Bored wrote:
With all due respect your 10th master explicitly writes that ALL prophets and avataras before the 10 Gurus were misguided by their ego. In Bachitar Natak he clearly stipulates that they all fell because of their pride and had themselves worshiped (a questionable statement in and of itself...) and the he only speaks what God says. In all of Dasam Granth you tenth master relates stories about all kinds of avataras and prophets being mislead as well. In clear: humanity was in utter darkness before your 10 Gurus, so says your Dasam Granth.
This Neo-Vedantic "all rivers" lead to the same ocean doesn't hold when one says that all other rivers have been mislead themselves.
The question is of course: What kind of God would let humanity be without pure and infallible spiritual guides from the start, send messengers who commit mistakes and suddenly decide to reveal the truth through 10 masters in the Panjab, letting the rest of humanity rot in utter darkness?