Sikh civil service or army officer and he will tell you. Muslims do not evesdrop and do secret surveillance of sikh gurudwaras to see whats going on there. So in our own privacy, for 100 odd years we have been singing shabads using Allah without a problem in gurdwaras . This has been about the last of our problems as there is a general respect for sikhs in malaysia because we bear some resemblance to muslims -turbans and beards , and our forefathers created a good name for ourselves there, and the genrations that continued have upheld this respect . In 1980 , the new prime minister at a speech to sikhs, praised Sikhs as being a resilient, hardworking , private, and benevolent community.

Political astuteness and godly wisdom would have told these sikh leaders who chose to publicly back the christians, that they were better off shutting up their mouths and leave the christians(backed by the europeans and americans) tp fight their own battle, and instead try to squeeze out as much as possible from the goverment for better education and employment for sikhs. But short-sightedness, and unnecessary nervousness made them decide wrongly and now is payback time.

Now that our secret is out in the open, we have a lot of explaining to do( as to why we use Allah minimalistically and without intentions to convert) and tread very carefully on girly muslim sensitivities, and all we can pray is for time. Given time, this issue in the short term may heat up even more, and more gurudwaras may come under attack . But soon, this issue will be replaced by another issue and will be forgotten. No reason to panic. Just stay calm and out of the public eye as much as possible, thats my advice to any malaysian sikh leader caught up in this situation. Repair your house and keep your head down a bit, and step up a few well -publicised welfare activities to appear benevolent and non intimidating to Muslims.

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