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Everything posted by Jonny101

  1. This is how Katha should be. Direct to the point, no beating around the bush.
  2. It is mainly Hindus who preach this idea that nation comes before Dharm. If nation came before came before Dharm then why did millions of Hindus in Pakistan choose to remain Hindu and migrate instead of choosing to remain in their desh Pakistan by becoming Muslims. The modern geographical nation state is not an Indian concept, it is a European one. Sikhs have always seen themselves as a nation. There is no doubt about it. Even before partition the Sikhs saw themselves as a distinct nation. This rare book in pdl website is a perfect example http://www.panjabdigilib.org/webuser/searches/displayPage.jsp?ID=2665&page=1&CategoryID=1&Searched= It was written in 1946 by Sikh intellectuals who expounded on why a Sikh state should be formed instead of joining either the Hindu or Muslim dominated India and Pakistan after the British leave. We had our own country before the British came. Sikhs are currently a stateless nation. When a Sikh betrays his own people like Brar and Gill did they betrayed the Sikh nation. They can try to do justify their misconduct how ever they want but the Sikhs regard them as traitors, and that's how they will be remembered.
  3. No doubt Brar and kps Gill are THE biggest traitors in our history. This is how they will be remembered in history books written by Sikhs. These two are so hated by Sikhs that when they die no Sikh would feel mournful of their death. In fact when that ਕੰਜਰ kps gill died many Sikhs celebrated through out the world. I remember seeing a video on WhatsApp of a group of Sikhs who did an ardas asking Guru Sahib to make sure he gets fully tortured by Jamdoots for his immeasurable Paaps. Many even distributed Ladoos. I have a feeling this is how Sikhs will again feel when brar dies.
  4. It is their inferiority complex if they think Punjabi is rustic. If they want to discard their Punjabiness and speak Hindi the language of Bhaiyas that is up to them. Punjabi is our Maa while Hindi/Urdu is like our Maasi. Maasi can never become Maa. Only a really neech (ਨੀਚ)person would feel ashamed of his mother because he considers her rustic or poor. Punjabi films have also bypassed India as a whole. In Punjabi movies it is either Punjab or abroad. India is never shown or considered anywhere. Even the airports that are shown is always the Amritsar airport never the Delhi airport.
  5. Problem with some Hindus is that they see any step Sikhs do independently of them as a step towards independence. That's why they opposed the Punjabi language in favour of Hindi and still to this day Punjabi Hindus speak Hindi instead of Punjabi. Now all of a sudden they want to reclaim Baisakhi.
  6. One of my favourite kirtanis. Always love to listen to him. He had such sweetness in his voice.
  7. For Kashmir they want to re settle the Pandits back. But those Pandits are too few to make any dent in the overwhelmingly Muslim dominated state demographics. Most other Hindus are also scared and don't want to be the first Hindu settlers who will most likely be slaughtered in Kashmir. So they will probably follow the Israeli model and create Hindu only settlements most likely from ex Indian soldiers who will be armed. Slowly the some Pandits and other Hindus will be encouraged to settle and change the state demographics. You're right. The Kshatriya spirit has been wiped out of the modern Hindus. All that is left is a people without any Ghairat(Anakh). Even they know they have become a qaum full of cowards, that's why the RSS in their Shakhas are trying very hard to instill some bravery in them. But if war ever happens these Nikar wearing RSS will be the first the run across the Jamna.
  8. True our concept of Shaheeds is much higher than theirs. Our warriors become Shaheed to serve our Guru not for some apsaras or hoors. The Muslims thought at a different (and lower) level. If they die they get hoors but if they win and survive the battle they enslave the women of his fallen foe. That is pure evil. The anceint Hindu Kshatriya at least was chivalrous and did no such thing to the women of his enemy.
