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sikh supreme

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Everything posted by sikh supreme

  1. I think this is a matter for the muslim community, law enforcement and government to resolve. Clearly they HAVENT rooted out these racists (against jewish race) and preachers of hate within their community. Made more significant since the 7/7 london bombings by 4 muslims. So now they have been exposed to an uncomfortable truth that what their menfolk are taught in many masjids and other materials available to them is racism, against womens human rights and hatered towards non-muslims in a democratic secular multi-faith country. I dont know any other religion that has these kind of preachers of hate openly infecting the minds of the impressionable with their racist and hateful ideology, teaching others to hate on large majority of humanity who are not like of them.
  2. Remember your votes count , when elections come these MP's come begging for votes and when the community needs them they are no where to be found. Make sure you hold these MP's accountable if they fail to raise any questions for the alleged ill treatment and false charges placed on these 3 individuals.
  3. Thats youtube.com for you. Just email the guy who made the vids and ask him in a polite manor to take the vids down simple.. It's probably some young kid with too much time on his hands.
  4. lol Narinder urghh vile wench, the only thing she represented was a typical loud mouth drunk punjabi "chavette" type gal that professed to come from our community but definately nothing Sikh about her. A disgusting creature exposed not only her upbringing but brought shame to her families name. I hope she has sobered up since her antics on there. It should be an example to girls in our community how one should not behave. I rather have Shilpa representing Indian/desi girls than the low class ill manored, attention seeking types like Narinder anyday.
  5. Compared to other religious communities... Sikhs are fairing very well. I say we need to do more and root out these bad apples first reason with them to change if they still dont then expose/report them before they damage other peoples sikhi. Char di Kala
  6. Theres a another previous dispathes program you guys mite be interested in seeing its called "women only jihad" google it on videos and you'll see it. It basically shows how masjids in UK are not allowing women to worship (about 60%+ of them i think) because the men think women are inferior and men can't control themselves or get distracted when women are arround lol. This documentry is very interesting as it exposes how the men are taught different things from their women. Evidently they are taught things that they dont want their womenfolk to hear. This current programme "undercover mosque" exposed things not only to us non-muslims but even shocked muslim women themselves who never knew what their men folk were being taught in these sermons up and down this country.
  7. http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=...dercover+mosque
  8. Although shilpa does not deserve the treatment shes been getting, I dont know what the fuss is all about. This is just blown up in all propertions because shes a big bollywood star and the Indian community aboard plus the indian govt dont want to lose face infront of the world's media. Indian govt has a cheek to complain on a diplomatic level to british govt when they are torturing, murdering, raping and carrying out false encounters targetting innocent people day in day out which is much more important than some jumped up bollywood star's alleged racist treatment in a reality tv show.
  9. ok boys and girls here you go, for those who missed it. I found these parts on youtube.com http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MSFbhIG-sk << part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoi5DWt3b0w << part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_TjzCcTkE8 << part 3
  10. It was a must watch, a real eye opener on so called moderate islam. I'm sure it will be up on google video's or youtube.com within a few days for the rest of those who missed it to see. Iman's telling their congregation that its ok to hit women, that men can have sexual relationships with 9yr's because "prophet" muhammad at 54yr did so. That if a women does not wear the hijab she should be hit, 2 women are equal to 1 man, that you have to have a state within a state until you are powerful enough to overthrow and take it over replacing it with islam and shariah law, 'allah loves best of all is... jihad'. This is the dark and true ideology of islam.
  11. yes I agree, Akal Purakh, the timeless one, the almighty, the all knowing is truely wonderful.
  12. If he is likely to come out with offensive remarks then its best he does not congregate around those who would take offence. After all a sikh doesnt have to go gurdwara to be closer to God, he can do naam simran at home, which often is the best way to meditate in a calm and peaceful atmosphere.
  13. Start your own business, most Sikhs have because of discrimination. So use your entrepreneural skills, which Sikh community is rich in. You have the advantage of having time on your hands to come up with idea's..so use it. Britain's youngest self-made millionaire is a Sikh guy called Ruben Singh.
  14. Heres an excellent short video someone has created and upload on youtube.com giving Sikhisms perspective of how the universe came into being.
  15. Should be interesting and insightful viewing.
  16. No it shouldnt matter if thats their educated choice then good luck to them, but if they convert out of deception (not knowing the full facts) or pressure/blackmail due to relationship they have got themselves into....then thats a totally different story. In all major faiths you are allowed to leave without much hassle except for Islam, which has a vice like grip on its followers and if emtional blackmail doesnt work they have the final option of legally murdering those who apostate (in shariah islamic law). That is why it is that much more difficult for muslims (in particular their women) to break free from the shackles of the islamic ideology.
  17. No in fact more people are apostating from Islam. The reality is more people leave islam through lack of belief after getting educated about the true meanings of the islamic texts than actually converting to it. There is a shariah ruling that those who declare themselves ex-muslim and want to leave islam are allowed to be murdered legally under islam. So most muslims quitely slip out of islam than make a big fan fare declaring they no longer believe in it. Heres some sites that may be of interest http://www.exmuslim.com, http://www.apostatesofislam, http://www.islam-watch.org/LeavingIslam/Why_Left_Islam.htm, http://www.faithfreedom.org and http://www.muslim2sikh.tk As for Sikhs converting to Islam, thats a nonsense.. its a well known islamic deception tactic the fundamentalist muslim fanatic regularly use. Who in their right mind would give up Sikhism for a barbaric backward 7th century ideology which gives women very little rights in a progressive and modern thinking world.
  18. We can dream or we can face realities. The dream is a khalistan encompassing punjab of pre-1947 borders and beyond... so big that it would have its own seaports. But reality is when the Sikh leadership who were in in the tri-party talks decided to partition india on 2 nation theory. The Sikh leadership were hood winked by nehru and gandhi into siding with India, but not without promises of a autonoumous sikh state in the north within the union. If Khalistan is formed within the Indian union then that promise can still be furfiled, the foundation stone of khalistan that was laid in 1984 will finally see its fruition. And we can have closure to this struggle for nationhood and years of militantacy. This option is far more viable then outright seperation costing millions of lives and leaving years of hatered between the peoples.
  19. There are free hosting companies on the web who will give webspace for hosting but they have limitations. I think a better website idea would be to have a sikhspace version of myspace. Muslims have one i've noticed. Although their was a similar sikh social networking site called sikhpal but since they changed the format its gone downhill and I doubt if anyone uses that these days.
  20. Khalistan within the Indian Union is a viable option. Indian govt will do its upmost to hold onto all territory it controls right now even if it means using acts of mass state terrorism. In an increasingly globalised world.... khalistan as a seperate entity like, pakistan/india, would have no backers from the outside world because the india union's ecenomic strength. The best solution therefore is to create a autonomous sikh state within indian union that is able to look after sikh aswell as indian interests as a whole.
  21. sikh supreme


