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Everything posted by panthicunity

  1. Gurpreet14 once posted the pdf , I need it let me know if anyone has it - better still , upload it in response to this post . Greatful in advance !
  2. Veer Dalbir Singh - little knowledge is a dangerous thing Autoimmune diseases don't necessarily mean you have very good immunity in general , there are 4 types of automimmune diseases , Rheumatoid arthritis is type 3 and caused due to anti IgG antibodies and also characterized by a deterioration in B cell count . Other thing is we need to have an open mind - I am open to all experiments as long as they don't involve causing hurt (e.g someone telling me te eat beef only for a week) - I have felt tangible effects in my health since I started taking cold baths , especially before night they do result in deeper sleep and a more relaxed , more conducive to spiritual state of mind . By taking cold baths I dont become a hindu kundilini yogi I hope Bhul chook maaf , and I really liked your post about not every one who has differnent opinion is an ssgs agent , waheguru thuano thandak, mithas , pyar aur shanti bakshe !
  3. Another great excerpt Q: But can one step out of the world? M: Who was born first, you or the world? As long as you give first place to the world, you are bound by it; once you realise, beyond all trace of doubt that the world is in you and not you in the world, you are out of it. Of course your body remains in the world and of the world, but you are not deluded by it. All scriptures say that before the world was, the Creator was. Who knows the Creator? He alone who was before the Creator, your own real being, the source of all the worlds
  4. Just came across this book ....so far found it second only to SGGS, very interesting and enlightening read , if you haven't taken a look , please do - its a complement to our regular study of SGGS. http://home.earthlink.net/~grharmon/I_Am_That.pdf excerpt - Q: Yet, I cannot see how can anything come to be without a cause. M: When I say a thing is without a cause, I mean it can be with-out a particular cause. Your own mother was needed to give you birth; But you could not have been born without the sun and the earth. Even these could not have caused your birth without your own desire to be born. It is desire that gives birth, that gives name and form. The desirable is imagined and wanted and manifests itself as something tangible or con-ceivable. Thus is created the world in which we live, our personal world. The real world is beyond the mind's ken; we see it through the net of our desires, divided into pleasure and pain, right and wrong, inner and outer. To see the universe as it is, you must step beyond the net. It is not hard to do so, for the net is full of holes. Q: What do you mean by holes? And how to find them? M: Look at the net and its many contradictions. You do and undo at every step. You want peace, love, happiness and work hard to create pain, hatred and war. You want longevity and overeat, you want friendship and exploit. See your net as made of such contradictions and remove them -- your very seeing them will make them go. Q: Since my seeing the contradiction makes it go, is there no causal link between my seeing and its going? http://www.amazon.com/I-Am-That-Nisargadatta-Maharaj/dp/0893860468
  5. Cold water is actually amazing in all weathers - one gotcha is cold Baths are way better than cold showers On the contrary veerji you will see your immunity go up greatly. Try it on yourself.
  6. Veer Dalbir Singh thanks for taking time to respond .... So somehow this "Natural Hygiene Society" is a credible scientific organization with peer reviewed info ? I have studied rickets , it happens in malnutrioned kids - here is a collection of kids who have been vegan since conception http://www.veganhealth.org/articles/realveganchildren About raw vegan proof is in the pudding - How does becoming vegan give pro meat more credit ?
  7. Thanks legal singh , singhsoorma , questioner and others for showing interest in rejecting dairy Another very compelling reason is cancer risk that is clearly increased in people consuming dairy because of presence of IGF Here is an article from a site run by mainstream physicians - source - http://www.pcrm.org/health/diets/vegdiets/health-concerns-about-dairy-products Prostate and breast cancers have been linked to consumption of dairy products, presumably related to increases in a compound called insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I).15 IGF-I is found in cow’s milk and has been shown to occur in increased levels in the blood of individuals consuming dairy products on a regular basis.16,17 Other nutrients that increase IGF-I are also found in cow’s milk. Case-control studies in diverse populations have shown a strong and consistent association between serum IGF-I concentrations and prostate cancer risk.18 One study showed that men who had the highest levels of IGF-I had an almost two-fold increased risk of prostate cancer, compared with those who had the lowest levels.19 Other findings show that prostate cancer risk was elevated with increased consumption of low-fat milk, suggesting that too much dairy calcium could be a potential threat to prostate health.18 Dairy products account for approximately 65 percent of estrogens consumed. Estrogens (and their metabolites) are a risk factor for breast, ovarian, and prostate cancers due, in part, to their ability to influence cell proliferation.20 A study suggesting that milk consumption may contribute to breast cancer risk reported that 15 different estrogen metabolites were found in various milk products. (There were no appreciable amounts of estrogen metabolites found in soymilk.)20 Cutting fatty foods is priority No. 1 when you endeavor to lower your risk for breast cancer, and, as noted above, dairy products are the No. 1 source of saturated fat in the diet. Ovarian cancer may also be related to the consumption of dairy products. The milk sugar lactose is broken down in the body into another sugar, galactose. Research suggests that the dairy sugar galactose might be toxic to ovarian cells.21 In a study conducted in Sweden, consumption of lactose and dairy products was positively linked to ovarian cancer.22Additionally, a study conducted in Denmark—where the incidence of ovarian cancer is one of the highest in the world—found that women who consumed more than two servings of milk per day had nearly two times the risk of developing ovarian cancer than women who drank less than half a serving per day.23
  8. Also Rajiv Gandhi was his best friend at the time , he could have at the very least severed all ties with Rajiv ....publicly ... to make it known how displeased / angry he was at this mindless slaughter of innocents ....on the contrary the two stayed close until Rajiv met his well deserved fate in 91.
