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Everything posted by Akaali

  1. I think the kirpan might come in the way of learning 'AIKIDO'... Here's a post I read from this board, which came across to me as very interesting!!!!!!!! The first thing to learn when one enters in a Aikido dojo(training arena) is to keep the mind open and free to not become a prisioner of preconceptions no matter from where it commes and how it looks. Religions should give liberty to man to contact the gods in the way he feels suitable to him. Besides a basic concept in Aikido is "Ai" (harmony) and this envolves the environement. This means that if one is in winter he should use a coat, if in summer a "t" shirt, to feel more confortable and healthy. If one is in his religion temple he shol use the proper garments, if inside of the Aikido dojo, just use dogi and hakama. Diferent actitudes inside a dojo would be just a demonstration of a preconceptioned actitude as well as fundamentalistic one, and this is very bad. We are in the XXI century. Without a free mind, good aikido training is impossible. God does not care about garnements, after all we were all born naked, so all creation. Cloth is just a cultural aspect. A good aikido instructor maybe would tolerate certain excentricities, but just with the hope that maybe the person in the future can understand that they are not necessary. I have not this tolerance,once it can stimulated others to breack the dojo´s ethiquete and discipline. Wagner Bull < br>Man, that really shed some light. Because if you look at it, you come on this world naked, and leave naked, your soul is the most important thing you should be worried about. And how to develop that soul and attain that oneness with Waheguru ji... I wanna see what you guys think, cuz I got a couple more questions! :umm:
  2. I know not to reply to your quotes, because I already know the type of answer I will receive. As for coming to the conclusion of following the word of the true guru....... Guru is my teacher, he is my father, he is my mother, he is my friend, I'm in tuned with every action/word of my Guru, I need no knowledge about my Guru, neither do I need to contemplate/ponder over his thoughts. I am a sacrifice to the true Guru. Here's my Guru's answer to your questions (today's hukam): SORAT’H, FIFTH MEHL, FIRST HOUSE, ASHTAPADEES: ONE UNIVERSAL CREATOR GOD. BY THE GRACE OF THE TRUE GURU: The One who created the whole world, O Siblings of Destiny, is the Almighty Lord, the Cause of causes. He fashioned the soul and the body, O Siblings of Destiny, by His own power. How can He be described? How can He be seen, O Siblings of Destiny? The Creator is One; He is indescribable. Praise the Guru, the Lord of the Universe, O Siblings of Destiny; through Him, the essence is known. || 1 || O my mind, meditate on the Lord, the Lord God. He blesses His servant with the gift of the Naam; He is the Destroyer of pain and suffering. || Pause || Everything is in His home, O Siblings of Destiny; His warehouse is overflowing with the nine treasures. His worth cannot be estimated, O Siblings of Destiny; He is lofty, inaccessible and infinite. He cherishes all beings and creatures, O Siblings of Destiny; he continually takes care of them. So meet with the Perfect True Guru, O Siblings of Destiny, and merge in the Word of the Shabad. || 2 || Adoring the feet of the True Guru, O Siblings of Destiny, dou bt and fear are dispelled. Joining the Society of the Saints, cleanse your mind, O Siblings of Destiny, and dwell in the Name of the Lord. The darkness of ignorance shall be dispelled, O Siblings of Destiny, and the lotus of your heart shall blossom forth. By the Guru’s Word, peace wells up, O Siblings of Destiny; all fruits are with the True Guru. || 3 || Give up your sense of mine and yours, O Siblings of Destiny, and become the dust of the feet of all. In each and every heart, God is contained, O Siblings of Destiny; He sees, and hears, and is ever-present with us. On that day when one forgets the Supreme Lord God, O Siblings of Destiny, on that day, one ought to die crying out in pain. He is the all-powerful Cause of Causes, O Siblings of Destiny; he is totally filled with all powers. || 4 || The Love of the Name is the greatest treasure, O Siblings of Destiny; through it, emotional attachment to Maya is dispelled. If it is pleasing to His Will, then He unites us in His Union, O Siblings of Destiny; the Naam, the Name of the Lord, comes to abide in the mind. The heart-lotus of the Gurmukh blossoms forth, O Siblings of Destiny, and the heart is illumined. The Glory of God has been revealed, O Siblings of Destiny, and the earth and sky have blossomed forth. || 5 || The Perfect Guru has blessed me with contentment, O Siblings of Destiny; day and night, I remain attached to the Lord’s Love. My tongue continually chants the Lord’s Name, O Siblings of Destiny; this is the true taste, and the object of human life. Listening with my ears, I hear and so I live, O Siblings of Destiny; I