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Everything posted by paman

  1. wait im a bit confused...what is the alleged saroop that was taken by ahmed shah abdali then?
  2. i STRONGLY recommend that ppl download the Sri Nagar Wale track - i was lucky enough to be there in edinburgh and the piyaar in that shabad as well as the meanings that veerji told the sangat were out of this world!!
  3. fateh i have been trying to do a little research into this matter - obviously im just a murakh and have no real idea but i was just wondering if any wiser singh/singhni could help me out.. ive heard 2 theories that the very 1st orginal saropp of Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj was taken by Ahmed shah abdali... and the 2nd that the orginial saroop is actually the Kartarpuri bir.... any info please? thanks
  4. thanks! any ideas on the others?!
  5. anyone know whereabout bhinran pind, mehta chown pind and ratoval pind are? ie what pinds/sher's are near them? will be in nakodhar district...so any directions from there would be REALLY helpful! thanks , need to know ASAP leaving on 14th!
  6. paman


    lol i didnt like the reply you gave me at smagam so thought id ask again... obviously not
  7. am i able to get it working on lg viewty? thanks all tecchies!
  8. look i dont know why your turning a thread about amazing kirtan into this stupid arguement - it really is unbelievable - im really tempted to descend into an arguement over this but i know,...i'll listen to the track again! i call bhaisaib a variety of names, Doctor Saib, Tejinderpal Singh, Doc T Singh ji, Dulla Ji, Dulla - it does NOT give you any sort of indication of what respect i have for bhaisahib so perhaps you ought to spend more time listening to veerjis excellent kirtan and less time worrying about "disrespect" (which it clearly isnt) - its a subjective thing, what comes across fine to me, doesnt to you, but thats not to say either are right or wrong please do not lecture me on semantics as its really not your place nor mine to lecture another - especially after 1 post on an internet forum Enjoy the kirtan ppl!!!! Doctor Tejinderpal Singh Ji - Dulla Veer Ji is a mahaan kirtani!! (happy?)
  10. i doubt that the top Sikh generals would have shared their top secret plans with Dalai Lama...
  11. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, WaheGuru Ji Ki Fateh!

    erm...not your first comment!! :D

  12. yehhhh i read that one too! lol what a joke man i know we're all worried and all that about conversions - but the 'advice' that these plonkers give out is just hillarious even the supposed great scholar Dr zakir naaik has a best a limited grasp of sikhi from what ive heard of his discourses.
  13. jagmeet khalsa does take great pictures pm me if you need his email
  14. lol thats so funnny - they have NOTHING at all that could even begin to cause doubt in a persons mind! "appeal to their oneness of god" "Guruji appeared to have 'died' a muslim" LOOOL!!!
  15. if it worries you then take the chance to go speak to the Guru sahib in the form of the punj - whats the worst that can happen - i mean you get to do darshan of guru ji again
  16. lol its wicked how he does 20 mins simran innit! hes a don man
  17. it just shows to what depths some sad people will sink to just to try and press their beliefs on others! its a bit creepy though no...? almost 30 and a guy!!
  18. nah this is old news people - it was confirmed as a muslim man posing as a young sikh girl to try and entice other sikh girls into doubt. the guy was questioned by a gursikh on his dodgy version of events and began to get very agrressive. also his ip address was traced and confirmed that it was indeed a man in his late 20s always be wary khalsa jio
  19. one of the ultimate in piyaar filled kirtan http://www.sendspace.com/file/d38xb0
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