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Ryu Hayabusa

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  1. It's 'the flower of Life' , it's only geometry, sacred geometry. I don't see what someone has against geometry, this worl cannot exist without geometry.
  2. There are many energies within us and cultures put a mask and name on these energies. But know that they are energies and not gods living out there somewhere.
  3. I am older than you and not married. I will not marry til I feel grounded in the truth of all that is. It is so easy to get caught up in marrying, kids, job, mortgage and pretty soon your whole life has passed and your left wondering where did the time ago. My advice would be to trust yourself, don't rule out marraige but don't blindly fall into marraige just because your parents/relatives think is the right move for you. Only you know you.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVEsayVGKA8&feature=player_embedded#!
  5. So many Santjis, which one you talking about? Khalistani Gun Man? that name don't sound too nice.
  6. He's a great striker. Too bad Vitor got his head knocked off with that front kick, otherwise it would have been a good boxing match.
  7. Thank you so much bro, I've been searching for a name for a long time! Here are some audios I found:http://www.sikhroots.com/12/audio/index.php?q=f&f=%2FKeertani_-_International%2FBhai+Lehna+Singh+%28Damdami+Taksaal%29
  8. Maybe I should have posted this thread here from the start so here it is. I finally found a cd where I had a few audios I have been desperately looking for. I have combined a few seconds from each track into this clip: http://yourlisten.co...t/106015/Kirtan Does anyone know who the keertanis are? I downloaded these audios from sikhifm a long time ago. the only thing I remember is that they are from Taksal. Thank you
  9. Japji sahib files are closer to 20 minutes but you can change the speed on your own: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFfu9-EJGP8 or http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080501054127AAw7zL6
  10. I finally found a cd where I had a few audios I have been desperately looking for. I have combined a few seconds from each track into this clip: http://yourlisten.co...t/106015/Kirtan Does anyone know who the keertanis are? I downloaded these audios from sikhifm a long time ago. the only thing I remember is that they are from Taksal. Thank you
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