have obtained the unchanging, unmoving state. That soul,which does not place its faith in the Lord shall burn, O Siblings of Destiny. || 6 || My Lord and Master has so many virtues, O Siblings of Destiny; I am a sacrifice to Him. He nurtures even the most worthless, O Siblings of Destiny, and gives home to the homeless. He gives us nourishment with each and every breath, O Siblings of Destiny; His Name is everlasting. One who meets with the True Guru, O Siblings of Destiny, does so only by perfect destiny. || 7 || Without Him, I cannot live, even for an instant, O Siblings of Destiny; He is totally filled with all powers. With every breath and morsel of food, I will not forget Him, O Siblings of Destiny; I behold Him ever-present. In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I meet Him, O Siblings of Destiny; He is totally pervading and permeating everywhere. Those who do not embrace love for the Lord, O Siblings of Destiny, always die crying out in pain. || 8 || Grasping hold of the hem of His robe, O Siblings of Destiny, we are carried across the world-ocean of fear and pain. By His Glance of Grace, He has blessed us, O Siblings of Destiny; He shall be with us until the very end. My mind and body are soothed and calmed, O Siblings of Destiny, nourished by the food of the Naam. Nanak has entered His Sanctuary, O Siblings of Destiny; the Lord is the Destroyer of sins. || 9 || 1 ||
  3. Mann, you have some serious issues! First of all I don't come on the board to argue, because I've been there and done it with many people on many different boards, and I know how it is, I've seen people come up with the craziest ideas you can ever think of. I come here to learn the truth. You are obviously blind to it. As for the article it addresses the biological necessities of hair, along with a religious perspective of hair. Not every bloody essay/article is meant to suit your purpose of reading it, or to satisfy your thoughts/beleifs. And make you see what you want to see. Since it obviously looks like you don't have much to beleive in, rather look for proof/evidence for every bloody thing that you come across, and should rather ponder over pointless issues, then go ahead and waste your time debating, because for me its a waste of time, and doesn't bring any satisfaction, rather boosts my ego, of beating someone in a debate. Bhul chuk maaf! B)
  4. Okay...its very obvious you have little knowledge about Sikhism, most importantly about Spirituality...or shall we say...the universal search for human identity with the search for meaning and purpose in life and for values by which to live :umm: I already pointed out in my earlier post that your solutions revolve around the discoveries of Science, and scientific facts.. As I already pointed out, science is not the search for truth, I provided the definition of spirituality above if you didn't notice, NOT SCIENCE! Why do you need a solution for lus t? Why is it a vice? Kaam (LUST), Krodh (ANGER), lobh (GREED), moh (WORLDLY ATTACHMENT), hankar (EGO), are the 5 vices as said by our Gurus. These overpower the human being 24/7. I'm sure you contain most if not all of these 'vices'. Its a vice because it binds us to the world, and it binds us to our minds. What we think/feel/do revolve around these vices. You can experiment this, its a proven fact. For higher living, i.e. wanting to reach that state of consciousness/oneness with God, one must control these vices in our mind. These vices can be controlled through simran (absolute meditation), sewa (selfless service), gurbani (reciting the word of our gurus). Its a matter of faith, one can only speak for him/herself if this works or not. Without trying something you are blind to it. Sad :umm: Again my point is proven, that you revolve your statements around science. Since you don't beleive in the level of conciousness of a person, i.e. spirituality level. Ok, first of all ordinary people like you and I can't make these scriptures/holy books. There is a significance behind these types of literature, that's why they are given the status of a holy book, or a unique scripture, what ordinary people write is mere words and sentences, which may have some s ignificance to it, and it ends at our thinking level. Our 10 Gurus, Prophets from other faiths, Bhagats, Saints, are not on the same thinking level as us, so how can you even begin to compare these men of God to a normal person? Truly sad! You want proof with everything (methodoly of science), now...........if you got proof for all the unknown things wouldn't life be much easier? The truth is knowing the truth. I'm not critisizing, you are entitled to your opinion, BUT there's a fine line between searching for the truth for yourself through the teachings of the true Guru and having the "want to know it all w/ proof" attitude. All I have to say is that you're blind to the truth. Millions of people come and go in this quest for the truth with proof, and evidence, but they don't realize that the truth lies within.
