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Everything posted by DalbirSingh

  1. I know quite a few people who intermarried with tamils they are running okay, guess people find common ground and carry on. It is not something to advise and push forth it can cause problems if you don't have the same page to run with. For those thinking about it before they do, understand being born a sikh is a great privilege, the awesome culture, food, traditions, history, philisophy and metaphysics. Sikh men and women are full of lots of rough and tough behaviour full of love, some people can't take it but that is how lions behave hence why they are king of the jungle. You need to be more concerned with what your parents are going to say rather then religion says. If she believes in sikhi to the extent where you can share your life together then you have common ground, if she is going to make you go to pandits and brahmins all the time and stop going gurdwara then allow it. If you both can do your thing on the side it is okay. Sikhs that married hindus both men and women in the past were on the same level of belief, it is mainly in abrahamic world were what religion you are is a believer or non-believer. Loads of hindus naturally grew up in gurdwaras and practiced as sikhs, they also married in gurdwaras and spent life in gurdwaras the only reason they choose not to call themselves sikh was mainly because they didn't keep kesh some still kept dastars and even abit of dhari. These days it is difficult to know the difference in an integrated society. Some tamil mandirs actually have photos of guru nanak and they are doing pooja of guru nanak. Depends if you can connect with sikhism.
  2. Damn, that is deep. Well I guess it is over for you 2, move on she didn't really feel that way. Loads of girls in uni feel kind of insecure and lonely so they say things to hold guys on the hook on the side, so you were plan b the side dish. Guess she couldn't wait and this other guy and the girl were on a different wave length from you. You seem like some into sikhi find someone who feels the same way. What I will say is forget girls concentrate on your studies zone out of silly people, go train, go gym, work - gain some work experience. Don't waste time with girls enjoy your life, she might be shallow but your deep so be the great guy you can be and when you have a job, working and money a secure stable guy loads of girls will run your way, you are young enjoy working out, reading books, doing art, listening to music, body building, take some cooking, ace your exams get into the best companies or run the best business you can. Keep on track with your career. Loads of girls like that are waste, just fall for that fail uni or don't do well just do whatever they want. You two were not meant to be, so brush it off, forget the scars and keep on. This is kaljug, lies are truth and truth is lie. You get janam in the house of guru nanak after 100 life times, be proud of yourself and build yourself upwards. Go gurdwara do your paath, pray to mahraj, learn gurbani off by heart, learn kirtan, learn gatka. So much to do in the short time we have in life.
  3. Talk to your family about it, see what they have to say. Love doesn't happen it takes time to grow then bring the families into the suitability you got to hint it to each over time.
  4. The new boss the organisation of all the london unis sikh socs. All the sikh socs work together to do stuff. Question is how does nishaan go to link with other sikh socs so how do you work with sikh socs in america, canada and india.
  5. There is more to a man then a beard, you can find loads of people in punjab sitting in the floor without a beard. If it is about hygeine loads of people who shave don't wash, it is rehat to wash. If they want neat and tidy you could tie it or tie a better paag so everyone is amazed by how great it looks. Loads of people who cut beards look funny some are fat wearing a paag with chicken stuck in their teeth sweating. If that is what they want maybe they are not good enough for you and if that is what is holding them back from marrying you then they are shallow and will create more problems in life along the line you are better off staying away from people who got issues with beards find a rishta with someone who is high thinking and wants more in life.
  6. Is going to gym manmat? Punching the air is a sports move it is used even in kickboxing and boxing, mma. Guru Maharaj supported wrestling and training we were taught to be tyaar by tyaar. Do you think it is wrong to dance around in your own premises for excercise? Do you know how much of a good work out it is, if you are against music then even instruments, people learnt various gatka and shastarvidya to dhol, nagara and drum beats to master the move. Just look at some gianis with stomach sticking out, that is besti and bedbi. Gym has music running itself. Various things types of excercise like cardio, circuit training, football training, yoga use various combinations of dance moves. When you are talking about dancing intimatcy, pulling, with a person I think the rehat which says a Sikh shouldn't lay a hand on a women who is not married to is enough for that. I don't support night clubbing, but dancing for sport is a matter of health, how much are you going to limit yourself. I personally suggest on your path as a gursikh go do some gatka and shastarvidya, you will see the use of muscles and bones. Young age is full of energy invest it usefully go take that up or another martial art. Zamba fitness is okay, tango is different (if you are learning for your partner is up to you). I personally think that if you are married you need to built your healthy grist jeevan with pyare, trust and communication dance is a part of that. Children naturally in young age dance around, you will see kids who run around in guru ghars, takes time and patience to teach them to sit still in meditation and learn naam some give up, you should let young kids todlers run about be selective about the music you listen to, if they watch children programs and dance it's okay depends on the song. But you don't want dirty songs.
