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Everything posted by Raju

  1. I agree, and most Indians are probably do not like this outcome. the hindu is always used to 'being protected' and has always preferred outsourcing their protection concerns to certain groups. they have never taken responsibility for their own protection. This is a big flaw in character. another problem is that in 84' and 90s the internet and other sources of information were not well developed. I know that I used to collect current affairs through reading weekly magazines like 'India Today' and 'Illustrated Weekly', 'Readers Digest' etc. And then I used to subscribe to a single video cassette based news weekly called "Newstrack". But "Newstrack" was supposed to be really elite at that time. Since it involved purchase of a video-cassette every fortnight. to put long story short. Not many sources of information were available and those that were used to be in control of the Govt. When Indian citizens entrusted the job of security to the police, they did so in utmost good faith. They also belived they are capable of doing an honest job. And then we sit back do our stuff trusting that those who have been entrusted with the job will do it in good faith. while we Indians sit back after entrusting the job of security to the police, we do not have effective means to ensure that those people who have been entrusted the job do not resort to shortcuts. there is little effective oversight on them to ensure that they do the job honestly and do not resort to short cuts like custodial deaths, torture, raping women and other abominations. That is why the Indian constitution has a code of conduct that it obliges public servants to follow. The govt may be biased against some community or religion. But the code of conduct is not biased and that is why these gentlemen are supposed to follow it and that they are following it needs to be ensured by citizenry if not by the politicians, courts or other bodies who may have vested interests. But the police officers might gain from 'short-cuts' because it gets their job done quicker. Who else benefits .. surely not the Indian state who is left with the brutalised conscience of those individuals who have been left over after the pogrom. We have now realized that Indian constitution has been subverted and conscience of an entire society has been destroyed. This cost cannot be computed.
  2. Harinder je, I only know myself and my family. I have not bribed any cop to date. frankly I did not know that hindus had such tremendous inferiority complex until I had seen the response after Gujarat and babri demolition. now what to do with these people ? what we have indeed lost after 84' is trust and innocence. We have lost our soul.
  3. People of India are not aware that these police personnel did all these. Especially the new generation is not aware. The older generation is dhimmified, they are hopeless. Actually it takes a lot of experience and expertise to sift out fact from fiction. There is some fact and much fiction in the police versions. People do not bother to sift out the truth, because they feel Khalistanis were killing innocent people. Transistor bombs, radio bombs, violence, gun fights etc. They are relieved that Punjab Police managed to quell violence, but they know not at what cost. Recently I have started reading these accounts by various people more seriously. What the then Govt did with Sikhs was very shameful. KPS Gill is a hero because he fought Pakistan-based terror. So anybody who defeats pakistan and Islamism-inspired violence is a hero in hindu eyes. these atrocities on Sikhs are never discussed openly. No one knows Punjab Police did so many atrocities. They think it is propaganda by vested interests esp Khalistani guys like the ones based in California. but there is something about Punjab and Punjab police that reminds me that it has been visited by the devil, and not yet fully cleansed.
  4. you are being 'initiated'. this is the ragging session. this is how all newbies are welcomed on the forum. As they say, No gain without pain.
  5. the Kerala Kalari is the chief source of the Shaolin style Kung-fu. which in turn is the mother of all martial arts practised by the Buddhists in the far east.
  6. Well a lot of lebenese say they are European, they consider themselves French or even might have French citizenship. Who knows ? But no French dude will go around with the name BeirutBoy. Sorry dude .. don't buy it.
  7. they do say that .. don't they. But in India too I have seen that those cities with high and unrestrained immigration rates happen to register a jump in crimes. So there is obviously a link between immigration and crime. The problem in places like UK etc is that a lot of Albanian criminal gangs have taken asylum in UK, and more importantly they have been allowed asylum. Then there is the likes of Russian mobsters and their gangs too. And then there are drug-pushers mainly belonging to a few communities (it is not PC to say this though), and all sorts are being managed under a convenient politically correct, affirmative action mandate. While some still reform, many don't.
  8. unrestrained immigration is a cause probably.