  5. I agree with that, when I asked some questions, they go "well we can goto page so and so, verse so and so" I seriously hope I can do that with Gurbani some day with his kirpa!!Khalsa Soulja, I will definately keep those pointers in mind, so when they say stuff like "bible is the truth and everything is false" then I can just throw that in there. I agree 100%, always seeking converts, Islam/Christianity are the two faiths where they actively seek converts, instead of following the path of righteousness, and living a truthful life, they try miserably to convert others.. But I told them, I said you guys are doing good sewa for your religion, if you preach love for Waheguru you will get awarded, but will not receive salvation from the cycle of births and deaths.. r>Ok look, the problem with me is that I can write alot of good ideas, but when it comes to speaking I tend to remember only some stuff, that's why next time I'm gonna have written stuff in front of me. Wat do you guys think?
  6. Waheguru ji ka khalsa, Waheguru ji ki fatehh!! Well, what do you say to Jehovah's witnesses? 1) Buzz off 2) Listen to them and share your opinion, and also tell em about Sikhi Cuz two ladies came to my house, talking about Jesus, and the bible. Well some of their views were like love for all, and we are all god's children so I went along with it... But then they started saying like the bible is the truth, and that it says God doesn't like other religions, and that everything written in the bible is the truth and other scriptures are false, and all this other messed up stuff. Also, I was wearing my kirpan on top, so they started asking me. So I told them about our two Guru Sahibans being martyred, and our tenth master took up arms, to get rid of tyranny and injustice from his people.. So they said, why resort to forceful measures, and all this stuff about never taking up arms, etc. Here's the thing: Everyone sees their religion is the supreme religion, and that they beleive is the truth. But they all fail to see everyone as one, no christian, no muslim, no sikh, but as one. Hindus beleive in many scriptures, Muslims in Quran, Chritians in bible, and we in Guru Granth Sahib ji maharaj. The philosophy of Guru Nanak astounds me, because he saw God in everyone, didn't care whether they were christian, muslim, hindu, etc. What they beleived, etc. he only preached waheguru's name, wouldn't it be more beautiful, if these people preached waheguru's name, instead of the bible? And what do you guys think we should say to Jehovah's witnesses who go from house to house, without maki ng them feel like "tutti" , lol :e: Waheguru ji ka khalsa, Waheguru ji ki fatehh!
  7. Ofcourse hair is important to humans... Read this thread on the importance of hair and why its a biological necessity www.sikhionline.com/literature/humanhair.pdf
  8. hmmm...ok let me speak on this.... I agree with your thoughts, BUT, although its not known to us humans, what happens after death, we can only search for the truth, and if we simply rely on science to give us all the answers then I think we've wasted alot of our time and effort. Sure, science gives us reason, provides facts, BUT only through observation/experimentation, we can observe plants, animals, but have you ever heard of observing/experimenting with a soul? This is not in the hands of Science! Several texts/scriptures reveal that without meditation, one cannot be enlightened. AMqir prgwsu miq aUqm hovY hir jip guxI ghIru ] a(n)thar paragaas math ootham hovai har jap gunee geheer || The soul is enlightened, and the intellect is exalted, meditating on the Lord, the ocean of excellence. QUOTE Do you have any evidence of a existence for a high plane of 'life' than what we are experiencing right now? If you don't definitely know (as a scientific fact) of another plane of existence, how can you tell when you merged into that plane?From your post I'm getting the feeling you look at the world from the perspective of science, and what its proofs. BUT, you don't realize that this universe, is far beyond our understanding/contemplation. You cannot find that 'plane of existence' through means of science. Science can't even resolve some problems facing the earth today, how will it ever explore the other 'plane of existence'? AMqu n jwpY kIqw Awkwru ] a(n)th n jaapai keethaa aakaar || The limits of the created universe cannot be perceived. rom rom ivc riKEn kr bRhmMf kroV smwXw] rom rom vich rakhioun kar brehama(n)dd karorr samaayaa|| In his every trichome are absorbed crores of universes. Well lust and anger are so indulged into humans, that most people don't even see it their whole lives. Sure they were part of our existence for many years, but was there a solution as to what needs to be done to these vices? These keep us involved in our daily life, and are part of the creation. You are mistaken when you say "we can thank lust for keeping mankind alove for years". Lust is not a source of keeping mankind alive, there's a fine line between lust and reproduction. kuchal kat(h)or kaam garadhhabh thum nehee suniou dhharam raae ||1|| rehaao || You filthy, heartless, lustful donkey! Haven't you heard of the Righteous Judge of Dharma? ||1||Pause|| gaj mrig meen patha(n)g al eikath eikath rog pacha(n)dhae|| Elephant, deer, fish, moth and black bee have one disease each, namely, attraction for lust, sound, enjoyment, beautiful appearance and fragrance respectively, and they are consumed by them. We are all consumed by these vices, but ones who realize the truth by the grace of the true Guru refrain from such acts, because they live a higher living, a true spiritual life. You'll be surprised as to what you learn on message boards like these! :umm: Forgive me for my mistakes, as I'm a mere fool.
