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Everything posted by Ranjeet01

  1. How can it cause further hatred? In the several thousand mosques in the UK, there are thousands of speeches that denigrate the kafir way of live. Is that not denigrating? Does that not reinforce bad feelings towards the kafir in dar-ul-harb? Jews are called monkeys and pigs, yet does that not cause/re-in force against jews? If muslims do bad things disproportionately to the size of their population, do we not have the right to call out the bad things? I do not think Sikhs will hate any further. All that I can see Sikhs is saying a collective "I told you so!" to the mainstream community.
  2. Tommy Robinson is going to be right about a lot of things. It's cultural Marxists like yourself that are going to be proved wrong in the years to come. Are you Sunny Hundal in disguise by any chance?
  3. I watched enough his videos to try to understand this person. People don't like him because he is a working class white guy who sounds like a chav. People automatically think he is a racist. He is not under any government services nor is he an agent as far as I can tell. In fact he gets harassed by various organisations whether it is by police or other security services. With the current climate and Tommy's relentless campaigning, eventually the mainstream media will start to see him in a different light when they realise which way the wind is blowing. I reckon the vast majority of Sikhs actually tacitly support and sympathise Tommy but overtly will not show him any support or sympathy. He represents a particular element of the gorah community that lives in a highly multicultural area and amongst high population of muslims (he is from Luton) that he has developed an instinctive understanding of muslim like many Sikhs do. Which is probably a reason why he resonates with many Sikhs. The mainstream media in their arrogance are very slow to pick up on the trends. It takes them 5-10 years to get to the stage where everyone else is. Parts of the mainstream media already vilifies Sikhs and vast majority of us will do bugger all and carry on as before. There is always this fear with some Sikhs that somehow after the muslims, the gorreh will come after us. I don't see how that will necessarily be the case.
  4. How does one incite hatred when the animosity was already there well before Tommy came in the scene. The EDL is not what it once was. In regards to Tommy, if you keep tabs on what he is doing has moved on from the EDL. He's writing books, has has death threats against him as actually confronts the groomers, like Bhai Mohan Singh he has a mission. The thing about Tommy is that he is not wrong. Common goals makes strange bedfellows.
  5. Might be to do with muslim shareholder of the Independent: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/media/online/the-independent-saudi-arabia-investor-shares-sultan-mohamed-abuljadayel-evgeny-lebedev-control-a7866836.html
  6. The Independent like the Guardian /Channel4 and the BBC sits on the left of the political spectrum. They are Cultural Marxists that are in bed with the Islamists. Therefore anyone that speaks our against their narrative is seen as a racist/islamaphobe. Even though this article needs to be rebutted, the circulation of the Independent has gone down considerably and it is a dying paper. They should not be taken seriously.
  7. Any Sikh that sticks up for the rights of Sikhs is seen as a Khalistani by hindus.
  8. Just happened to catch a few minutes on the Sikh Channel and they were discussing the events in Catalonia and there is quite a significant sangat presence around the Barcelona and Catalonia region. Obviously our Sikh brothers and sisters there have a lot of sympathies with the people of Catalonia because they can relate very much to the struggle. Madrid acts in the same manner as Delhi in terms of siphoning off the resources of more productive regions. Catalonians suffered a lot under the Franco regime. They have their own language and culture. There was a conference with some guy called Gagan Singh and lo and behold he was sitting with the Catalan leader Carles Puigemont. In the audience, there was more Sikhs than the locals there. Something always perplexes about our people. I can understand the sympathies because of the similarities and I have been doing some research and understanding with the history but why do our people have to be at the forefront of fighting other people's battles. What are our people hoping to achieve with this type of support. Are we going to get support from the Catalonians for an independent Sikh state? Do the Sikhs in Catalonia realise that by gaining Independence, Catalonia won't be able to be part of the E.U. and they won't be able to move to other parts of Europe once they become pakkeh.