  9. Raju, i wish i become SANTA CLAUS and land on your door on christmas! nah .. it's not about Santa Claus. It's the general joyous spirits (lol) where everyone drinks themselves silly and full of good natured fun. the trees are all bone dry from the cold winds and are adorned with those wonderful strip lights. shops are all decked, the general atmosphere is rocking. all this is absent in India. This feeling is there usually around diwali, which is an important hindu festival in these parts. What more can I say .. it can get really lonely maan. I think I have killed that part of me which enjoys festivals .. as a result.
  10. He is here to learn more about Sikhs. because he sees them in many incidents (esp recent taxi-driver scraps, protests) around Melbourne. Lebanese in Australia do have a thuggy background. They riot at the drop of the hat. he wants to see if they can be thuggy together... Do you feel me ?
  11. lol .. I wanted to write Sydney & Melbourne (and it came out as Beirut lol). these lebenese boys were rioting around Cronulla beach area last year. I think they have seen Sikhs protesting in Melbourne over various issues. these lebenese guys in Melbourne are basically thugs and they are inquisitive who these Sikh dudes are. And that's why this guy is hanging out here. this was what was going on in my mind.
  12. Are you the lebenese guys who go around rioting in Beirut ? So you want to know who Sikhs are because you see a lot of them protesting in Melbourne ehh ?? You wanna see what they are all about ehh ?
  13. how enlightened of you to say that ? Sitting in America you should know what symbols you have are also related to lingam and you worship them too. Obelisks are phallic (<banned word filter activated>) symbols related to the Egyptian Sun god, Osiris. The 4 sides of the Washington Monument are aligned with the cardinal directions (i.e., east, west, north, and south). The obelisk is representative of the male sex organ, worship in nearly all pagan cultures. It is a symbol of man's carnal power and might.
  14. Namstang wrote: >>I have tasted khanda da amrit, i didnt took offence you calling me hindu but i m just clarifying i don't belong to hinduism nor i have hindu background.. Don't you think you are getting defensive. Once you get defensive you never win. Peter denied Jesus three times and got defensive. And he thus committed sin by giving into the Romans, pharisees and their henchmen. You can say you are not a hindu thousand times .. but next time you say something contrary to popular opinion here again you will be greeted with fingers pointed at you that 'you are hindu'. As a child of God it doesn't make any difference whether you are Hindu, Sikh, Jew, or Christian. All are same and shall be judged in same way. You go ahead and say yes I am a Hindu .. and challenge the sinners to what they can.
  15. And you stand on this forum saying no one respects you ? Looking at what you have to give, I don't see from which angle you deserve respect. >> But not Gurus, they clearly wrote the way they are to be interpreted through sggs. so that's how it is. Can you give me some reading references to learn this better. thanks
  16. I am personally not bothered if any Christian came to my house to yell nonsense. You know there are evangelists who want to convert everyone to their fellowship. Similarly there are Pentecostals who want to convert everyone. If they gain entry, I just say I am not interested. Instead of casting aspersions at their background, which might not be in good taste. Look, if one is confident of one's identity then we are not bothered by anyone talking whatever. We just walk away. what's wrong in people interpreting Guru's according to their faith. You know the Catholics interpret Jesus differently, the Protestants interpret Jesus differently .. but it hardly makes a difference to anyone. Why is this being turned into an existential crises ?
  17. It is also duty of wife to see to it that she does not get exploited in the name of 'duty to a husband'. .
  18. Is it wrong to be of Hindu background on this forum ? is it cardinal sin ? Everyone is accusing each other of being Hindu. & suddenly people get defensive and say .. "No yaar, I am not Hindu .. I am so & so .. but not Hindu" how pathetic is this ? Why can't we respect people of all religions ?
  19. there was no such army, just a small force of Dogras who guard Maharaja Hari Singh. India notified pakistan that it was ready to do this and have independent referendum as per UN. They ingored this and never moved back their army. Because Sheikh Abdullah (Sher-e-kashmir) had lot of hold over his people. Pakistanis were afraid they would lose any open referendum since Sheikh Abdullah was believed to be pro-India. Ever since then there has been no referendum in valley of Kashmir.
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