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Everything posted by harsharan000

  1. I did this yesterday and although I only listened to paath and not did it myself, it was nice to just sit down and take half an hour out of your life to just escape the madness! Yes verily true. This is best thing we can do for Wahiguru and ourselves . It is like a son taking out time from time, to spend it with his beloved FATHER. You see, time is what Wahiguru wants us to spend with Him. Then He gives Himself to us in return. Then having Him with us, what else can one ever need. As the Bani says: Jis que oopar Toon Swami, toh dukh kaisaa paveh Sat Sree Akal.
  2. CORRECT METHODOLOGY/JUGTEE OF NAAM SIMRAN Guru Sahibans throughout the Bani have strongly stressed on Simran, but do we really know its value? And the way it should be done so it does the desired effect in us? First of all we should be thankful to our Guru Sahibans, for giving us this Sukhmani, the Jewel with which we can achieve true and permanent happiness, and moreover it costs nothing. We should continue repeating it, like a small child: one, two, three, four.... which will form a ladder within us, and take us to His Lotus Feet. By Simran alone we can develope strong will power, as it is a great force by itself. It should be done patiently and vigorously, without a break. It should be incessant, unceasing, continous and constant. Sat Sree Akal.
  3. Sangat Jee, though we are human beings as mentioned above, but the fact is there is a far suprior truth about us also, and that is that before being human beings, we are spiritual beings. It is our different level of consciouness which make us see different scenes, have different views, so naturally we have varied opinions, which are all respectable. But having Gurmat as our guide towards our journey whether as "human beings" or souls, we come to know and understand the superior laws of the creation, and to adjust our will to the Hukum, not for anything else, but for our own benefits, though most of us not even aware of the importance of Gurmat which iluminates our lives with His Light You see, Naam and kam can not exist together. They are antignostic to each other as light is to darkness. Where there is kaam, Naam does not enter. And when Naam comes, kaam vanishes. A sikh, should be an example to the world. a sikh´s eyes should radiate purity around and a spiritual fragrance should issue from his/her body. We should avoid the life of sensual pleasures, and turn out the desire for lust from our hearts/minds. Because a life of virtue,peace and contentment is possible only when we rise above the nine doors of the body and enter the tenth one at the third eye or tisra til at our forehead by doing His bhajan bandagee. To indulge in sex pleasures and to expect to enter Sach Khand is sheer mockery, for such a one, that door shall never open, other thing is, if we willingly want to remain in the chaurasee ka chakar, and for that Maya has kept its doors wide open, and once in, there is no guarantee of getting out. So if we have even an ounce of common sense, let us make wise decisions, and that is only possible with the aid of Gurbani. Sat Sree Akal.
  4. Because to indulge in sex, not only for the married, but even for the single, it is getting blown by the worst of weapons (though subtle) created by Kal Purukh in order to keep the jeevas tied in the mayavee creation far from Akal Purukh. Monkeys, dogs, cats, etc.... do have sexual relations here and there. But we doing the same? Are we mad? Where has our shame and decency gone? Moreover our budhee? All the 5 passions or vices, are very powerful and bad; but the worst I woul dsay is lust or kaam, which is indulging in sex, this clouds our chit, pollutes our minds with filth....thus we can never be able to do the real job for what we have come here, and that is to do His Bhajan Bandagee. Life is uncertain and short. So let us not waste this golden opportunity of the human life, to meet once and forever our beloved wahiguru Akal Purukh. Let us channelize and turn the kaam in us, into love for the Lotus feet of Wahiguru. Sat Sree Akal.
