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  1. Precisely the problem with this method of training.Oh and muscle isn't everything. As you get older, what will matter is your flexibility and cardiovascular fitness, not how much you can bench or squat
  2. I had gotten medicine from babaji for my back issues, it had no impact
  3. Khalistani-Lion, as you are a beginner, these are probably the best things you can do. 1) fix your diet 2) sleep well 3) stick to basic, body weight movements first * * Body weight exercises include, pushups, pullups/chinups, body weight squat, lunges, Single leg deadlift, dips. There are many more of course, but these will give you a decent start. You can build a decent level of strength using just these basic movements. Once you are doing 15+pushups and 8+ pullups/chinups, its time to add extra weights. Highly recommended. +1 to that! That is certainly impressive strength gain in a matter of quick 4 months. However, while a 310lb deadlift and 270lb squat certainly makes you relatively strong compared to the average population, it certainly does not make you, as you put it, 'mad strong'.
  4. Firstly, I'm not sure why you have taken my comments so personally, I was merely trying to get a general point across. Secondly, I will have sholey poori this weekend Thirdly, I will finish it off with more besan di barfi :biggrin2: Edit: FOURTHLY! I will have a fun time eating all this food with my family :happy2:
  5. It's all fine and dandy that folks want to eat healthy but don't let it take over your life. A vast majority of folks best serve themselves and others by keeping things in balance. I have been through a phase where I was on a super strict diet and became the fittest I have even been in this life yet. (Being able to sustain an average heart rate of 165bpm for 50mins is fairly high on the fitness scale) However, I realized that it was impacting my relations with parents, siblings and friends as they did not follow as strict of a diet as myself. Mind you, they eat fairly healthy but do indulge a little from time to time. After giving it some thought, I came to realize that those relations were quite important. I concluded it was silly for me to put a strain on them because of my strict diet. So now I do indulge with them and keep my exercise routine up. I am just as healthy as I was before all the while enjoy bonding with people close to me. No one needs to tell me that indian sweets are extremely unhealthy, I know full well what I am eating
  6. You folks are nuts! I had 3 samosey and besan di barfi for lunch yesterday :biggrin2:
  7. ^ Point taken. Perhaps I was not clear, the diet I posted is not for S1ngh specifically but rather what I have followed in the past to reach my fat loss goals. I simply thought of sharing it with others. For S1ngh, a balanced diet with regular exercise would be step # 1. We can then take it further from there. So I guess your estimate of 3 months to loose 20lbs is likely true for most I am only sharing my own experience with fat loss. It goes with out saying that not everyone will have the same experience. When I did this, I only needed to loose about 10 lbs, I lost that in 5 weeks flat. I probably would have reached my goal in 4 weeks but I was sick for 4 days in the middle. So I do believe that if you stick to a good diet and exercise regime without a break, then you can loose 20 lbs in 8-10 weeks. I know of others who have done this. So I do not believe it is unrealistic, a bit optimistic perhaps for some. Having said that, by no means is an easy diet to follow, I had tough times myself when I did this. PS. I think I should start writing a disclaimer in all my posts from now on. "These are simply my experiences and opinions, please do not assume you will have a similar experience. Please consult with your physician before embarking on any fitness program"
  8. Let me also add that you dieting does make the body weak so you probably do not want to do this for more than a 4-6weeks at a time. It might work better for you to give it a test run, do it for a week and so how you do. I highly recommend that you consume a multi vitamin when following this diet.
  9. If you have any questions, please PM me as I would like to keep this thread clean and devoid of any bickering. Thank you I have used this diet in the past to loose 2lbs per week consistently. 2lbs/week is considered to be on the safe side of things. Note that this diet is an adaption of a somewhat complex diet I read on bodybuilding forum a few years ago. I seem to have lost the link to the original source however. Needless to say there are a lot of foods listed which are not suitable for vegetarians, however, I have tried to provide options for vegetarians as well. Also note that when talking about consuming protein, I am assuming that you are doing some form of resistance training. I highly recommend that you do resistance training as part of your exercise program. You do not need to use additional weights, body weight will suffice for beginners. Goal of this diet is to lose body fat while minimizing muscle loss. Here your exercise routine will contour to the diet plan. There are three types of days while on this diet: High Carb Low Carb No Carb Days - Assume 5 meals/day - 1/5 of total protein intake per meal (32g/meal for me @ 162 lbs) - (can have lots of extra protein, if needed) - a "lean source" is one that has no more than 10% of its calories from fat - keeping dietary fats on the low side, with the majority of fats coming from supplemented EFAs (essential fatty acids)-specifically fish oil (high in long chain omega 3 fatty acids -- EPA/DHA). - you will be supplementing with fish oil at 10 to 20 grams a day HIGH CARB DAY: -------------------------- - 3 meals can have as much carbohydrates (only from the 'Approved Carbohydrates' list). You must eat the minimum amount of protein at each meal as discussed above - each one of those meals must include a small piece of fruit, between 