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Everything posted by Balait_da_Sher

  1. Congratulation Bijla singh Mehtab, errm you are the only oldie left. Rishta dekhiye twade layi?
  2. you can also put a method call right at the end of the document to ensure it will be called after all the elements have been loaded. But onload event ofcourse also is there for this purpose.
  3. I am a software engineer and develop fraud detection / prevention software.
  4. Thank you all for the well wishes. Got back from india on 24th. Had a bit of food poisioning so wasnt able to reply quickly. Will post pics online when i get them at the moment they are still in india. Regards
  5. A Sakhi Of Guru Gobind Singh One Day the Rababis sang a Shabad before the Guru and the sangat sat in rapt attention. The Sikhs said to the Guru "Sache Patishah, the rababis have sang so sweetly" The Guru did not say anything. Again the Sikhs said "Sache Patishah, the rababis have sang so sweetly" . The Guru replied "The Rababis have certainly done a good rendition but the shovel is with them (Par Kahi inhhan hi paas hai)." The Sikhs asked "Sache Patishah, please explain to us the expression the shovel is with them". "The shovel is with them is a story which I shall relate to you" stated the Guru to his Sikhs. An official lived in a village where there was a persian wheel fitted to a well. Somebody had borrowed the shovel of the official and had not returned it. The official arranged for a drumer to read the announcement with the beat of his drum asking for the shovel to be returned. But nobody came forward so the official organised a search of all the houses in the village. But still the shovel could not be found. Someone suggested that the house of the drummer be searched. When the drummer's house was searched the shovel was found there. The official said "keeping the shovel in your own house while beating your drum to the whole world for it's recovery, you are ten times more guilty than anyone else. Had the shovel been with anyone else he could have pleaded that he did not hear the announcement but the shovel was in your house so I shall give you a much severer punishment" He tore up the drum and put it around the neck of the drummer and turned him out of the village. In the same way the Rababis and pandits preach the evil of wealth to others but run after it more and more. Thus the shovel is with them. from Parchiyan Sewa Das circa 1708 http://www.sikhsangat.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=18902
  6. Another Sikhgiving project but this time we should form a team of indian sikhs who will do seva there?
  7. Just to add to the above, infrared mouse, keyboard etc can get mixedup when you have other wireless equipment nearby.
  8. if you are using an old style mouse with a tracker ball, it looks like that needs cleaning. If this happens when you type using the keyboard then i think you have accessibility filter thing on which messes up the keys usually.
  9. Please keep your updates to monthly updates only. Example of this is that you posted on Posted Nov 24 2007, 02:44 AM Posted Nov 25 2007, 12:39 AM Posted Nov 28 2007, 08:23 AM When you could have simply posted all three updates in ONE single post on "Nov 28 2007". Also note that if anyone needs to discuss this then please open a ticket. There will be no discussion regarding the update issue in this topic, it is only reserved for the site updates. It is the responsibility of the site admin to make sure their topic complies with the forum rule since sikhsangat.com is providing you with a platform to inform others of your site updates. The topic is now open and is strictly for site updates only.
  10. I have to agree with the above, it all depends on what you are studying. If you are into IT then masters degree is useless in areas such as software development where experience is sought after. Degree is good enough to get your foot in the door. Let us know what your subject is.
  11. Firstly guys, you dont have to reply to every post (you know who you are), give others chance to reply and also try to say more than one line in your reply. Getting back to the original topic, i wore patka at high school until the age of 16. The reason was that when i didnt want to start wearing dastar after people in high school had seen me wearing patka for so long. So i stopped wearing patka as soon as i started collage. However i think the maximum age for patka should be about 11. Anything after 18 and you are either trying to act hardcore by wearing patka in monty panesar style or just cant be asked wearing dastar. MPKaur, dastar ceromanies are important. Its like the crowning moment of a singh. There is a big fuss and the center of attention is the little singh. So i would say have it because its a memorable moment and also if you do it, then your kids might in the future know that there is one important ceromany they have to perform when their kids grow up. As for whether it is mandatory or not, i dont know.