  5. The Ego Games. There are six games of Ego. In order to survive inside us, the ego always plays one of the following six games. 1. Dominating others: Domination of others is a natural game for the Ego to Survive. We normally dominate others saying we are parents, spouse, leaders, employers, officers, head of the family, etc. Our position as parent or a leader gives us the excuse to dominate others frequently. Most often in the pretext of concern for the organization we are working for or as concern for the other person, our mind subtly allows us to dominate others. More often we are unaware of this subtle interference of this Ego in many of our relationships. 2. Refusing to get dominated: We should understand clearly that it is the Ego that refuses to get us dominated. This is another subtle and a dangerous game that Ego plays. If we do not have Ego, why should we in all resist if another person is dominating us? In the absence of this Ego, we will happily surrender to domination by others. But most often we do not like to be dominated in any way. We should understand that this is nothing but the Ego playing inside us. 3. I am Right: The Ego in us always would want to prove that 'we are right'. Again and again, we would argue or try to prove that we are justified or right. There will be lot of explanations done by us in order to prove this. We should be aware of this Ego Game when we try to prove that we are right. Why should we ever prove we are right? If we really right, there is no need at all to prove it. The Nature or the Universe or the God (whatever you call it) will prove it for us if we become aware of this game of Ego inside us. 4. You are Wrong: This is the other side of the above coin. Just as we prove we are right, we also prove that the other person is wrong. This is nothing but the Ego playing its game inside us. 5. Survival: The Ego, in order to survive inside us will simply lead us into thinking that it is playing none of the above games. Ego will always justify itself. The mind will lead us to think that we are not all bound by Ego or we are absolutely right in our egoistic approach. 6. Cover-up: Very often we cover up our Ego by commenting about others or finding fault with others. We should be very much aware that it is this Ego and Hurt that is more often finding fault with others. Here we are not talking about practical and functional faults. We talk about characteristic judgments and blaming or labeling others. Note: Amazing, how unconscioussly Ego works out its evil tendencies in us, and makes us worse than beasts. And the antidote for it, is only to keep Wahiguru in our chit, through His simran, then we shall turn out from beasts to sainthood. Sat Sree Akal.
  6. JUST A TOURIST Once a US tourist visited a Sufi. He was astonished to see that the Sufi's home was a simple room. The only furniture in the room was a mat and a kerosene lamp. Tourist :"Sufi, where's your furniture?" Sufi : "Where is yours?" Tourist : "Mine? But I'm only a visitor here." Sufi : "So am I !!" Note: This is the same with us, we are all tourists here in this alien land. Our Home is sach khand, our zaa/paat is Satnam, our goal is Wahiguru. And while being here, our only job is to gather as much wealth as possible. But, make no mistake, not material perishable wealth, but the imperisahble one, and that is the kamaee of His Nam, which has no taxes, it is duty free; thus carrying it as much as possible, and collecting it with each breath, is the most wise thing we can ever do. Sat Sree Akal.
  7. Usual New Year greetings... "Usually we do we greet one another by wishing each other a very happy New year ". But, " happiness is a state of mind at a given moment in our lives. We start the year by saying hope the next year is better than this one and wish each other a better year to come, thus we are inviting negativity into our minds by saying so. The Lord has given us much more than we need, but since we do not have the sense of gratitude, we are not truly grateful for all the blessings the Lord has given us and will continue to give us. Unfortunately humans are the most ungrateful beings, even compared to animals as we are not happy with what we have and are always craving for more. If we had even a penny of sense of gratitude of what the Lord has given us including a human life, then we should be truly grateful to Him . The question is are we really happy ? Or we all going through a turmoil within our selves ? The answer lies within each and everyone of us. The Lord has given us the same wealth which he has distributed equally to all through Naam. But do we make the effort of realising that wealth which He has given everyone one of us, equally including to the mystics? The difference is they have realised that wealth through mediation, and this realisation of one self will eventually bring about happiness. It is very important to have a goal in life, just as we have with our work and our goal for the day. Most of us don't know our purpose in life, and are simply just existing. This existence with no objectivity, causes us to react to the events of life. This reaction to life causes misery. When we start realising the need for objectivity in life, and start realising our real goal, and have inner experience, our questions will be answered. Till then every thing will be a concept, and knowledge can only bring us to the level of a concept, but not bring us happiness. Once we realise these concepts through the devotion of His Simran, we will be at rest, and the Lord's grace will give us the real happiness, not only for the new year to come, but rather there will be a drastic change in our lives, from manmukhs we will turn out to be Gursikhs. And this state of our being, by itself it is nothing, but a demonstartion of His unconditional Love and Grace for us. Sat Sree Akal.