  7. Loads of these people around, I think you need to get the veers who are doctors and psychiatrists to deal with them. As for others lets concentrate of guru ghars and get them sorted. These des pardes and other indian/punjabi newspapers are full of all these bogus adverts. There are no short cuts in bhagati just do simran and sewa.
  8. The greatest wealth a guy can have is children, to carry his own lineage. Perhaps someone from his family can talk to him, perhaps his dad or someone. You could ask him about it or you could do what loads of women do which is seduce the guy into it. So it happens without the planning.
  9. Well you seem like someone who respects the dastar so how can you even marry someone who has cut hair. You have already made your mind you want to marry them, so it is only convincing your parents and him, his. Start dropping hints, like stories, things, movies, pictures certain indications. They will start asking you questions and find themselves into answering their own question. You could start telling them about your friends etc.
  10. Ignore the past and move on. Some of the rehats of sikhi are missing these days so we have some accounts here and there. My personal advice is don't think too much about the past, move on with the future. No one is perfect you have to start somewhere, sometimes our own personality says a lot about us, if you have a great personality people will come running to you. Guys run after attractive people, he wasn't right for you people comfort you but people want to stay out of it so it doesn't look bad to their friend. Some people would lie in the advert others won't care. You need to keep smiling and being confident in life, people are more interested in looks, attractiveness, personality and family. You can work with looks perhaps some excercise and dieting and with personality reading more books going to high class places, spend time on sophisticated websites and reading + listening to gurbani (going gurdwara). The guru resolves all problems, do ardas, guru will make the answers in your life apparent. With proper ardas things will happen for you themselves when the time is right.
  11. Taksali rehat take into account when that rehat was written it was in a time of war, when people were attacked at odd hours even when sleeping or when doing it, they had to pack up and fight. Fighting any point, before when people were hindus they went at it. You got to keep some dignity, make sure the door is locked and no one is looking, curtain done up. Everything is cool parents aren't listening and your kid don't walk in.
  12. Sikhi does not allow forced marriages, it is in your hands. The caste problem and the age problem is mainly to do with money you got to know if the person is economic stable or could/can be for you, your future, your children to come. Has he got a job, house, car the rest of the stuff. You should have known your parents before dating and during dating if you see a future, perhaps dropping hints to your parents through stories maybe even fake ones, the ones oh my friend married this and that maybe from tv or off family the drama on tv about jatt and tarkhan marriage etc. Sikhs a minority and i think people need to grow up and forget this caste thing it's nonsense don't work these days. Them old folks are half way in the grave and going to die soon, you got to live your life and forget the caste think for you and your kids as with people rid this forget the caste nonsense half of those stories are made up, there is no such thing as jatt or tarkhan brahmins made it up to control people.
  13. Best sakhi is bhai joga singh one...http://sikhism.about..._Joga_Singh.htm http://www.sikhiwiki...Bhai_Joga_Singh http://manvirsingh.blogspot.com/2006/03/story-of-bhai-joga-singh.html All i can say is stay out of it before the drama grows and you get involved they are grown ups and can make their own decisions and mistakes. If they can't take your advice forget them, they will suffer the consequences. They have marriage problems that they have to go satisfy themselves outside,<MOD CUT>
  14. Doesn't matter you will find loads of people who are in it for the money if you are talking about the khalistani ideology some say khalistanis have sold their sold. His own business, peoples own business, we should look at our selves what's the point of doing his nindya and taking his paap on our heads, let him pay for his paap. Loads of bhangra singers sleep with all sorts of people. The question is not about them but us, why do we leave our guru to see bhangra artists. You will notice singhs promote raves on the same day as a gurpurbh, but the question is the sikh youth who run away from the guru and towards bhangra. The issue is even in the raagis and kirtanis who can't connect with the youth and connect with elders because they have money and give it to them. The raagis who are illiterate, our own direction and where we are going. Is gurdwara for old people who don't have much time left in the world to go to or for people to grow up inside and find themselves and direction. The elders can't connect with the kids and pass down wisdom. A generation gap is getting wider and wider, people have domestic problems at home outside with family, family friends and friends. We need to go inside ourselves and find the simran.