  12. Its a good question but with very difficult answer. Software development is not free. People who write software dont just put their skill, time and effort into the product but also their life. Deadlines, bug fixes etc take a lot out of a person and then other people just download the software with the click of a mouse. I admit, i download stuff but, 80% of my software is legit and fully paid for. There is a difference i think, you can download stuff and use it as there is this untold understanding between the suppliers, developers and the consumers that if its out their people will download it for free and use it. So use it if you must but make every effort to pay for it if you start using it a lot.
  13. Princess i dont think you understand the rule either :s This rule is nothing to do with events. Like i mentioned before, whenever there is an event , usually there is a topic associated with the event giving details on when its happening and where. Then it makes sense to, post any links to the audio,video, pics etc associated with that event within that topic. The rule applies to webmasters who update their sites regularly and post the update on the forum. we have asked a lot of the webmasters to make only one update thread for their sites. The new rule is simply requesting that, web masters keep the updates to a monthly update in the existing thread. This way the forum has a balanced view of other sikhsites throughout the month. If i was the owner of website.com then i would wait till i had majority of the pics,videos and audio for the event and then i would post it all in one go, possibly at teh end of the month if this was my own site related content. If it was mainly for the event then i would post it on the forum in the topic associated with the Event instead of the update topic of website.com
  14. I think you are missing the point again. Usually when there is an event topic ( typically a new topic is posted per event), logically the audio/pictures should be posted in that topic after the event has happned. No one is asking you to stop doing that. Even then, i would prefere if it was all done as one single update per smaagam. The rule is about normal site updates where people have sites which are regularly updated but the frequency of updates is less than a week and the type of updates are minor. Thats my reasoning for the support for the rule. I do not support it for traffic or any other reasons, i support it because this is a discussion forum and these kind of topics can not be discussed, so they should serve as an information only topics.
  15. Guys the rule isnt talking about bumping events. The rule is talking about posting every single update to other sites as they happen. All we suggested is that, to put those updates on sikhsangat.com forum once and all together. This way users will know exactly what new content has come on the site in question for that month. Events you can bump all you like within reason. Think of it this way 2 blogs, each site admin posts an article every week. Then after they post each article they bump their site update thread with the link to the article. Thats 8 bumps / month from both sites. Instead they can just post all 4 links to new articles at the end of the month in one post.
  16. The rules are made by admins, they are not set in stone and are open for discussions such as this. Here is my point of view. A week or two week is not a long period of time, even a month is not. As you said that events happen weekly, then how bad is it to collate two week or month of event material and post as a single update on the forum. Half of the time we end up with people, just bumping up sites and blogs and the topics that are on top are just event updates to external sites, which just had one article posted or few files uploaded. The rule doesnt and shouldnt prevent other sikh webmasters to post updates to their sites, all we ask for is that people respect this forum and not continously keep posting about their site if they just added one item or two. As for the sangat needs to know, most of the sangat probably has already visited your site after you update it, the rest can find out about these in the monthly updates. Monthly updates to me make more sense as people can simply get all info about what the updates to the site were for that month. Anything else, is yes simply advertising.
  17. If only life was too simple, here is the deal When bollywood presents the wrong image of sikhs in sikh saroop over and over again in the same light then people's mindset chnage. They dont think its fiction they start to believe there is some truth in it. It not only has a psycological effect on non-sikhs but it also have a negative impact on sikhs. Young sikh men become ashamed to adopt the sikh saroop. Media vs Sikhs is not about stopping media from providing houmerous or negative images of sikhs. It is about a balanced approach to so called entertainment which stays in the boundries of entertainment and does not turn into a unjust psycological warfare.
  18. I would like to know the meaning of 'slander' as it occurs in Sikhism. 'Slander' it mentioned many times in the SGGS, specifically in Sukhmani Sahib. My understanding of what slander is, is saying untruthful things which are harmful to another persons reputation. But, I have some friends who think that even if we tell the truth about someone that we had a bad dealing with, we are engaging in slander. For example, if we had a bad dealing with an autoshop and they ruined our car & then we told all of our friends not to go there, would that be considered Nindia/Slander? Wouldn't we be doing a good thing by informing others so they don't have to go through the same thing? What does guruji tell us about what slander is?