  8. You Are ... You Are Strong... When You Take Your Grief And Teach It To Smile. You Are Brave... When You Overcome Your Fear And Help Others To Do The Same. You Are Happy... When You See A Flower And Are Thankful For The Blessing. You Are Loving... When Your Own Pain Does Not Blind You To The Pain Of Others. You Are Wise... When You Know The Limits Of Your Wisdom. You Are Truthful... When You Admit There Are Times You Fool Yourself. You Are Alive... When Tomorrow's Hope Means More To You Than Yesterday's Mistake. You Are Growing... When You Know What You Are But Not What You Will Become. You Are Free... When You Are In Control Of Your Life And Do Not Wish To Control Others. You Are Honorable... When You Find Your Honor Is To Honor Others. You Are Generous... When You Can Take As Sweetly As You Can Give. You Are Humble... When You Do Not Know How Humble You Are. You Are Thoughtful... When You See Me Just As I am And Treat Me Just As You Are. You Are Merciful... When You Forgive In Others The Faults You Condemn In Yourself. You Are Beautiful... When You Don't Need A Mirror To Tell You. You Are Rich... When You Never Need More Than What You Have. You Are You... When You Are At Peace And that is only possible by cultivating the virtues mentioned above, and staying at the Lotus Feet of Wahiguru, through His hukum.
  9. Pen Jee, this example above of Srimatee Parvati and Shiv Jee, is quite clear, that these gods and the rest of them have absolutely nothing to do with Wahiguru. You see they have genders, which means still very much in the mayavee realms. On the other hand, thanks to Gurmat, we know that, that Supreme Being is only One and formless : Sach Khand vaseh Nirankar. There, there are no such conversations, between Wahiguru and His hypotetical wives, souls or Guru Sahibans... Why? Because there, He alone exists. This is the eternal and changeless Truth. If we believe that Supreme being is One, how come, that Being has wife, children as Ganesha and Kartik, then they got married and had a prole of children...and so on Or he has a trishul as a weapon, then drums, moon on his head , snakes around his neck, sits on a tiger skin, has a bull as his chariot...and the list can go on, not only with him, but as well as with the other superior and lesser gods .... In conclusion, there is a huge variety of personalities from Baikunth downwards, and on the other side, in sikhee, there is only one Wahiguru....not only that, but whosoever reaches there, leaves far behind his mayavee coverings, to merge and become one with Akal Purukh. Is not that wonderful and fascinating by itself? Without any differences of genders, forms, colors, sizes, animals around, planets...nothing of that sort. I am afraid, many may be thinking, oh so boring, only Wahiguru, Wahiguru and Wahiguru, no me, no my freinds, no ancestors, no this, not that..... maybe that is why the weaker in mind and faith run after the lesser entities with forms and colors, as they get fascinated by all that paraphernalia, or the sizziling maya If this was the case, it is a real pity, we have not understood sikhee at all. That is why, the Bani tells us and assures us: Ekas bin sabh dandh hae. The Supreme Wahiguru is the fountain and source of all wisdom and bliss. Such is His state, that the Bani says, when there was nothing, He was absorbed in Himself, in the Shabad Dhun state. So sangat jee, do not worry, the fears and doubts we have in our minds is all braham, on the contrary we have nothing to loose by merging ourselves in Wahiguru, we microscopic minuscule drops, will become the Infinite Satnam Samundar, that is His wadeeayee, His unconditional love for us moorakhs. Sat Sree Akal.
  10. A question of attitude and making the best out of it: Once Wealth And Poverty Approached A Merchant And Introduced Themselves As Goddesses. The Merchant Offered His Salutations To Both Of Them And Said: " May I Know What Brings You To My Humble Tenement?" The Goddess Of Wealth Said: "We Want You To Judge And Tell Us As To Who Is More Beautiful Between Us Two?" The Merchant Was In A Fix. He Knew He Was Between The Devil And The Deep Sea. If He Were To Declare Wealth As More Beautiful Than Poverty, Poverty Would Curse Him. If He Were To Declare Poverty As More Beautiful, Than Wealth, Would Forsake Him. However, He Regained His Composure And Said: "I Have Great Respect For You Both. Would You Please Act According To My Instructions? Then Only I Can Judge Properly." The Goddesses Agreed. He Said: "Mother Wealth, Would You Please Go To The Entrance (gates) And Walk Into The House? Mother, Poverty! Would You Please Walk From Here Towards The Gates? I Can Have A Good Look At You Both, From Near And Far." The Two Goddesses Did Walk As The Merchant Wished Them To. Then The Merchant Happily Declared: " Mother Wealth! You Appear Very Beautiful When You Enter The House. Mother Poverty! You Look Very Beautiful When You Leave The House!" The Goddesses Appreciated The Wit And Wisdom Of The Merchant. The Goddess Of Wealth Happily Stayed In His House While The Goddess Of Poverty Cheerfully Walked Away. In a similar way, sometimes we are put into tests at the least expected moments, then too we should not loose our balance and handle the situation in a gracious manner as seen above.