  15. It's difficult to even say what date means if you are talking about courtship http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Courtship The opposite is arranged marriage you will find a difference in arranged and forced marriage. Loads of us in the community reject forced marriages. Marriage also consider economic factors for stability and security so in the past people married quick due to money problems, war problems etc. If you are considering marriage I think you would be silly in this day and age not to speak privately with the partner you are considering to marry and at times one meeting is not enough you may need several rushing into it can be terrible can result in divorce and delaying it too long can break it equally. Depends on the culture of where you live, you don't want a pointless act of courtship aswell that just ends up sleeping together and breaking up imagine someone using shaadi.com to do that. Muslims do halal dating where they have a chaperone someone to sit to make sure everything is kosher, halal or chardi khalla. If you are amritdhari you are obliged to marry another amritdhari so if you have your family introduce you, you should set up meetings always when you go out tell someone where you are going. You don't want the case of abduction, kidnapping and date rape everyone regardless of communities fear that. You will find lust everywhere in different forms in the world, sometimes just thinking about a girl walking, or advertisement, movies, (certain websites), Lust is a selfish act which creates paap and furthers you from yog and mukhti you need selfless acts of true pyare and love. Some people have odd relationships with their partners of lust it destroys relationships and marriages don't last you need to be genuine to yourself and others. You will find emoitional bonds (moh) worldly attachment all around the world even with friends and family when someone dies you can't move on or you can't move past them and remember maharaj these things inhibit simran. The rehat you should worry about is more your diginitiy, honour and self esteem. Don't be a pervert, don't be a rapist, don't be a hoe - I think loads of people would understand that. Be sincere, genuine, a gentleman, a kind, noble person (a sardar).
  16. Love is an unselfish emoition and lust is selfish. Lust thinks about you, lust happens in a moment. Love grows, love takes time to nurture. With a couple you gain to know each other as the affection grows, you can sacrifice everything for the other, love is comprised of sacrifice, care. People play lust as love, but it is not. Now gurbani just like sufi texts uses love as a comparison to explain divinity, and union with the soul and super soul. Dating these days is just a means to see if you are compatible for each other and if you can get along. Love is not 3mins of pressups, or excercise. Love is what goes on for 24hrs based on communication, respect, co-ordination it is what gives a women the ability to become a mother and raise her child. If a woman has a child to reep benefit of it and doesn't bother to feed her baby that is lust, greed itself is another form of lust. You can buy an iphone after a few days it's crap and you want another one. When you care for a person from the experiences you have and you can die for that other person and give your head for them that is love. Pyare of paramatma is a high experience itself. On this earth the grist jeevan the house holder life requires care for one another. Love is over rated, a partner helps you understand yourself, looks change with time - what you eat + excercise it's more about you then the partner you people divorce because they mainly have a problem with themselves they don't like to be alone with themselves and as the attitude stinks they ruin relations. With simran and gurbani you clean your attitude.
  17. Sex implies consented rape is unconsented she said sex not rape, so she allowed it to happen to her, so we move on from that past and advise the future for her. As long as the guy didn't have sti it's okayish. Depends on your age if your asking for marriage assuming it is right and you want to marry it's up to you. Loads of Sikh guys do sleep with girls.
  18. Hope you lot wore a condom or took the pill, next thing you want is a baby and not being married. Everyone always say they didn't intend to that is bs, it takes 2 to tango. Well if your parents didn't matter when you got jiggy why do they matter now? Forget what they say they must be living in the old days. The thing with all these questions like caste was mainly to do with the economic thing and shame was a big thing about it, hence why most of us were forst to migrate due to economic problems. Just marry him, the question you should be asking is how can you convince your parents for their blessing and the thing is, it is your life, you are grown up made a choice, the question can be reversed if they want a part in your future or not. Mate you can have a relationship without sex.
  19. gatka and shastar vidya uses a lot of dance techniques. There is a difference between dancing for sport and going to a night club to find hoes to grind, and wind to get in there with the dutty wine rnb room.
  20. The problem you have is not your outside but your inside. People will always say things but you need to make yourself happy in life, go gym train hard get big muscles. You can't make everyone happy in the world at least make yourself happy. People will always criticise people for things if not kesh, or dastar, then your skin colour, shape of your nose, your stomach (to thin to fat), your height, your ears, your eyes. Look at all the people doing plastic surgery the people in the media are mad, bonkers keep changing outside. But what you are is the person in the inside change that first, to be more caring and compassionate. If you want to be happy serve and uplift other people around you when you see others smile you will smile. Kesh is a spirtual practice to know the closeness of your guru as the guru and sikh are one.. you and god are one and the same. Sikhi is gifted after 100 janams of bhagati it is a blessing you are a blessing as is you deserve your own love in the whole world you deserve to love yourself so have some self esteem. Loads of people have a problem with themselves and take it out on other people, so what if people look at you funny or say things forget them and live your life.
  21. I think because culturally we are more male dominate we forget how important women are to all of us and our lives and in many ways women are better then men. We should big up women more.
  22. Check out the gyms in chandigarh, spend time training them.
  23. Facebook can be about your kirt, you need to make links and business network in the working environment. In uni you need to find people for homework, help contact it can be better then getting all the random peoples phone numbers and easy contact people. As for your network it defines your sangat and shows you where you are and help you meet people who want to be like, who your role models are.
  24. A highly spiritual person doesn't care for the shell of the appearance he moves inwards rather then outwards. They only see the guru wherever they go and when they look in the mirror they see guru nanak.
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