I entirely agree with you guys about people wrongfully using bana for anti gurmat purposes. But your anger here is UNWARRANTED..
This is why I am so against the UK NANGS, because they PRETEND TO BE NIHANG SINGHS, WEAR BANA AND BIG DAMALLAS AND SHASTAR, yet have no inkling of what sikhi is really about and in fact insult and degrade gursikhs.
at the same time here is my sister who is a gursikh singhnee, just getting into the gursikh spirit where there were a bunch of singhs and singhnees who thought, hey wouldnt it be cool to tie a big damalla on her. Fact is we have had many times hwere singhs just get together and we start tying gigantic damallas on each other, this is why I started tying proper akali bunga ALL THE TIME (with proper nihung rehat, as much as I can follow anyway)...
But there is no harm in it, she isnt going around saying she is a farladhari, shes only done it once, and its a PICTURE!!
what about people that make 3d models of nihang singhs with farlaas, is that now against maryada too?! ARE YOU SAYING THE COMPUTER HAS A FARLAA?!?!
come on grow up and use your common sense. I even know of a few real nihungs that were not given farlaa by panj pyare, but just began to wear one naturally and nobody says anything to them (old singhs)..
if we are so against this, why are you not against monas and nangs wearing bana? people
that commit kuraits. ie a mona in a gatka dal wears bana does he not? why is that not wrong? why dont u say something then?
grow up for god sakes.