  11. Going a bit further with the point of Mukti arised by Preet Pen Jee above, I would like to share a few clarifying words full of wisdom by our beloved First Patshahee in Asa Dee Vaar: ਨਾਉ ਸੁਣਿ ਮਨੁ ਰਹਸੀਐ ਤਾ ਪਾਏ ਮੋਖ ਦੁਆਰੁ Naao Sun Man Rehaseeai Thaa Paaeae Mokh Dhuaar नाउ सुणि मनु रहसीऐ ता पाए मोख दुआरु Hearing the Name, the mind is enraptured; then, he attains the gate of salvation. Here Guru Jee is telling us, that by listening to the Shabad Dhun, the mind is defeated. And once the mind is defeated, the soul is thus liberated from its clutches and its master Kal Purukh. And then proceeds further towards the gate of salvation, which is our Nijh Ghar Sach Khand. * And all this happens not by the merits or efforts of the soul, but by grace and love of the Shabad Guru towards that particular jeeva/soul. Then only is Mukti achieved. Not by interference of any other divinity or god.... Be it Vishnu(Krishna, Ram...), Brahma or Shiva, just to name a few among all these care takers of the mayavee creation. Then in the following line, Guru Jee tells us about how to listen that Shabad Dhun within us, in order to achieve what He mentioned about mukti in the previous line above. He says: ਸਚੁ ਤਾ ਪਰੁ ਜਾਣੀਐ ਜਾ ਜੁਗਤਿ ਜਾਣੈ ਜੀਉ Sach Thaa Par Jaaneeai Jaa Jugath Jaanai Jeeo सचु ता परु जाणीऐ जा जुगति जाणै जीउ One knows the Truth only, when he knows the true method or "jugtee" So now the question is, what is that method or jugtee by which one comes to know the Supreme Truth? The answer to that, is the essence of Gurmat, of Sikhee, which is none other, than His simran. Guru Jee beautifully and in very simple words, directly tells us something which is constantly repeated in each and every ang : Ik Oankar Satnam, Satgur Parsad Jap. This is the jugtee, which Guru Sahiban, stresses upon right from the begining. This means, do His Simran, and you will merge in Him. Can we ever be thankful to our Guru Sahiban, for being so merciful on us, by letting us know the Supreme Truth, thus taking us away from manmukhta, from braham, from brahamanavadee ....in which almost the whole world is drowned happily.... Such a pity ! Sat Sree Akal.