  9. WHOAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Amazing pic!! Unfortunately couldn't make it to this Singh's wedding, he's Nihang Navjeet Singh, Check out the pics!!! Amazing!!
  10. WJKK WJKFateh! I made some powerpoint projects for my local Gurdwara in Toronto, on Sikh History, Dangers of eating meat, and general sikhi. You can download them all at http://www.sikhionline.com, under downloads section. Some files are kinda big, and you'll need winzip to unzip it, they're big because of movies and such. I don't need/want anything for it, because its all gurusewa, I have a small request that you leave the site URL on the last page, so that people can download the projects for themselves, who knows it might change others as well. Bhul chuk maaf! WJKK WJKFateh!
  11. Sikhi And Yoga By Chan Chen www.sikhe.com I looked up the word "yoga" on the Sri Granth website. I am interested in yoga because I practice yoga. There are 129 search results on the word "yoga" and I have to say that this has been a wonderful and inspiring learning experience for me just to study the practice of yoga from a whole different perspective. I first learned what yoga is not about from the Sikh points of view: Yoga is not the patched coat, Yoga is not the walking stick. Yoga is not smearing the body with ashes. Yoga is not the ear-rings, and not the shaven head. Yoga is not the blowing of the horn. By mere words, Yoga is not attained. Yoga is not wandering to the tombs of the dead; Yoga is not sitting in trances. Yoga is not wandering through foreign lands; Yoga is not bathing at sacred shrines of pilgrimage. - Sri Guru Granth Sahib, Pg 730. It seemed very abstract to me at first because it doesn't sound like the yoga I am practicing. And in the same page, I found the Sikh's way of attaining yoga: Remaining unblemished in the midst of the filth of the world - this is the way to attain Yoga. One who looks upon all with a single eye, and knows them to be one and the same - he alone is known as a Yogi. O Nanak, remain dead while yet alive - practice such a Yoga. My understanding is that in Sikh, yoga is more like a one's point of view, it representing how one sees the world; yoga is a life style, it is how one connects himself or herself to the world; yoga is more than physical postures and the way of breathing, it serves as a spiritual media to praise and contact the True Guru, like it says in the scriptu re: And that breath which is drawn without thinking of God, that breath goes in vain. O Nanak, that body is of no use at all, if it does not enshrine the Name of the True Creator. As I read on, I started understanding how the yoga I am practicing is different from the yoga according to a Sikh. The approach of yoga that I practice is Hatha yoga and my teachers used to tell me that Hatha yoga means physical yoga and it concentrates on doing physical postures, practicing the technique of breathing and using the power of opposition, and eventually combing all these into a wholesome physical practice of body movements that is initiated by breathing. But, according to the scriptures, yoga is more like a meditation, it was written that: Practicing restraint by Hatha Yoga, the body wears away. - Sri Guru Granth Sahib, Pg 905. The many Siddhas and seekers, silent sages and demi-gods cannot satisfy themselves by practicing restraint through Hatha Yoga. - Sri Guru Granth Sahib, Pg 906. This further indicated the restraints of merely practicing Hatha yoga from the Sikh point of view. As I continued exploring the scriptures more, I found out more about Raja yoga. Surprisingly, Raja yoga was described as an approach to perfection: Perfect is the penance; perfect is the Raja Yoga, the Yoga of meditation and success. - Sri Guru Granth Sahib, Pg 188. In later pages, there were more descriptions of the ways of attaining yoga, for example, Sitting in Yogic postures in the City of God, through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, you shall find Yoga. - Sri Guru Granth Sahib, Pg 909. He is the Way of Yoga, the Life of the World. - Sri Guru Granth Sahib, Pg 931 Nanak speaks: the Gurmukh understands; this is the way that Yoga is attained. - Sri Guru Granth Sahib, Pg 939. O Nanak, without the Name, Yoga is never attained; reflect upon this in your heart, and see. - Sri Guru Granth Sahib, Pg 946. Yoga was discussed in many places in these scriptures and it was really an eye-opening learning experience for me to look at it from a different point of view.
