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Everything posted by mrggg123

  1. Its been happening for years, both guys and a lot of girls now are as well sadly... cant see a solution for this anytime soon
  2. So if a muslim pakistani guy and a sikh girl gets married, its different from a polish Christian women getting married to a sikh man. Cmon, fix up... they are both void marriages, both parties are in the wrong. If they want both guys and girls from our community should get married in a registry office.
  3. This wont ever stop no matter how much people say it will. We live in a corrupt and greedy world. Plenty of gudwaras still doing mixed marriages in Slough loads of polish and sikh marriages...
  4. I dont think its a hell hole and sikhs are still coming here so cant be that bad. And yes but you cant blame muslims for having lots of kids and marrying within their religion, sikhs could have done the same but theyve failed to do that, thats why your unhappy about the demographic. You cant blame others for problems of growing religion, the grooming of sikh girls is bad no doubt, but its only happened in a minority of cases, what have us sikhs done to convert people, increase our fold, in fact its hardly grown. And also the government hasnt just let in muslim refugees, they have let in afghan sikhs, tamils, african christians... it just happens that most of the unrest is in muslim countries, so you cant blame them for wanting to come here and get assylum. Most are first generation and therefore have their backward mentality, just like how sikhs used to do with treating boys better etc, alcohol abuse, which still happens today, you cant blame muslims for everything like u said the government is at fault, also there are some hardworking muslim folk that do exist and shouldnt get the blame for all this crap that is happening, i know u find it hard to believe though as all you see is gangsterism of birmingham, but there some legit decent muslims I have met even if they are minority, why should they get the slack for what others do? So you wana sort the problems in our community, or you wana ramble on about people who wont change? You talk about mogulism crap, what about the afro Caribbean and their areas like Tottenham etc you cant blame islam for their gangsterism can you?
  5. LOL i dont follow no politicians all corrupt. And ok yeh sikh people are more educated no denying that, but I love multi cultural cities. I know u hate pakistanis which i cant change, but there are other communites such as jews, hindus, tamils, etc they cant be all bad. Enjoy your outer bham suburbs but remember the white man isnt always your best friend infact your own people will hate on you and do everything to destroy you. You have to look at each individual :D
  6. not everyone, wat about sikhs in canada who create ghettos.. u cnt say one group is better than the other
  7. i remember a couple of years back all kaleh were growing beards because of rick ross, some even converted lol now they all back to normal
  8. yeh and those other immigrants will move to sutton coldfield eventually as well then what?
  9. not necessarily muslim tho... look at soho road on the riots...
  10. By your logic your saying even cities like new york and LA are third world with the bronx, harlem, los angles etc. Southall is not even in inner city London nor is bethnal green, East ham etc which I agree are not the nicest places, but you see the amount of educated people coming out of southall and the price of the houses you can hardly say its a ghetto just some rich kids acting gangster. Compare southall to hansworth and you will see real deprivation with 12 year old girls sitting on street corners with their bellys out on soho road. Inner city London is where all the rich people buy multi-billion pound houses like kensington, lambeth, knightsbridge chelsea, earls court,westminster, st johns wood. I have never herd of an expensive area in Bham except for Edgbaston, kings heath and solihull. Many more ghettos i.e small heath, handsworth, ladypool, lozells, aston, allum rock, moseley, etc By the way tottenham is next to stamford hill which has jews and is a rich area. Also in all these ghetto you talk about like wembley and walthamstow city, brixton workers are rapidly buying up houses in theses areas and the average price for a 3 bedroom house is like 600k. You would not be able to move from bham to london as even a flat is now 300k. Normal house in bham is like 200k. You may have some valid points, but if you look at the city in whole there are far more nicer places next to the ghettos and its all becoming mixed now as house prices are extortionate. Also those arabs are not travellers they spend so much money in places like selfridges its something ££££ ridiculous per hour and that goes to the government. They are also buying up the houses as they can afford it, you cant really compare them with somalians afghans etc who are poor they have the money and they put it back in the economy.
  11. Compare central London with inner city birmingham then you'll see the real ghetto. London is one of the best cities in the world, Birmingham is officially a muslim country according to fox news LOL
  12. one thing i give this muslim doing dawah is he is well spoken compared with others i have seen lol
  13. dat story is rubbish, canadian sikhs dont hate muslims, if that was a uk story i would have believed it, fake. parents amrit shak but i ate meat and cut hair, likely story...
  14. Go out there and do something, Like ravi singh and khalsa aid. I need to make time for this in the near future, career and money are not the be all and end all.
  15. Im not voting, there all bloody corrupt although UKIP seems ideal for the country, they want to bring back British values which should never have been changed in the first place,.
  16. LOL I mean why does this guy just show videos where he is successful. I want to see the muslim under pressure and being questioned, not asking the questions.
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJ0EeaJ65Yc Why do people just convert so easily? Are they a bit idiotic, do they not read before converting?
  18. So sad, all us uk sikhs should take time out from our daily lives and go there to help our people out
  19. Chelsea have just been caught being racist to a black man on a train in paris, youtube it. Bham is worse, too many bloody pakistani drug dealers
  20. muslim dawah people convert using the term science saying how everything scientists have found out is in the koran. How stupid can people be... ok there might be some truth but a hell of a lot of contradictions
  21. So what does that tell you then? You cant even trust your own people, with the punjab police, so cant you just see everyone on an indivdual level? Fair enough if thats your opinion. They may believe in the same religion, but one is practising in one way and the other (mirpuri) practising it in a disguisting way. But you always got to remember theres good muslims out there who try and speak out but their voices unherd because they are crushed by the others. Just like during the gurus times you had good muslims who followed the sikhi way of life.
  22. Im on the side of standing up for those oppressed and against oppressors, in this case the oppersion is does by mirpuris not pakistani punjabis as a whole.
  23. Ive only used this username the whole time ive been here? No any1 who does wrong is wrong, but the majority of grooming is done by mirpuris and its a known fact. If this was happening in canada america etc, I would agree its a pakistani as a wholes problem. Pakistani punjabis do have some animosity towards sikhs and vice versa. But they have a lot more in common with us and respect us a lot more... you wouldnt know cos u live around mirpuris, have u ever asked your bham pakistanis where they originate from?
  24. Prehaps those from northern punjab who speak pothwari. But I dont think muslims from central punjab like faislabad or lahore would act like this. If theres rape gangs in wales and scotland where u find faislabadi muslims, or wherever else central punjabi muslims are, then il put my hands up and say Im wrong
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