  12. Sat Sree Akal Preet Pen Jee, I would not like to enter into controversies as I respect all opinions and do not want to hurt anybody, cause I am not any scholar, nor any authority in spirituality, and much less in sikhee. But as you have asked my opinion, I will answer you at the best of my ability and sincerity. First of all, I do not take any Krishna, Brahma or Shiva, neither their spouses "devis" as any equal to Wahiguru, nor to any Bhagats, neither to our beloved Guru Sahibans, whom I definetely considere temporal manifestations of Wahiguru Akal Purukh for a limited time being. They came here for a particular purpose, which when done, returned back into the Akhand Jot of Parbraham Wahiguru. On the other side, Vishnu( Krishna, Ram...), Shiva, Brahma and the devis, devtas are very much in the realms of Maya, of Brahm, in one word, under the jurisdiction of Kal Purukh. Krishna was an avatar of Vishne Jee. First Patshahee, does not mention Krishna as the origin. But for sure He says right from the begining: Ik Oankar, Satnam. Satnam is composed of 2 syllables, Sat + Nam. With these 2 particles Guru Jee refres to that primal God/ Power, as Nam, which is also Sat or Sach, means, it is changeless and everlasting. You see, the path of Gurmat, of Sikhee, is only about Nam or Shabad, the Conscious Energy, with main virtues such as Truth, Love, Mercy. Moreover, the Bani says: Jug chaarey Nam outam, Shabad veechar. In all the 4 yugas, the Nam, the Shabad, is the only true permanent reality. The divine trinity and the lesser gods, have ar ole to play in the creation by keeping it in motion; while the Shabad, the Nam, also manifests itself, but in the forms of Bhagat Jan, Sadh Janas, Guru Sahibans, with the sole objective to sing the Apaar mahima of Nam or Shabad, in order to redeem us human from the wheel of 84, which is impossible otherwise. This is the main difference between sikhee and any other religions. While, the former take the jeevas up to Swarg, Baikunth or Shivpuri at most, but still very much in the wheel of births and deaths, by engaing the jeevas into puter practices.... While Gurmat takes us, direct into the lap of Wahiguru Akal Purukh, thus free us for once and forever from Maya and Kal Purukh, with the jugtee of Nam Simran alone. The path of gods is a path which keeps us prisoners in the creation, while the path of Guru Sahibans, is the path of Nam alone, about which the gods and godesses never mention even a word, because they know nothing about it, it is simply out of their reach ..... Being Wahiguru, much much much higher and farther than any of them or even all together ... First Patsahahee tells us in the Jap Ji Sahib : ਆਖਹਿ ਬਰਮੇ ਆਖਹਿ ਇੰਦ ॥ Aakhehi Baramae Aakhehi Eindh || आखहि बरमे आखहि इंद ॥ Brahma speaks, Indra speaks. ਆਖਹਿ ਗੋਪੀ ਤੈ ਗੋਵਿੰਦ ॥ Aakhehi Gopee Thai Govindh || आखहि गोपी तै गोविंद ॥ The Gopis and Krishna speak. ਆਖਹਿ ਈਸਰ ਆਖਹਿ ਸਿਧ ॥ Aakhehi Eesar Aakhehi Sidhh || आखहि ईसर आखहि सिध ॥ Shiva speaks, the Siddhas speak. ਆਖਹਿ ਕੇਤੇ ਕੀਤੇ ਬੁਧ ॥ Aakhehi Kaethae Keethae Budhh || आखहि केते कीते बुध ॥ The many created Buddhas speak. ਆਖਹਿ ਦਾਨਵ ਆਖਹਿ ਦੇਵ ॥ Aakhehi Dhaanav Aakhehi Dhaev || आखहि दानव आखहि देव ॥ The demons speak, the demi-gods speak. ਆਖਹਿ ਸੁਰਿ ਨਰ ਮੁਨਿ ਜਨ ਸੇਵ ॥ Aakhehi Sur Nar Mun Jan Saev || आखहि सुरि नर मुनि जन सेव ॥ The spiritual warriors, the heavenly beings, the silent sages, the humble and serviceful speak. ਕੇਤੇ ਆਖਹਿ ਆਖਣਿ ਪਾਹਿ ॥ Kaethae Aakhehi Aakhan Paahi || केते आखहि आखणि पाहि ॥ Many speak and try to describe Him. ਕੇਤੇ ਕਹਿ ਕਹਿ ਉਠਿ ਉਠਿ ਜਾਹਿ ॥ Kaethae Kehi Kehi Outh Outh Jaahi || केते कहि कहि उठि उठि जाहि ॥ Many have spoken of Him over and over again, and have then arisen and departed. ਏਤੇ ਕੀਤੇ ਹੋਰਿ ਕਰੇਹਿ ॥ Eaethae Keethae Hor Karaehi || एते कीते होरि करेहि ॥ If He were to create as many again as there already are, ਤਾ ਆਖਿ ਨ ਸਕਹਿ ਕੇਈ ਕੇਇ ॥ Thaa Aakh N Sakehi Kaeee Kaee || ता आखि न सकहि केई केइ ॥ Even then, they could not describe Him. Wahiguru Akal Purukh, is just far superior and majestic ..... beyond any description. Wah wah Sachay Patshah.
