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Everything posted by TejiKaur

  1. all londoners pls vote im not british so i cant not to preach and not practice i mean pls waheguru maff karo but those who can vote pls vote and those who cant because they r not bristish pls tell ur british friends n relatives thsi is very improtant and we only have till nxt wk
  2. ill try orginizing sikhs in america to combat the caste based names here
  3. vase im in favor mostly of bhai simranjit singh ji mann and bhai harinder singh ji norway vala but between prof darshan singh ji and badal definatly prof sarshan singh ji
  4. gurufateh g i was looking at photos of the india jagatri yatra so many ppl have them on their orkuts i really felt so bad like i wanted to be their on the 300 gurgaddi celebrations really badly dhan waheguru i was wondering is their anything like that we can do in america someone with a van go from state to state maybe not i dunno? but we need to do something big and amazing i think waheguru waheguru pata ne my brains all over the place i was just wondering
  5. FOR INDIAN AGENTS PROVOCATEURS TOURING NORTH AMERICA what do they mean indian agents touring north america
  6. wow i have tears in my eyes i dunno y but its reminding me of when i went to hemkunt sahib last yr actualy its reminding me of jaap sahib im remembering all the times ive been inspired and im speechless dhan waheguru
  7. nm g u tell

    im a student in my first yr after high school g

  8. hi gurfateh g ki hal chal

  9. tis made me hurt alot esp when they mentioned the children but didnt guru nanak encourage women to remarrry? thats wat i read in my book i think sikh sakhis book one when i was little anyways waheguru pls bless the panth being sikh isnt easy
  10. i love the fact that someone has to lie to find shortcomings 10 gods???????????????????????????????? murdered Gods????????????????????????????????????? ik onagkar means gurus r Gods there r no people man waheguru sikhi is perfect they cant find dirt on a perfect way of life so they make lies
  11. dhan waheguru these expiriances r amazing i want amrit so bad let me share my expiriance too but not yet a happy one mayb some one can ease my situation well when i was about 14 in 2004 i got into sikhi because of sad times the first time i did simran i knew i wanted amrit so my first attempt was during vaisakhi of 2005 unfortunatly here we have very few sanchars the night before i was at gurudwara my parents too told me i was too young tat day i went to gurudwara and did path in sangat this sweet elder bibi ji was very impressed because i was so young but i knew my banis by heart(baba ji de kirpa nal) i had never met her b4 but she spent over an hour in the gurudwara bathroom trying to convince my mom to let me chuk amrit mom sed yes dad was stubborn i try to sneak out but fail next attempt we are in india that summer i go to anandpur sahib with the hope of chaking amrit we arrive too late( i tried to rush everyone wile being secretive because if i told my dad he wuda made sure i missed it the baba ji says the sanchars over and i immidiatly start crying rite their in front of everyone i cant help it the baba ji says if i can find 4 more sikhs to chuk amrit they will hold a sanchar my three sisters and cousin all agreed dad did not allow it third attempt it is gurpurab and i find out about a sanchar this time i make it to the gurudwara at 230 am..........a day late this is the most painful atempt because my heart is set on it b4 i even write this poem called tomarro which till this day makes me cry when i read it but something amazing happened this time i got really angry at first then while doing ardas i was crying so hard alone and i told myself that waheguru has a reason for everything and that maybe he wanted my pias to increase or maybe he had more special plans or mayb as dad sed i was just too young so i am a lil calm when i remember that there is a reason for everything god does beyond my understanding................. than as i matha tak towards the end of the ardas i hit my back really really hard against my bed right befor it had hit the bed i was thinking about how God had a reason for everything and i was still crying so angry and still in tears i say God if u have a reason for everything what is ur reason for this making me get hurt like this now .....somewhat challanging god well i got my answer........i opened the light to make sure nothing was red or hurt as soon as i opened the light i saw that there was broken glass right at the area where i wuda matha taked if i hadnt hit my back on the bed i would have matha taked and my eyes would have been cut by the glass since it was right where my eyes would have landed but since i hit my back i turned on the light and found the glass b4 i cud matha take waheguru i thought , u did have a reason to save me from great horrible pain and maybe even becoming blinded u had to give me a lil pain it was than that i realized that God will always be with me and he knows what he is doing our plans our a joke in his eyes the best thing to do is always do nitnem and hold on tight to the naam the rest waheguu will do im still waiting for my guru ji to give me khande de pahul amrit and i trust 300 percent that he wont let me go
  12. waheguru i have tears in my eyes this has inspired me omg so much im going to do simran now i think after hearing this ill never be sad or afraid again dhan waheguru dhan waheguru guru mera sang sada hai nale simar simar tis sada samale
  13. wjkk wjkf!! just a thought and i could be very wrong could it be: God runs this world through his saints if u know what i mean? :umm: im still learning so forgive me for my foolishness akal sahai wjkk wjkf! a lil of both im just quoting from gurbani in guru granth sahib ji it talks about how God does everthing for his sants
  14. whos reyet g? is he hindu or sikh once again please excuse my ignorence as i know nothing about this thanks
  15. dhan waheguru dhan waheguru dhan waheguru badal has recently 1) told makar n vedanti to stop using the line rajkaregakhalsa after ardas because it wakes sikh spirit Oh so thats what those Rumours were that India wanted to ban RajKaregaKhalsa in all Gurdwara's any more info on that? i had it but i cant find it anywhere now ill keep looking tho but i read online and also heard first hand that badal told sgpc to take that line out of ardas bacause it causes milatantism or sumething :umm:
  16. gurufateth ji thanks for the wishes and gurbani :)