  9. You have three sons, with potential three naus. Let's hope you practice what you preach when you become a saas.
  10. Easier said than done, particularly in the pind. Men are quite practical in that they require a practical solution to the problem. It needs to be a problem solving excercise.
  11. Most women in this case will get the hard time in this instance from specific women such as their mother-in-laws or husband's sisters. However, they will still go back to their pekheh and talk to their mothers. They even get a sympathetic ear from certain quarters of their husband's family or even talk to their friends. Women in the end of the day will talk about their problems, men will not. I was talking from the man's point of view but of course it is frowned upon because it is not from a feminine-correct (but it depends what side of the marriage line one belongs on) point of view which is the only point of view that is allowed. To think that somehow Gursikh families don't ask for many things is a load of baloney. In theory they shouldn't but many do. Many Singh's like most men do value their daughters. Funny how most women think fathers don't value their daughters but think their own fathers are the best things since sliced bread.
  12. 7 daughters means 7 weddings and 7 sets of dowry. Told "koi nahi" everytime his wife gives birth. The pressure of relatives and villagers constantly on his case about not having a boy. Being constantly ribbed about not having a son. Being a man, you are expected to suck it up. There is no support network like women do with each other, the only thing you can do is turn to drink.
  13. With the way Canada is like right now politically, it would be seen as a bonus.
  14. Any western based high profile Sikh politician will be targeted by the Indian establishment and the Indian media, particularly from Canada since Sikhs in Canada are probably the most politically active in regards to Sikh rights in Punjab. Any Sikh politician that speaks up for Sikh rights and wants to open up the enquiry to 1984 will be seen as "Khalistani" or paid up lackeys for Pakistan by India. What India fears the most regarding Jagmeet is that he could potentially become Prime Minister. No stone will be unturned by the Indian establishment to scupper this.
  15. BA is based in West London where Sikhs have lived and worked at BA for decades. How many Sikhs that work for BA have travelled on BA flights taken advantage of their discounted tickets over the years. I have never heard of any racism on flights. BA even have turbanned and saris for flight attendants to India.
  16. Sikhi works on higher ideals which tends to rise above default human nature. Islam is a political ideology that exploits certain base traits of human nature. There are certain animal instincts that are hard wired into humans, we instinctively follow these from our earlier tribal forms. You see this in the animal kingdom as well. You go invade another tribe/pack try to kill off the males and try to mate with the females. Unfortunately, there are not so pleasant elements of female nature that will follow the stronger tribe for survival. An example you see in the animal kingdom is when outsider lions attack a pride of lions, kill off the alpha male and then the cubs. The lionesses automatically go on "heat" and mate with the invading lions. Islam which is based on arab cultural traits is extremely tribal behaves in this manner. I apologise if this upsets anyone.
  17. In the west, fairer skin does always not mean being better looking like it does in India. Muslim men are increasingly taking up the beard (the moustache less) and their beards look far worse than the flowing beards of our Sikh brothers.
  18. Good looks?.lol Sikhs like other communities have dropped their population due higher standard of living and our women being more educated because apparently if you want birth control you have to have educated women. I could go on to give you exact reasons of why muslims do what they do and are successful but it is not suitable for this forum as it is not a politically correct viewpoint.
  19. Of course it has an agenda. Most organisations do.
  20. https://psmag.com/.amp/environment/17-to-1-reproductive-success
  21. This is a widespread problem that is impacting a lot of males of that age group, Sikh and non-Sikh. In our community, divorce rates have increased and I imagine it puts off a lot of our males from getting married. I suspect that a lot of Amritdharis probably been rejected so many times that they have probably given up.
  22. It takes a lot more than the proverbal hit the fan to keep Sikhs in one area. Prioritisation is in other areas is placed. We are a canary in the coalmine community and attract other communities which pushes us out (like the other topic we were discussing on this forum)
  23. For all the people from UK that go there about half of then return.
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