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The current Sikh institutions are a disgrace to guru nanak's sikhi... Anyone making any spiritual progress would completely ignore any directive from hollow people sitting at the takhts of ghar they have no right to be even a sweeper of...
It's so sad that we will have protesters for this movie while we all know our gurdwara committees are corrupt, our parcharics are some of the least inspiring, the khalsa centre inaugurated in anandpur sahib is a complete insult, all our takhts are headed by naaastics who only use religion to keep her mentality amongst punjabis and line their pockets and increase their zameens. Funny how these are the people that are saying all this is wrong when they don't stand for even simple German principles... I'm sure guru sahib would be absolutely disgusted by the way his supreme loving path has been hijacked by such low thinking, ritualistic, donkeys.
I'm really wanting to see this film but the uneducated panthic warriors have blocked it from being available on Canadian screens.
No Arab spring because a so called supreme seat orders a shut down on any real effort to do anything...
Bhai Sahib Bhai Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa's Hunger Strike
jss replied to ekgurjaskhalsa's topic in WHAT'S HAPPENING?
It's not an Akal takt sahib hukamnamma. It isn't associated with anything to do with Akaaal other than the letterhead. It's time to wake up to the reality of the situation. How long are people going to be held captive by a defunct organization that has zero sanctity left?- 425 replies
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Bhai Sahib Bhai Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa's Hunger Strike
jss replied to ekgurjaskhalsa's topic in WHAT'S HAPPENING?
And thus ends another great effort only to be squashed by our own so called Akal takht- 425 replies
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definitely thinking about it!!
one gursikh from ottawa was telling me a couple of suggestions: Victoria Vanessa
wow....is all i can say... those who have read anything written by bhai sahib bhai vir singh ji would have the thirst to meet such a great son of guru sahib, such a gurmukh who inspired those around him and continues to inspire through his writings now... thank you humkire veerji for that beautiful image of bhai sahib and his surroundings...fortunate are those who got to do sangat with him in his lifetime...
I ask this cuz i'm pretty busy but could someone (maybe Japman) find out ways in which we can help out..ie...organizations that we could donate our time, energy, or money to that may help? If you posted that info here, it will help us all to contribute somewhat... thanks for the article...extremely eye opening... dgn
now all we need is a blackberry version of STTM... any plans veers??
If You Were Made Jathedaar Of Akaal Takht Saaheb...
jss replied to Akaali's topic in WHAT'S HAPPENING?
aap gavaaie seva karaay taan kich paaie maan.... when thinking about jathedari and all this...i'm reminded of sardar kapoor singh ji became the nawab of the khalsa forces... when the decision was taken to make him the leader.... he accepted the hukam of the khalsa to do this duty... however he also carried on doing the seva that he had been doing the seva that he had been doing since childhood...which was picking up horses crap... this is one of among several great qualities that made him admired by the sikhs of his time... we rarely see this these days...and it's not just committee members...it's all of us....in fact my older veers see this lack in me and they always tell me to do seva...and i always forget and need to be reminded by them... i once was listening to a katha..and they were talking about seva...and they were saying that when we go to sangat or samagams, gurughar...we should not have any desire to do a certain role when there...we should go there as golay (as slaves of guru nanak) and do whatever is needed...if one samagam you're told to do ardas, or kirtan, or hukamnamma di seva, next samagam you might not be told to do those things, rather you might be asked to do degh di seva, or you might be asked to stand in the shoes house all samagam long, or your seva might be to clean the toilets three times a day and at night during the samagam...or the next samagam you might be told that we need you to simply sit inside darbar and listen to kirtan... they were saying that any ichaa or want of a certain seva makes it no longer seva...because then we are doing it for ourselves...our own happiness...our own false sense of "being religious"... our approach needs to be...mul khareedee laalaa gola, mera naao subhaga... or hukmi banda hoaaykaay sahib day hukmaai vich rehna...and become "nanak ghar kay golaay"... all the changes that people are talking about making as Jathedar...i personally think all those changes can start right now...with each of us...we want to do parchar..become the parchar..... we want to change the media bias...then each of us can go to our local media and do something positive... we all talk about doing all these big changes...we all talk about great sikhs of the past...and this and that for the kaum...how many of us