  13. Genie Jee, your elaboration is quite good. But going back to your statement in blue above. Let us see it in this way: Does not the Bani say: Sach Khand vaseh Nirankar. So if only Wahiguru Nirankar is in Sach Khand, it also means that,apart from Him alone nobody is there. Wahiguru is the Ocean, any soul drop on arriving there, merges in Him, and becomes one with Him without distinction. We do not go to Sach Khand to maintain our false individual identity, thinking we shall meet this or that person there...it is not like going to a foreign country and expect to meet our fellowmen, friends, family members .... or even Guru sahibans. All forms, sizes, shapes, colors, genders, exist as long as mind is present ..... which is alike up to the region of Braham. Crossing Brahm region, then the soul entering Parbraham up to Sach Khand, leaves all the 3 bodies and mind behind, and with the power and grace of Shabad Guru, the wadbhagee soul reaches safe and sound in the lap our Father Wahiguru Akal Purukh. This process can be visualized in the following manner: Wahiguru is the Infinite Ocean, we souls are drops on the mayavee seashore of the creation. Now the huge and mighty Ocean, inspite of it inmensity can not reach the seashore to collect the drops there which are ready to return to its origin... So the Ocean adopts the form of a wave, in order to reach the shore, and wrap those drops within itself. Then what happens? That wave, carrying those drops withinn, returns back into the Ocean.... and then something marvelous, beyond our comprehension happens, the drop, the wave and the Ocaen have become one without any distinctions. So we can say, the Ocean is Wahiguru..and the Bhagat Jan or Guru Sahibans are the waves, who come into existence, as long as there are souls/drops, which cry sinecerly to return back to the Nijh Ghar,at the Lotus feet of Wahiguru. Sat Sree Akal.
  14. Genie Jee, the thing is, it is difficult to expalin something to someone/others, when oneself does not believe in it. Then the point explaining to someone of Satguru Nanak Dev Maharaj was Wahiguru Himself, does not arise at all in any way. First of all we are nobody, spiritually speaking. talking about these higher Truths, is not like explaining or teaching Maths or Geography for example. The Bani says: to whom He wants, He gives that understanding with His Grace. It is not in man´s hand at all, as He is above any reason, He is Aparam Paar, He is Nirankar, He is Shabad ..... He is Satnam. Who are we to explain? Who are we to understand ? The Bani referring to pure spiritual beings like Guru Nanak Dev Maharaj, says: Har ka sewak, so Har jeha, bhed na jaano manus deha. At other place it also says: Har Jee baseh Sadh ke hirday. So you see, it is the Akhoot Jot, the Anhad Shabd is "pargat" in our beloved Guru Sahibans...in the Bhagat Jan, which make them the body/resident for a particular time being, as per means of comunicating with us human beings, to teach us Gurmat, to teach us sikhee... Then, we also have to bear in mind that, even then too, we are so much manmukhs, that we do not even come to understand their teachings, nor recognize them, not even a 0.000001% of their infiite majesty. But then too, they are full of grace with us mugadhs/moorakhs. Because apart from grace and love, they have nothing in their spiritual heart account. They come with akhoot bahndars of Daya Meher to distribute among us jeevas. We can never make justice to them even if we were to sing their glory/mahima all the 24 hours..... Sat Sree Akal
  15. Brother Jas, inspite of you having a negative image of yourself, I believe you are good at bottom of your being, it is only that you are influenced by the envoirements you have grown up. Then your present condition, also is a testimony of past sanskaras which play an important role in the lives of us humans, though most of us are not even conscious of it. I believe no parents teach to drink or to indulge into any other vices to their children, so parents are never to be blamed mostly. Your both parents are very good persons from what you have said. You see, we are all covered with the rust of karmas, and this rust can not be removed just like that. Have we all not heard of "Paras", the philosopher´s stone? That which one, that when even a rusted piece of iron comes into touch with it, it turns out into gold. For us, what is that "Paras" ? It is Sadh Kee Sangat, by which, we are turned out from manmukhs into gurmukhs. The material