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hgsingh last won the day on March 6 2012

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  1. what made sikhs once so great they cared for others performed seva now are driven by greed
  2. why are some sikhs hard driven by education and some arn't
  3. for example gujarati's grow up in a culture were education is huge and so is money hence why their good at buisness and have high education what type of culture do sikhs grow up in and would you classify most sardars you meet as alpha males what impact does the culture have on girls and guys most singh's are not martial so what do you do to bring military culture back
  4. in the uk why do sikh girls continue to go with muslims is it same reason they wear skirts and get drunk and run around with low self esteem most sikhs don't know how to address community issues hence why problems get worste like drugs alchole self esteem
  5. most youth lack understanding of sikhi and its history so what are some ideas to educate 90% of the youth out their itleast
  6. what are some ideas you would like to take to your local gurdwara like having a daycare service set up so youth learn their history and religion programs to empower women and youth through seva to the community people who are teachers performing seva by providing free tutoring
  7. most sikh guys get insecure when they see a sikh girl with someone else rather then get insecure what you guys should focus on is how can you educate these girls on the beauty of sikhism like how it fights for equality and women rights when a sikh girl is educated on sikhi and what it fights for they usually want to marry a guy who believes in the same thing
  8. if they held a sword to his neck they should be criminally charged and regardless the couple will get married no matter how insecure those guys felt with a sikh girl marrying a black guy as well rather then interupting the wedding why not focus on finding a solution to the lack of sikh education amongst sikhs less and less sikhs go to the gurdwara and the politics seem to increase
  9. why did certain people occupy harmandar sahib during operation blackthunder risk having another operation bluestar
  10. why arn't more people talking abou t solutions
  11. its funny in vancouver the police make fun of punjabis saying these gangster wannabe have watched scarface to many times scarface is a movie about a gangster end of the day no excuses punjabis who listen to gangster rap try making same excuses but end of the day its bull
  12. Does it surprise anyone that gangster movies were put up Scarface is about a drug dealer
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