will do whatever we are told to do at a samagam...without even thinking twice about it...how many of will stay up all night doing seva and not thinking that we even did anything? how many of us say dhan guru nanak as soon as we wake up (or any variation of that)...how many of us when we see someone, we don't first notice that they are different than us...rather they are members of our own family? i can say that at this point in time...i would make a lousy jathedar...even though in my mind i have ideas that could help things...but i don't have the jeevan that would inspire anyone...all the corrupt officials would look at my jeevan and laugh and carry on with their ways...the youth would look at my jeevan and not see someone inheriting the position that was once filled by bhai mani singh ji...they would continue with their ways... it is not our positions that will change things, it's our jeevan... -
Wjkk wjkf, I'm not a member of taksaal or akj or rss or khalsa alliance or missonary...so i have no need to be bias against one party or another... however...i think the Panthic.ORG and sarpanch need a lesson in a) reading gurmukhi script b) learning how to do proper translations of punjabi and c) go to journalism school i was believing for the first few pages that individuals mentioned went against a hukamnamma of akal takt...upon reading it...all it says is Sikh sangataan encouraged to NOT support that parchar done by the RSS...not to take part in it... NOW...this guy's son passed away....giyani ji and others went to the funeral...did they get up on stage and congratulate the rss?? did they get up on stage and say yes..we agree... i mean..giyani ji did speak at the function...he had an opportunity to say these guys are cool in their parchar...but instead he spoke about the good old days..when they were students at taksaal together... i know this requires us to all think outside of the small little boxes we've created for ourselves...maybe...even that speech was made to ignite a flame in rulda singh that has gone dim...there is more than one way to fight a force...and the way of love is always the best way to fight... you guys can keep making me these half-baked articles up...can keep crying on threads, but that won't kill the RSS mentality...all we need to do is parchar amongst our own community and make strong sikhs who are parpakh in gurbani, gurmat ithaas, gursikh rehni behni, naam simran... the guys at panthic.org...clearly show that they do not know about gurmat ithaas...they are against all sampardas...against sanatan sikhi...i'm not a member of any niddar singh or anyone else...but if we read suraj parkash, if we read the books written by Bhai Vir singh ji...one of the most respected saint scholars...in fact panthic.org tries to translate his work and put it on their site...if they read the parts on Guru Gobind Singh ji's life...they'd see how all sampardas were accepted in gurughar.... and furthermore...you kids have no right to be demanding why giyani ji was there...or for him to explain himself...
rimmel bhen... i think we all appreciate your enthusiasm for wanting to take part in discussions and contribute to this forum...but i would suggest taking the time to learn about gurmat vichar, gurmat ithaaas, and the giyaan that guru sahib gives us.... you say that "go do simran" is not a proper answer... i would say it is THE BEST answer...why? because your thinking and my thinking and everyone else's thinking is tainted by our perception of what our guru is, and what OUR relationship between our guru is...that is not a bad thing...but just like a mother has equal love for all her kids, but has a slightly different relationship with each of them...so too is the relationship b/w guru and sikh...you will probably question this....but i am not going to argue this point...you are welcome to read Suraj Parkash, you're welcome to read Guru Kalgidhar chamatkar, guru nanak chamatkar, asht guru chamatkaar....it is all there... So based on our OWN experiences and our own relationships, we will give our opinions...especially on subjects where there is no black and white answer....ie...jewellery, makeup... for things where it's all laid out ...such as kakkars, or bajjar kurehits..it's different... now...how does one cultivate the relationship b/w guru... if we read gurbani, specifically sidh gosht....guru nanak has told the world....that "shabad guru, surat dhun chela" that Shabad (ie gurmantar..waheguru) is guru ...and the soul is disciple... hence...the direct connection between the guru and soul would be to do simran...in doing simran, you practice the presence of your guru...and the tuk...guru meray sang sadha hai nalaay, simar simar tis sadha samalaay...becomes a reality in your life.. now if simran can bring your guru beside you 24/7...and that's what it does...gurbani has said so..no one can argue that... THEN....all questions will be answered by the guru...he will show you what is good for YOU and what is NOT good for you...and contrary to popular belief...it's NOT the same for everyone...again...this is something you might not believe, but you need to go do the research, seek the guidance of gurbani, seek the guidance of mahapurkhs, and the guidance of gurmat