paras, just turns a rusted piece into gold, at most. But the difference between this "Paras" and a Gurmukh, is farther more than this change. It has more to do on a spiritual level, at our roots. And that change is, that when we come into the company of a Sadh Jan, a Gurmukh Jan, we are transformed from worldy manmukhs, into real Sikhs, into Gurmukhs, as pure as they themselves are. And the proof of all this, are our very own beloved Guru Sahibans, or the Bhagat Jan. Not because of anything else, but, because they are One with Akal Purukh. The Bani says: Har Jee baseh, Sadh ke hirdey. For example in hinduism, their supreme god Vishnu, which we see in most of the pictures, is seen layong on the Sesnaag, with his wife Lakshmi beside him..... You see, by being near or in constant touch with these divinities, even then, each jeeva remains as a separate entity. And this, is nowhere seen in Sikhee. Here lies the substantial difference between the worldly religions and Sikhee. Through Sikhee or Gurmat only, we become one with Wahiguru. This is the excellence, the mahanta of Gurmat. There in Sach Khand, whosoever arrives by His Grace, becomes one with Him without any distinction. Through Gurmat, we learn to love Wahiguru, for His sake alone. And with this True and strong love, we shed away far behind our mind, thus become mindless, then only our sould bleds with wahiguru, becoming Him. Just as a drop of water, falling into the ocean, becomes one with that Ocean. Who the hell can trace that particular drop then? Absolutely nobody. So brother, thiis love for Wahiguru generated in our hearts, is the essence of Sikhee, and thus not only punjabis, but any wadbhagee soul, who lives his/her life as per Gurmat, can surely profit his soul and achieve the purpose of coming into human life, because Sikhee is a spiritual path to be traveled by the soul, is not a pth to be traveled by nationalities or cultures, but by the naked and pure soul/sikh, which is a ray of the Akhand Jot of Wahiguru. Sat Sree Akal.
  16. Four Principles Of Spirituality The First Principle States: Whomsoever you encounter is the right one" This means that no one comes into our life by chance. Everyone who is around us, anyone with whom we interact, represents something, whether to teach us something or to help us improve a current situation. The Second Principle States: "Whatever happened is the only thing that could have happened" Nothing, absolutely nothing of that which we experienced could have been any other way. Not even in the least important detail. There is no "If only I had done that differently…, then it would have been different…". No. What happened is the only thing that could have taken place and must have taken place for us to learn our lesson in order to move forward. Every single situation in life which we encounter is absolutely perfect, even when it defies our understanding and our ego. The Third Principle states: "Each moment in which something begins is the right moment" Everything begins at exactly the right moment, neither earlier nor later. When we are ready for it, for that something new in our life, it is there, ready to begin. The Fourth Principle states: "What is over, is over" It is that simple. When something in our life ends, it helps our evolution. That is why, enriched by the recent experience, it is better to let go and move on. If these words strike a chord, it's because you meet the requirements and understand that not one single snowflake falls accidentally in the wrong place!
  17. On true worship. If we do not eat food in the shape of llifless toys, which can not supply us any nutrients to continue being alive..... How can we think then, that by worshipping lifeless statues, photographs, drawings...etc ..... we can become one with Him? That is all derivated from brahmanvadee .... The Bani clearly says: He is within us, we are His living temple, where he is to be worshipped and found. And He is to be worshipped, not ritually with flowers, lamps, incense or any other outer elements, or even recitations; but only by doing His chintan, His dhyan, His Simran. First Patshahee, knowing about the huge amount of our manmat, made it clear right from the begining, by simplifying Sikhee for us mugadhs, us moorakhs, us manmukhs, by saying the following words, truly beautiful and full of wisdom for the eternity: Ik Oankar, Satgur parsad, Jap. There is only one Lord, and He is only realized by His Grace, when we do the jaap of His Naam. Sat Sree Akal.
