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Everything posted by kkaur123

  1. Any sanchaars in england in december?
  2. Is it true that nihangs are protecting monica bedi. What about our own sisters being taken away by muslims?
  3. There is going to be one in southall. Will post soon as have full details.
  4. I have talked to another Mahapurkh about this too, and their response was the same. They actually said it doesnt matter if room is across the road or 3 streets away, if there is any connection to the Gurdwara then it is a massive sin to have sharaab and meat.
  5. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!! Alcohol & Meat in a Gurdwara...and a party!!!! What is going on? Sounds like the committee are doing it for personal gain...TRYING TO IMPRESS MEMBERS OF PARLIMENT. Blatant beadbi. This should be stopped. Where are all my brothers? Why you letting this carry on? Wasn't it Masa rangan who got his head chopped off for doing this beadbi? I'm not saying go out and do that but atleast tell them you think it is wrong. Maybe we need to draft a letter and post it to them. Wake up Sikhs....this is not good.
  6. The code of conduct did improve.
  7. lol........athiest talking out of his/her/its backside 128927[/snapback] Lets not be silly now. Obviously Athiest is on the wrong forum. Find a religion basher site or maybe a athiest site. I think someone rubbed him up the wrong way. Feels insecure maybe. He does talk out of backside
  8. i couldn't get thro today. i will try again tommorrow. they still have to decide on what to do so lets all bombard them with calls and letters.
  9. something needs to be done about this. i gonna give them a call to see what they say. they should either have a hall or a Gurdwara, not both. lets help these people who have been trying.
  10. I have heard there is a wedding in Preston this sunday. Can anyone please confirm that there is a protest?
  11. can we all get on this site and let others know our views. http://www.sikhportal.com/modules.php?name...ewtopic&t=16873
  12. This tarlochan and his family should all be stopped. the son-in-law actaully called Guru Maharaj a 'book'. This man is in charge of a Gurdwara. How can this be? His exact words were "you have taken your book now ..........." I dont think i am allowed to include swear words, even if i am quoting someone. WAKE UP BROTHERS AND SISTERS.....HOW CAN WE CALL OURSELVES SIKH AND IGNORE SUCH DISRESPECT???? EVERBODY NEEDS TO GET INVOLVED......NO MATTER WHAT JATHA YOU ARE PART OF....NO MATTER WHAT YOUR REHAT IS......NO MATTER WHO YOU LIKE OR DISLIKE.
  13. This is very sad. We should all take note. It could be one of our brothers or sisters next. Innocent people attacked because of the colour of thier skin. My thoughts are with the poor kids parents.
  14. This is another victory for the Khalsa Panth. Congratulations to everyone.
  15. check out 'shed beards and scarves' thread.
  16. we should complain to these people......to someone who doesnt know about sikhs it is sending out the wrong impression.
  17. "someone told me that their family have changed their wedding plans because they are fearful that someone may disrupt it. they are now gonna do the wedding in a Gurdwara." Great news, people should not have to be scared into doing these things, they should just do the right thing in the first place.
  18. This is really good news. Should hopefully mean we can stop this from happening everywhere.
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