  12. : I just got that e-mail too, and I grabbed the movie and saw it, amazing movie still, concept of Guru and Sikh really shows!!!
  13. Come on guys, lets not argue, this is a Sikhi forum we're all here to learn, not to put anyone else down...
  14. Akaali


    Remember...................Only the chosen ones survive!!!! You gurmukhs are the chosen ones!!!
  15. What do you mean??? This is a good thing, the man's trying to show Sikh history, nothing bad in it.
  16. Balwinder Bhainji, I'm going to be taking 'Aikido' soon, just gotta start doing some exercise!! Its a very efficient martial arts, where the sole purpose is to defend yourself, and in defending yourself you end up hurting the aggressor, by moving his forced energy to an open space, so its kinda coool. Here's where I'll ba taking it... http://www.shibumi-aikikai.freeservers.com/
  17. :umm: GOOOD JOB MERE SHER!!!!!! Way to show that punk, there are still chardi kalaa singhs in punjab!!! :e: :g :g :g
  18. Yea Vir Singh, I'm also looking for help on this topic, as to what form of martial arts is most effective, which teaches you self discipline, along with knowing your boundaries...Here's what I'm interested in....... -Aikido ("way of universal power") Aikido doesn't focus on exhaustive punches or kicks. The object is to use your opponent's own energy to either disable him (using wrist locks and arm holds) or toss him aside like yesterday's news. This style is much easier for the well-built athlete, since most of the offensive moves are more effective with some extra muscle. The form comes with a few side benefits. Unlike most martial arts, which require you to pass through 10 ranks before earning a black belt, this Japanese form has only six. After that, you'll be able to sport your very own hakama, the skirt-like pants traditionally worn by samurai warriors. -Judo ("gentle way") The object of this Japanese-based art isn't to break boards but your opponent's sense of balance, so having some heft doesn't hurt. Stockier builds also have an advantage executing defensive maneuvers, where extra weight helps anchor the body to the floor. Being short of breath isn't a problem during the early stages of training, which are spent perfecting handholds, grappling maneuvers and learning how to fall properly. By the time you begin the advanced moves, you should have the endurance you'll need to advance further. -Muay Thai (also known as "Thai boxing") To give you a mental image of this lethal style, think Je an-Claude Van Damme in Bloodsport. A full-contact fighting method from Thailand, it's known as the "science of the eight limbs." Instead of just using your fists and feet, you also pound your opponents with a series of elbow and knee strikes. That's the reason mesomorphs (with a lot of protective muscle around their joints) seem to fare the best at it. Those interested in competing should expect an early retirement, since serious practitioners have brief careers (four or five years maximum). But if you can endure, you may learn how to pull off one of the most impressive breaks in martial arts at your next company softball outing: splintering a baseball bat to pieces ... with your shinbone. -Jujitsu/jujutsu ("science of softness") Despite its gentle translation, this Japanese technique incorporates more dangerous grappling and self-defense techniques than its less-militant progeny judo. But then again, it has to be unrelenting, since the style was originally devised to teach unarmed men how to disable armed soldiers. Equal amounts of extra poundage, endurance and flexibility all work together to make one of the roughest-throwing martial arts a little easier to master. For those who need more incentive to sign up, this is the style that spawned Brazilian jiu-jitsu, the discipline that dominated the first true Ultimate Fighting Championships. -Wushu ("arts of war") If the name isn't familiar, it's because you've been calling this Chinese style by the wrong name: kung fu (which actually means "to master a particular skill"). With more than 300 wushu styles to choose from, wing chun is a solid choice for the guy who lacks body weight and size. Created by a woman, this style enables smaller, lighter people to defeat larger opponents by going after the soft spots that no amount of muscle can protect (eyes, throat, groin, knees and specific nerve points). Flexibility isn't an issue, since most of the kicks tend to be low (kneecap or shin strikes). Plus, a set of lean, quick arms makes learning the style's armtrapping technique (chi sao, or "sticky hands") a breeze. If this doesn't sound masculine and virile enough for you, feel content knowing that it's the only style Bruce Lee ever studied formally, and no one ever questioned his manhood.
  19. Wow! Nice!! I took some tae-kwon-do myself, got upto the yellow belt, had a test for the green belt, then found out, its just a money making scheme, to advance to the next level you have to master a certain movement, which I found to be not much effective...
  20. Check out where this Singh works now!!! [NORTEL NETWORKS] Just beautiful, O' Baba Nanak...Dhan teri Sikhi!!
  21. Waheguroooooooooo!!!!!!! That was awesome bhainji!! Really good!!
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