  18. It seems that while being in the 21 st century, still there are mentally retarded wicked people who want women as their slaves. Wicked ones....... Women are to be taken care of, and loved as mothers, sisters, daughters and spouses, if only we are true Veers. The duty of a veer, is not only a being a male, but completeing that veerta, with care and protection of others, just as women and children. This does not mean, women can not defend or support themselves, but it means, to be gentle, polite and attentive with them, as men we are. I usually say, that it is because of women, we men learn to love and become somehow humans; otherwise we are brutes by nature, and thus we just think of quarreling,vanquishing all others, or of dominating them. The souls have no gender, they are drops of the one same Ocean Wahiguru Akal Purukh. He is the only One Truth. Just as batteries are energy units, which if placed in a baby doll, or a toy soldier, are the source of their motion. In a similar way, any soul in a male or a female body, does not accquire any of those genders , which are related to the gross body, and end with it. And that energetic unit, continues with its true nature or essence, even after that body has expired or ceased existing anymore. So, it is a wicked and a dictator mind, which makes differences of any kinds in humans .... When the fact is : Sabh meh Jot, Jot hae soee. His Light shineth in all, and He is the source of all Light. Sat Sree Akal.
  19. Our strength is Wahiguru alone. When we are left alone at some time or other, our mind tries to run outwards as that it has been doing since aeons. And there out again it finds nothing but mere shadows and smoke, which is all maya about. The real peace, Sukhmani, the real Amrit, is within us. And thanks to our Guru Sahibans, through the Bani, we should follow their instructions diligently and faithfully to be able to have a sip of that Amrit, and become Sat Chit Anand, which means, one with Wahiguru Akal Purukh. Sat Sree Akal.
  20. harsharan000


    KAURP, answering you below:
  21. Dear F10wer Jee, the words above mean, that whatever pain or pleasure we get, is per the law of karma, action/reaction, made by Nature. And so, nothing happens by chance, it is all our own seeds. Then, it also means, whom to blame for our misfortunes? Naturally, none others than ourselves. Because we have a feeling, that only I am right, so if anything wrong happens, we curse others or blame them, and start carrying a heavy load of karmic debt on our heads. And whom to praise for our success? Naturally not our efforts, but His grace alone, thus we do not fall into ego, or seek the fruits of good karma. This creates a sense of lightness, or a sincere humility in us, which brings us closer to Wahiguru. T hen we come to understand, that pain or pleasure are due to my own karmas, and Wahiguru has nothing to do with all that, and so, if I want to overcome the tentacles of karmas, of maya, of mind.... I have no other option than, that of doing that which will take me out from this nonsense, and lead me to His Charan Kamal... And sangat jee, that is nothing else than the pure jugtee of His Simran. Sat Sree Akal.
  22. harsharan000


    Dear kaurp, as per my understanding, we need 3 powerful adds on us, to overcome moh maya or detachment from worldly things: 1)Sadh Kee Sangat 2)Bani 3)Nishkant(selfless) sewa And then last, but not least, take out yourself(ego), which is quite difficult, for that we need a lot of kamaee, and see Wahiguru in all . By dropping off the ego, then only He remains. Sikhee, is all that about only. Sat Sree Akal.
  23. Gud Jee, all the members above have given valid answers above, but by just adding my 2 cents, I would say, In Sikhee, God is nothing, but an Infinite Ocean of Love and Grace. We can not say almost anything more about Him through reason, because He is beyond the parameters of thoughts, speech, and any other mental instruments. But for sure, there is a method given to us by our Beloved Guru Sahibans, and that is the Jap, as seen in the Mool Mantra, or Jap Ji Sahib, or even in the rest of the Bani, as well by the Bhagats Janas in it. Ik Oankar, Satgur Parsad Jap. There is only One Lord, who is realized through His contemplative meditation, there is no other way(no shorcuts, no substitutes), it is the way laid for us humans, by our Guru Sahibans, and the best thing about it, is that it is safe and sure. It is a path, where the Shabad Guru, and the sikh disciple go hand by hand. Nanak, Naam jahaz hae, jin chareeya se utareeya paar. He created the craetion in order to love us, and at same time to love Him the most. Jin Prem keeyo, tin hee Prabh paayo. And in this loving relation with Him, the sikh, places himself in His arms, just as a baby in the mothers´ arms. Gud Jee, read the Bani with attention and try to assimilate it, you will find the Nectar, which makes/ transforms the mortal, to immortal. Sat Sree Akal.
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