  9. Descendancy has no value as per gurmat/sikh itithas luckysingh jee ..... dheermal, ramrai & prithis were all born to Guru Maharaj's
  10. http://www.sikhnet.com/gurbani/audio/ik-ardaas-bhaat-keerat-kee
  11. Good analytical approach veer wickedwarrior ji http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/433806 This is now mainstream medical knowledge , I just wrote USMLE and there was a question on the topic. Turns out calcium in greens like spinach is much more absorbable for humans Also plant protien takes much longer to absorb compared to animal due to fiber coating and other factors ....and anyways protien content is much lower in the former. Karah parasad is just a custom , its not manadatory for a universal panth like Sikhi .... what about people living on poles .. if they adopt sikihi and do their deevan without karah parsad (since they dont have atta, ghee etc), will they be less gursikh than us ?
  12. Regarding quinoa , its best consumed uncooked - no denaturing of protein - just soak it for 24 hours , the taste gets a bit getting used to though
  13. If you still need any more reason - read this http://liberationbc.org/issues/dairy
  14. Fateh Aman Singh jee ! First of all respect for your staying drih in your sikhi ........ Looks like you have met someone with who you were supposed to be ... these are connections that are result of our previous lives ........ she will help you get even deeper and stronger in your sikhi and you will her .... race/culture is an artifical artifact ... listen to your heart and have no guilt about dating her ....Instead be in shukrana that maharaz has blessed both of you with each others company (hopefully for ever).... Let your spiritual energies fuse ..... TuhinTuhin ji - not sounding critical but parchia pauna is manmat ......
  15. From my personal experience I find lots of (not all ) amritdharis having same kind of shortcomings as ordinary manmukhs such as greed, avarice, anger ... Eerkha , dvekh, krodh, chinta ................... Why does the amritdhari jeevan not tangibly advance one's spirituality Having said that I have also met amritdharis who do come across very calm and at peace with themselves, but they are an exception rather than norm.
  16. Veerji did you read about protein induced hypercalciuria ? Animal protiens acutally seep calcium out of bones and make our blood acidic. US has the world's highest consumption of dairy and also world's highest rates of osteoporosis.
  17. Veerji Dairy industry in Punjab/India is anything but humane .....(yes the cows don't end up at slaugterhouses but they do suffer tremendously) ... they are given oxytocin shots (morning and evening) which is very detrimental to human as well as bovine health All spent cows in west endup becoming hamburgers. Veer questioner ji , IMHO occasionaly dairy is ok ....e.g dahi at gurdwara or chopri roti but it should not be part of our lifestyle.
  18. So much suffering ... waheguru ...just to keep a piece of land united ? http://vimeo.com/70180483#
  19. So it makes me less of a gursikh if I choose to reject animal products including dairy ? I thought sikhi was a broader, all encompassing non judgemental philosophy.
  20. Roti meri kaath ki , lavan meri bhookh ... jehre khan ge chopriya ghane sahange dukh - bhai fareed ji veerji thanks for the detailed answer but dairy was need of the hour when there weren't enough calories to go around ... in the modern world we dont need to steal breast milk of another species which was intended for its calf. How come all the mahapurshas have Tond /goggar ( pot belly ) ? Guru nanak devji says - "Dhirg eheva jeeveiya jit khai vadaiya pet" How would you like if in future an alien species invades earth and start to steal human mothers' milk to satiate its own taste buds ? Humans have no need for any animal products ....period. Its just for 'chaska' ... jeebh da swaad . Why do you think is there so much heart disease, diabetes , hypertension and myriad other chronic diseases among punjabis and other dairy consuming populations. You might enjoy drinking blood, pus and hormone laden 'milk', it just disgusts me. Finally take a look where your dairy comes from Daya kare Jee kee , kich pun daan kare Personally the more I advance in my spirituality , the more I feel for others pain - humans and animals alike.