  17. thx g dhan waheguru i wansnt sure about this stuff but did he say that out of anger or with meaning\ was it after the riot
  18. dhan waheguru dhan waheguru dhan waheguru this makes me so angry i hate the indian government thse comments are a page full of lies the real terrorist is that government who claims to be a democracy yet saheehed bhai khalra ji was killed because he was sourveying the depth of 84s damage listen my dear sikhs its time we stand up we must stand because each one of our freedoms in india is slowly being taken away the state if punjab is slowly coming to ruin punjabi is dying out sardar jokes are being told left and right people are losing respect for us and thhe worst part is all those who have gotten saheehed have their sacrifices gone in vain? badal has recently 1) told makar n vedanti to stop using the line rajkaregakhalsa after ardas because it wakes sikh spirit 2)secretl installed an ac at harimandir sahb without sikhs approval 3) stopped the building of a memorial which was to protect the saheeheds 4) near fatehgargh sahib gurudwara about a month ago he and his men cut the hair of an amrithari elderly lady because her son got in a fight with them how can we see this injustice look at the videos we have of 84 they tell us who the real terrorist is sant bhindrawale was the protecter of the poor even hindus went to him and he helped them the indian govvernment claimed to kill terrorists but they tortured even children thats a fact now they want to blame the sikhs if we dont get out story out and if we dont fight for our rights wht will happen in the future???????are we gonna live as gulams(slaves) in india the way sant ji told us not too im sorry to go on this rant but it really upsets me
  19. okay thanks for letting me know g i was very counfused as to the stuff i found on google and as to the stuff other ppl say so tan the sikhs that were accused were they marteyed huna....................without evidence
  20. gurufateh to all would someone please tell me what exactl happened with sikhs and an air india flight was it the government who did it or was it sikhs im not sure but i hear different things please excuse my ignorence as this happened long before i was born and i have not come across an unbiased source yet thank u very much God bless
  21. Well I think it's due to SS Bhindranwale being a true image of the Guru Khalsa Panth, the poster is not saying he is Guru,but I can see why he is said maharaj and so on, as SS Bhindranwale was a true image of the Guru's Sikh like no other,not Guru or Maharaj but a true SaintSoldier of the Panth ,not one flaw in him as I see it yh well i agree but i dunno bout tat title but still if he has that love and respect in his heart fot sant ji well y not we shouldnt be so quick to critisise The guy needs a big slap! Indulging in worship of someone beside our Guru. Even Baba Jarnail Singh said that he does not call himself sant, and everyone should bow before only Guru Granth Sahib. Do paath of 'Anand Sahib', it will calm you, and make you cheerful. thats so mean he does not deserve a slap if he has love for sant ji let him who sed anything bout worship he fixed it anyways but we as Sikhs need to respect the emotions and the views of eachother dont just do anand sahib try to do all ur nitnem and sukhmani sahib and seva and asa di // sant jarnail singh ji is much greater than us but he too falls at the charan of Guru ji
  22. Well I think it's due to SS Bhindranwale being a true image of the Guru Khalsa Panth, the poster is not saying he is Guru,but I can see why he is said maharaj and so on, as SS Bhindranwale was a true image of the Guru's Sikh like no other,not Guru or Maharaj but a true SaintSoldier of the Panth ,not one flaw in him as I see it yh well i agree but i dunno bout tat title but still if he has that love and respect in his heart fot sant ji well y not we shouldnt be so quick to critisise
  23. i feel restless too around this time esp since its also my birthday parso lol i suggest learning path b ut moer improtantly seva the problem with our panth is that we have so much josh matlab spirit but sometimes ppl just leave that spirrit alone inspiration should lead to action figure out a seva u cna do for the kaum try to push for khalsa unity as well teach others about 1984 ...............................................it all starts with one sache u mustn't waste this great blessing of energy.............do something wonderful with it for it is truly a gift from guru ji himself also g there is no need to apologize for calling sant ji ur pita yes guru gobind singh ji is our true pita always and forever and there is no love greater for the panth than guru granth sahib ji's bani and Gods name but if u feel a fatherly bond towards sant ji or any other great saint than u should not apologize for ur feelings ...teeka g dhan waheguru so be sure dont let this great spirit just sit DO SOMETHING GREAT bhakti and shakti r both important pray to God to bless u with seva daan and bhagti daan
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