  9. True. Although ancient Hindus had a Kshatriya tradition which was very effective. Hindu kshatriya beliefs was that if they die in battle they will get swarg and whole bunch of Apsaras to enjoy. Similar to the Muslim concept of Jannat and hoors. The Rajputs were very brave warriors. Often they would die to the last man. But over time they became a spent force and lost their famed bravery. Hindus do not have a shahadat for religion concept in their belief system. Hari Ram Gupta noted in his book that when Muslims would invade and attack their most sacred Mandirs, the Muslims found them deserted. No Hindu warriors were present to offer his life for his deity. On the other hand Muslims always found Singhs ready to become Shaheed at Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar.
  10. True. Staying neutral is the best policy. We need to remember that the Hindu Muslim conflict predates us by centuries. So we need to stop acting like the attack dogs for either side. When Kashmir is separated I think that's the time India will start turning into Syria 2.0
  11. They sure are. They know what to expect. But it goes both ways. The Afghan Jihadis will also not be without Pakistani logistical support. Plus they will feel a rush of confidence after victory over Americans and be more than ready to fight the most hated Kafir of all, the idolator Hindu. Hindus/Indians also have a inherent fear and inferiority complex to Pathans. Hindus have abandoned their ancient Kshatriya traditions, neither do they have religious fanaticism to fight it out like the Sikhs. Through their traitorous ways they have alienated the Sikhs.
  12. I think the Kathkar probably made it up. She cannot be defeated by any devta or rakshas. She is too powerful for them as can be read in Dasam Bani.
  13. Durga herself is a manifestation of Chandi. Read Devi ju ki Ustat (chandi charitar)or Dheerag Tribhangi Chand(in Akal Ustat). The Naam Khanda Sword interpretation is a Singh Sabha interpretation not the traditional Nihang interpretation. And of course she is not a granter of liberation. Only Vahiguru can do that. No one is disputing that. And where did Durga lose from demons? I haven't read this is Dasam Granth. Where did you hear about this?
  14. Personally I'm not against Singh Sabha. It was a boon for the panth. Some reforms had to be made in order to counter Christianity and Arya Samaj.
  15. She was seen as Shakti of Vahiguru. If you read Dasam Granth great warriors like Kharag Singh, Meghnath(son of Ravan) were given their unbeatable strength by Chandi. That is how these two warriors were able to defeat Ram, Krishn and Shiva. She is a creation of Vehiguru but above Traiguni maya. Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv are under the control of Maya that is why they suffer from Kaam and Krodh.
  16. Sikhs back then were much different than Sikhs today. Dasam Bani was unquestioned. Cows were protected, Durga held a position in our metaphysics but was discarded later on by our reformers who wanted to prevent Sikhism from being swallowed up by Hinduism. Nihangs and Hazur Sahib of today hold many beliefs of puratan Singhs.
  17. Hindus themselves are fractured. Maratha nationalists don't like Hindi speaking Hindus. Muslims are also split along sectarian lines in Shia Sunni. In Kerala, we will probably see a repeat of the mopalah rebellion where radical Muslims will beat the less aggressive Hindu and Christian keralites
  18. In multiple opponents I mean India being a multi ethnic, multi religious land it will probably collapse based on these lines much like how multi ethnic states like Yugo Slavia and syria collapsed. And much like Syria and yugo Slavia it is an artificially created nation.
  19. We also have our Mahapursh who give hints about the future. Because this knowledge is Gupt Gian they don't say things out openly. But they all say things will be very bad. One should prepare by memorising as much bani as possible .and keeping rehit.
  20. Im not sure about the reliability myself but some things are really coming true. Sikhi becoming weeker in Punjab, more and more Sikhs settling abroad especially in English speaking countries. Hindus becoming extremely Hankaari while Muslims in India are increasingly feeling they're being pushed to the corner. A strategic alliance is being developed between Sikhs and Muslims. Muslims are getting more radicalized. Americans losing in Afghanistan while Kashmiris hate Indian rule. China and India also have bad intentions for each other. Russia will probably try their hand in India like they did in Syria
  21. They will but the situation in India will probably be like Syria with multiple opponents everyone looking out for their own
  22. Not completely. Sau Sakhis mention that in future when China and Russia will invade India, khalsa will beat them and establish Khalsa Raj over India.
  23. China and Russia are also very imperialistic and evil. Khalsa shouldn't trust them either.
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