  19. Can you please make sure that you post any updates to your forum only once a month on sikhsangat please. This topic was created on - Dec 23 2007 The next update was on - Dec 27 2007 Then the next update was on - Jan 03 2008 Thanks.
  20. What purpose a long turban serve other than covering head? Why not just cover kesh with a rumal. Religion is supposed to be personal and some things should be just accepted without being questioned too much otherwise we think we are following the path shown by the guru but we are just doing our own thing.
  21. I dunno, if you think about which context it is being done in, it seems ok. Forexample maybe they are celebrating Guru Nanak dev ji's Gurpurab.
  22. Balait_da_Sher

    Would You?

    I recieved two bottles of wines from work. I accepted them. Why cause problems for your employer, i know its a very small thing but just take the wine and then throw it away. If its not good enough for you then its not good enough for others. So what you really are doing is, preventing someone from drinking that bottle of wine which if hadnt been given to you would have gone in someone else's stomach. Think of it as seva and take it.
  23. happy Birthday Gurki My longest friend ever from the internet.
  24. Thanks Guys, Well i have lived quarter of a century now. Those calling me old should remember i have access to the ban button. Bibi G for calling me pAdd, Kaur Khalistani Lioness for forgetting my bday and Akall purak di fauj for not posting htis topic first are all going under moderation. :nihungsmile:
  25. http://news.independent.co.uk/world/asia/article3260725.ece By Andrew Buncombe in Delhi Published: 18 December 2007 By her own admission, the lunches cooked by Phool Kumari Rawat may not always be the tastiest food the pupils at her school have ever eaten. And with more than 300 students to cook for, getting the proportions right can be a struggle. But the children of Bibipur Primary and Junior High School near Lucknow have not launched a boycott of Mrs Rawat's food because of its taste, but because Mrs Rawat is a Dalit, a so-called Untouchable. As a result, they say, the food is unclean. Such incidents are not uncommon in India, where caste remains a debilitating and divisive phenomenon, especially for those 75 per cent of people who live in rural communities. But the boycott at Bibipur is especially noteworthy because it is taking place in Uttar Pradesh (UP), the state which this year elected a Dalit woman, Mayawati Kumari, as its chief minister. Campaigners say that despite Mayawati's poll victory, Dalits still suffer widespread discrimination. When the boycott of the meals began last week, local officials stood by Mrs Rawat, a widow with three children, and tried to persuade the students that there was nothing unhygienic about her food. Officials who inspected her cooking said there were no problems and one even ate the lunch – vegetables and rice – in front of the students to persuade them to end their boycott. But The Indian Express newspaper reports that with the children not backing down from the boycott, the authorities are now poised to sack Mrs Rawat. A district magistrate, Chandra Bhanu, said: "We have inquired and found that the poor quality of food is a fact. So we will try to concentrate on that issue and find a person who can make better quality food for the children." Tellingly, children who live in Mrs Rawat's neighbourhood are still eating the lunches, while those involved in the boycott have reportedly made little effort to hide their reason for refusing to eat. "I will not eat anything cooked by that lady. I have heard my family members say that she is from some low caste. So I bring my own lunch box," said one pupil, Shivani Singh Chauhan. When Mayawati, who uses only one name and who heads the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP), won the state's elections in May, many hoped her victory would help foster equality. But last night, her office failed to respond to questions about the incident at the school and whether it would investigate. However, Ram Kumar, of the National Campaign for Dalit Human Rights, said: "There are no equal rights in UP. We have a Dalit chief minister but more than 80 per cent of the bureaucracy are members of the upper caste. There are many villages in UP that are totally dominated by caste and there is not any chance of social equality." Meanwhile Mrs Rawat, who earns the equivalent of just 75p a day, said: "I am a widow with three kids. Earlier, I worked as a labourer. If they remove me from here I will accept it as my fate and will again work as a labourer." ------------------------ For god sake these are supposed to be children , instead of giving into their demands they should be taught a lesson early on otherwise when they grow up, these same kid will be doing far more worse things in the name of higher caste.
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