  21. HEALTHY MILK- 3 easy versions 30 second milk: VERSION A. (in blender)- 1 cup soaked sesame seeds, 2 cups water, 2 pitted dates Sesame seeds are VERY high in natural absorbable calcium, and also have lots of B vitamins and iron. VERSION B. (in blender) coconut milk (the liquid from young thai coconuts) and some kind of dark leafy greens (kale, spinach etc). This is very very very healthy *note- do NOT use coconut water from cans. They are processed. Crack open your own. VERSION C .(in blender) 2 tablespoons of raw almond butter with a couple cups water, a tiny pinch of sea salt, and a dab of raw honey
  22. Countries consuming the most milk products also have the highest rates of degenerating bone disease (like osteoporosis), heart disease, breast cancer, allergies, diabetes and multiple sclerosis. The United States consumes more dairy than the rest of the world put together and yet has the highest levels of osteoporosis and weak bones in the world. Milk does NOT put calcium in our bones- it does the opposite- it PULLS calcium from our bones making them weak, soft and brittle. Why ? Because dairy products are acidic to our body, which forces our body to protect itself by pulling alkaline minerals from wherever it can get it- namely our bones- to neutralize the acids. This ironically leads to calcium deficiency. Cow's milk is not the same as human milk. The calcium in cows milk or cheese is not the same as calcium from organic plant sources like leafy greens (that's where cows get their calcium !) Milk and cheese are the leading cause of arthritis, constipation, allergies, asthma, colic, sinus issues, heart disease, ovarian problems, anemia, insulin-dependent diabetes, cataracts, obesity, congestion, lung problems and even cancer. It has been directly linked to heart attacks and stroke. When people are autopsied, they cut open the heart and all this white thick goo pours out... gues what it is ? Calcium plaque ! That's like trying to use cement instead of oil in your car's engine. Dairy creates mucus which clogs up our intestines, lungs and reproductive systems, overloading them with slimy mucus that smothers our cells so they can't breathe. When white spots start appearing on different parts of the body, it means fat and mucus has spread throughout the respiratory and reproductive systems. Hormonal imbalances often result, including thyroid, pancreatic and gonad functions. This condition results in cysts and tumors, eventually leading to cancer, expecially breast, colon and reproductive areas. All animal products lead to fat and cholesterol deposits in the arteries and heart, lining them with a white thick pasty cement made of inorganic calcium. Nothing clogs up your intestines faster than cheese and dairy. It is glue. Cows milk contains higher levels of saturated fat than human milk, meaning cholesterol buildup and blood circulation problems in babies and adults. Too much bad unusable calcium is actually the real cause of osteoporosis. Milk and cheese is one reason more women are dying today of heart problems and cancer than ever before. People have all kinds of inorganic calcium clogging up their bodies and hardly any good absorbable calcium. If you think cheese isn't an addictive substance, try and separate a woman from cheese. Pasteurizing milk (boiling at high temperature) kills the enzymes, so the milk cannot be properly digested. The pancreas can't replace these missing , so here comes diabetes. Homogenizing milk makes fat particles so tiny they go through the intestinal mucus, directly into the bloodstream where they become an alien substance ( like hydrogenated oils or margarine) that he body doesn't know what to do with, it so it accumulates in the arteries, joints, heart and other organs. Pasteurized milk is dead food. Calves (baby cows) fed pasteurized milk normally die after 8 weeks ! Even if you drank it raw, you wouldn't want to. Most cows are sick and diseased. They are milked by a machine causing blood and pus to be in the milk. When a human drinks milk, only half of the protein is used, the rest becomes foreign protein in the body... and foreign proteins are the number one cause of all disease in humans. It puts a serious strain on the kidneys ( the kidneys of a meat eater or someone who drinks milk or eats cheese) has to work 3 times harder than the kidneys of a vegetarian. They ultimately turn to stone. It's very hard on a baby because the kidneys aren't even fully formed yet. A 12 year Harvard study of 72,000 showed those who drank the most milk (3 or more glasses a day) had more bone fractures than those who drank very little. Where do cows and horses, goats and elephants get calcium ? From grass. Greens have more nutrition than almost anything on the planet. The best way to make greens digestible for humans is to put them in a blender with some fruit. That makes all the nutrients instantly absorbable. Excerpt from HEAL YOURSELF 101 by Markus Rothkranz We don't eat meat because of compassion for animals - then why do we steal milk that was intended for calves ? Also as we all know cows at dairy farms have horrendous living coniditions - why be part of a system that is hurtful ?
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