    But if you disbelieve in evolution then explain how viruses, in a short period of time, are able to adopt / mutate in order to become more verilant and attack the bodys immune system ... that is a process of evolution.. even if it is on a microscopic level. As for the abrahamic creationist theory of God making this world in 6-8 days then how does it explain the variety of animals and plants on earth. When it is said in their faiths that the whole world was flooded and noah using a ark took all the animals in that to preserve them. How does it explain the vast amount of species that now inhabit the earth, when noah's ark could no way support so many different kinds of wildlife that we have today. Evolution theory, as in there was nothing before big bang, is also false according to Sikhism. As the timeless Lord, was here before the big bang, is in the present and will be here long before you and I along with this universe is long gone. Sikhism has a more common sense approach to these matters focusing on more where we heading not where we come from.
  22. sikh supreme


    Basically Sikhs believe that God (waheguru) created the whole universe. Earth while being in the universe is a creation of God and all the life on earth is a creation of God. It does not matter to a Sikh whether earth was created in seven days or it evolved in 4 billion years. If the earth was created then God created the earth and if the earth was evolved then God created the evolution of the earth. In addition, Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji states remarkable information about the universe, galaxies, stars, planets and the moons. None of the information written in the scripture contradicts with the scientific facts. Furthermore, nothing in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji can be disproved with the help of science. However, scientific facts support the teachings of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
  23. Happy New Year to all of the online Sikh sangat. May Waheguru ji give you and your families happy, peaceful and prosperous new year.
  24. sikh supreme


    If you think sinful thoughts eventually your actions will become sinful best to think of doing something positive. It will take your mind off sin and keep yourself occupied, reflect and meditate on naam simran.
  25. hmmmmm can everyone calm down. Eveyone is entitled to their views, so a bit more respect towards each other please.
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