50 and 100 calories worth - can choose which meals (3 of 5) will have carbs and which don't, but the meal preceding and following your workouts must be a carbohydrate meal. I will have carbs for breakfast, and carbs for post workout meal. Pre-workout meal will have a few carbs, maybe yogurt, to give me enough energy for the workout - eat until you are satisfied. eat clean, good quality carbs LOW CARB DAY: -------------------------- - two meals may contain carbs - at least the meal following your workout must be a carb meal. I will have carbs for breakfast and post-workout only - eat approximately one gram of carbohydrate (only from the 'Approved Carbohydrates' list) per pound of bodyweight per low carb day. (I will have 160g total carbs for 2 carb meals) - don't forget your small piece of fruit, at these carb meals - simply learn general portions of the carbohydrates you choose to eat, so you don't have to measure everytime, which is a royal pain in the behind for me! NO CARB DAY: ----------------------- - only carbs you can have is the fibrous type - green leafy vegetables, dark colored ones - only consume protein (and some fats); again from the list Veggies: - green leafy, low calorie, fibrous vegetables - salad (no dressing), cabbages, escarole, broccoli, spinach, zucchini, squash, and kale are appropriate. Generally, any vegetable that contains less than 50 calories per cup Each and every day, whether it be a high, low, or no carb day, at least three meals, each and every day should include one cup of green veggies. It can be with or without your carb meals. You may find it more pleasing to the palate to consume your vegetables with your no carb meals. POST WORKOUT NUTRITION: --------------------------------------------- - Assuming you are lifting weights, recommend, at a minimum, between 30 and 50 grams of whey protein. If you are only doing cardio, you probably do not need a protein shake but try to have as much protein from your food intake as possible - can be a protein only meal, and then followed by a carb meal on carb days, or can be taken with oatmeal (or another carb from the list) on carb days - On no carb days, obviously you'd just be having the whey protein MEASURING PROGRESS: --------------------------------------- - you are likely to look and feel bloated at the end of, and the day after, your high carbohydrate days. This is normal and not an indication of lack of progress - measure/weigh yourself once every other cycle is more than sufficient; so you are measuring every 6 days; keep it consistent, measure after the same cycle every time; I recommend measuring after a high carb day Approved Carbohydrates: Brown rice Oats (Slow Cooked Preferred) Sweet potatoes or Yams Fiber One (All Bran) Cereal Starchy Veggies (corn, peas, etc.) Beans/Legumes Approved Yet Limited Carbohydrates** Whole-wheat pasta Whole grain breads, pitas, etc. Approved Lean Protein Sources (A) Cottage Cheese (0 or 1% fat) Tofu and skimmed milk Chicken (white meat) Turkey (white meat) Tuna Fish (can) Fish (flounder, tuna (fatty or not), salmon, shark, etc.) Shellfish (all types) Protein (preferably whey post workout, and casein before bed; MRPs must be low-carb) Lean beef (including lean cuts of steak) Egg whites (egg beaters) Approved Higher-Fat Protein Sources (B) Cottage Cheese (Whole Milk) Chicken (dark meat) Turkey (dark meat) Eggs (half whites, half whole eggs) Steak and other meats (not exceptionally high fat cuts) TO PUT IT ALL INTO ACTION: ---------------------------------------------- Try not to put two no carb days back-to-back Certainly do not put two high carb days back-to-back Maintain what amounts to (roughly) a weekly ratio of 1:1:1 of the three types of days; and error towards the lower calorie side rather than the high calorie side heaviest, hardest, and highest volume workouts on high carb days. Put your off days on your no carb days. Or, use these days for cardio work or you lightest low volume days. active recovery workouts would be ideal here (stretching, core) recommend, at a minimum, 30g of high quality whey protein - can be a protein only meal, and then followed by a carb meal on carb days, or can be taken with oatmeal (or another carb from the list) on carb days - On no carb days, obviously you'd just be having the whey protein
  10. I would disagree. If you are spot on with your diet, you can safely loose 2lbs per week. This can be done in phases where you follow a strict diet for 4-6 weeks, loose 8-12 lbs. Then you follow a 'good enough' diet for a couple of weeks where you maintain your current weight. Then you do another 4-6 week session of the strict diet and loose another 8-12lbs.I am not just saying that by reading articles etc. I have tried this myself and it worked quite wonderfully for me. I did loose 2lbs per week consistently. Granted the diet itself was quite tough to carry out, but the results were there. I used the concept of carb cycling in this diet. I think I will open a new thread and post the diet here for others to see. Edit: Posted. http://www.sikhsangat.com/Index.php?/topic/66456-carb-cycling-diet-i-have-used-in-the-past-to-loose-fat/
  11. Just reading the first page of that PDF, I must say that this is certainly a good program for hypertrophy purposes. Given the parameters in page 1, you can easily build your program
  12. Just stop doing your jorra really tight. I have done a relatively loose jorra for as long as I can remember and do not have this issue. My brother on the other hand use to do tight joora and he has lost much of the hair on his forehead area.
  13. This is something beginner trainees should avoid like a plague. If you have been training for 2+ years on a regular basis and can squat more than 1.5 times your body weight, then yes drop sets are okay occasionally.As far as Smith machine is concerned, if you do not know what you are doing, you can easily injure yourself or quickly develop muscle imbalances.
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