ithaas... so if people like lowest of the low singhani or heera singh tell someone to go do simran.... it is not out of frustration...it is not out of not wanting to help the person get answers....it may ACTUALLY be out of the fact that they HAVE done the simran...and HAVE gotten their answers and queries put to ease through simran...and for you to judge them as being wrong in saying it...is almost blasephemous because even gurbani says that...in fact ALL of gurbani is constantly telling the jagiaasoo to keep going back to the guru, to keep living in His remembrance, keep doing his Simran...in fact....that is what makes guru's panth niyaraa...that is perhaps why gurbani doesn't directly comment on these small issues...as our guru wants us to explore our own souls and experiences with the guru...and then arrive at the answers...the journey itself to arriving at those answers is a spiritual experience... MAYBE the two aformentioned members of our forum, have had these experiences and do not wish to take them away from others by simply just providing opinions..and then the person who asked the question just goes with whatever opinion seemed to have the most members supporting it... this does not mean we cannot discuss things...discuss to your heart's content...but remember the answer to all discussion is experience....gurbani tells us this.....kehbay ko shoba nahi, dekha hi parvaaan.... and in our discussions ...lets not assume what our guru's WOULD say...or WOULD do...or even HOW they would do it..NONE of us are at the level where we see Him in everything and everyone....especially when we make it clear in our posts that we haven't done the study of gurmat ithaas to actually know what was said and what was done...
babbar....you didn't take the opportunity i gave you to do some research into Gurmat Ithaas instead you came and attacked me for pointing out your weak points...challo that's okay...if you don't want to grow...then that's your wish... but know this, it is a sin bigger than most, to claim that the great gurus said something or taught us something or showed us something which is totally false... your false claims can be proven through simple research that you refuse to do... secondly....you have this obsession in your posts where you keep pointing out why we don't put up a tree for vaisakhi.... putting up a tree isn't the highlight of a celebration...that's just a christmas thing... on vaisakhi we go to gurdwara..we do our own thing... to celebrate christmas doesn't equate automatically to putting up a tree everyone has their own way to celebrate you say that we are afraid to say fateh in public...i've never been afraid to say fateh to anyone in public...or to say what i am...the fact that i'm a visible sikh, shows in itself that i'm not afraid of putting my belief on my exterior.... you can't lump everyone in the same category which is what you tried to do, its a very elementary debating tactic, which doesn't make you look all that intelligent... and to the comment made by someone saying christians don't celebrate vaisakhi...that's not true... at my high school, there used to be a full anouncement on the PA system every vaisakhi and everyone was encouraged to ask the sikh students for more information...and every year..i had a tonne of goras come up to me and say happy vaisakhi... i used to have friends insisting that i take the rest of the day off and that they'd cover for me.... so to say that christians don't join in with us, is false...again...you overgeneralized just like babbar did... by the way babbar shere, Guru Tegh Bahadar sahib was named Tegbahadar because he was such a great swordsman...he learned all the martial arts...did you know guru sahib even had armies... if he wanted to he could have fought and killed his executors and everyone that was around there...but he didn't...his sacrifice was needed... guru gobind singh ji created the khalsa...which is to be sant sipahi....notice the word sant comes first...and a sipahi protects the innocents, the ones who cannot protect themselves...even at the cost of his life...so how can that be self defence...when you're willing to lose the "self"...this might require deep thinking for you... and you still haven't found the guru that was kicked and his response....it's funny that you accuse all of us who don't mind celebrating christmas about not knowing sikhi...but you cannot even research one sakhi from our gurmat ithaas... ps... Jesus Christ is reported to always carry a dagger on him...when he was arrested, he was with his disciples, and it was he who told them not to fight...he willingly went....any parallels??? don't be so quick to judge or draw conclusions if you don't know anything... by the way....you also don't know much about the way gurbani is set up... Fareed ji's bani is in saloks...each of those saloks is an all encompassing thought...and the next salok conveys another thought...hence each salok can be taken alone and done vichar on... so akj veer wasn't wrong in posting the bani he posted...it is you who refuse to do vichar on it... also if you're going to respond to this post...respond to specific things i say...don't try to be wishy washy...that isn't intelligent debating or discussion