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Everything posted by Ranjeet01

  1. One of the reasons the seas were very important is because the Europeans had no access to the Silk Road routes through Asia as they were dominated by the Muslim empires so they had to find another way. That is why Colombus "discovered" America. They wanted to bypass the Silk Road land route and tried to get to India by sea. By the 1500s, Europe was going through Reformation which led to the Enlightenment phase where they were no longer satisfied with going through Silk Road route via the Ottomans,Safavids. They wanted direct access.
  2. We focus on the physical tangible wealth, what is even more interesting is the appropriation of the intellectual property. How much vidya was appropriated from texts by the Germans (who invented the Aryan theory). This knowledge fed into Shopenhauer and Nietzche which led to Carl Jung,Freud and all the rest of Jewish Intellectualism we seen in the 19th and 20th centuries. A lot of the Shaster Vidya of the Nihungs has been incorporated to special forces such as the SAS.
  3. There's a whole medicine cabinet to swallow. I remember reading that I when India used to be invaded and it was centrally controlled by Delhi, it was said that Delhi did not bother unless it was directly being attacked. It is the degree of apathy of what goes on. I noticed the same attitude a few years when I lost my temper with airport staff at Delhi Airport. Apathy is a big problem, no one cares.
  4. One point culturally, is the habit of our people (talking pre-Sikhi here as well) collaborating with the outsider to bring down the system/structure. Prithvi Chauhan was done over by Jai Chand, the Dogras screwed over the Khalsa Empire. There are also other people examples. You see this behaviour in today's society as well. Treachery seems to be a cultural trait.
  5. I think the reason why there is a "perceived inferiority complex" is because at this current moment in time, the Brits and the west do better in general than the east. They govern better, they have a rule of law, they tend to have better cohesion. They may have robbed and looted but they used that loot to improve their condition, living standards, quality of life. We can blame the Brits all we want, but that is not going to get you anywhere. We have cultural flaws that had enabled the conquest. We should address those issues. An example I can provide of how the blacks have great resentment over the white man over slavery. Many African Americans have gone to west Africa to see where their ancestors were and what did they discover? That Africans were involved in the slave trade, they were betrayed by their own.
  6. You can put as many links as you like, people will still vote for him.
  7. I'm kind of tired of the British Raj stuff, I don't know what can be gained from this with the constant reflection. It's only useful if there is something to be learnt from it.
  8. Yet he still is likely to become the Republican candidate. The Guardian is very pro Hillary and Salon , well is a publication that promotes paedophilia. The only thing about Trump is that he is unashamed about what he does. Other candidates do stuff behind your back and that is what a lot of the U.S. electorate see.
  9. There's another video of a Mexican woman who worked for Donald Trump who did not have a bad word to say about him.
  10. Jatt-Envy is the elephant in the room here. If you have watched Animal Farm (originally a book by George Orwell), I think you would get an idea of some of the prevailing attitudes. Some may find it uncomfortable but necessary to understand none the less.
  11. Oh my! Jatts are rabid dogs and scum as well as being nazi supremicists. And it is Jatts that have the chip on the shoulder? Moderators, is it not strange that if the language used here was used against anyone else this forum, the thread would have been closed. But since it is Jatts, then it is fair game. What has been learnt from these posts? That most Sikhs of non Jatt Sikhs hate Sikhs of Jatt background and would like them to disappear from the face of the earth. I recall going into an Afghani shop once and saw 2 Afghanis arguing and one of them puffed his chest out. The other one told him to stop acting like a Jatt. It seems that the Jatts social dominance is a big problem for others. Perhaps Sikhs of Jatt background show more chardi-kala ness and others cannot stand it. I think that all Jatts of Sikhi should leave enmass and should let the Khatris,Ramgharias, Sainis,Kambohs, Lobanas, Batras, Mazhabi fight amongst themselves. Then it would be interesting if the caste issue is a Jatt problem or a wider problem. I would suspect the latter.
  12. If you want to make it completely authentic, perhaps we should have punj pyareh come from different states, I. E. One Gujurati, one bihari and one from Bangalore (Karnataka). Also maybe we should have them from different castes so that there is no accusations that Jatts are showing their superiority by stepping up. After all the Panj pyareh came from different castes (like a diversity quota). But of course, caste does not exist in Sikhi so how can we do this since we should do not believe in caste, yet we are very quick to point out miraculously when one caste dominates but at the same time do not recognise it?
  13. Jatts are no superior race nor are they cut above the rest.
  14. How are Jatts supremists? Can jatts be arrogant, of course but you conflated Jatts to be nazi's. Unless jatts have invaded countries and put people into concentration camps, that is not a valid comparison. If Jatts dominate areas of Sikhi, it could be because Jatts comprise a very large proportion of Sikhs. If Jatts overwhelmingly take up higher positions of Sikh institutions they perhaps took initiative and the risks for the panth in a higher proportion than Sikhs of other background. Would one call that segregation?
  15. Can you confirm if Sikhs of non Jatt background also marry "within caste" or is it just Jatts who do this. Does a Sikh of Tharkan/Ramgharia background consider themselves superior to some who is a chamar or Mazhabi background or is it just Jatts that does this? Is this perceived superiority of Jatts happen to be due to the fact that Sikhs of Jatt background just happen to be numerous?
  16. If Salafists are behind this, the question would be what would be gained from this action? From their point of view, the Sikh population is small and they would gain no mileage from doing this. There are far bigger targets they could go for. What is the ethnic composition of these Salafists in Germany? The majority of Muslims in Germany are Turks, however my observation the Islamists that are causing trouble across Europe seem to be of the North African persuasion (Moroccan/Algerian/Tunisians). What quarrel would a North African have with Sikhs, does not make sense. My only conclusion is perhaps they picked a small target as to test the waters so to speak. Germany seems to be the only major European country that has been spared a terrorist attack. Merkel has appeased by bringing a whole load of migrants/refugees in, if there is a pending attack, she will be blamed. She will then be ousted. There is a lot of resentment already in Germany and if anything happens there it may tip things over the edge.
  17. 3 key points when doing any kind of lifting in the gym. This will help to prevent injuries: - Warm Up - Correct Form - Cool down
  18. I am kind of wary about Trudeau. He is one of these types that was voted in because of his father being a former prime minister and with his "good looks", he is definitely the aunties favourite. Bill Clinton gave off a similar vibe. There seems to be a slight male pretty boy bimbo-ness about him and I wonder if he is a front man for other agendas.
  19. How does one talk to people who are not willing to listen?How does one discuss concepts which expand your mind with metaphors with folk that only really know rote learning? The black guy (formally baptist) has that evangelical style of questioning, you can see it in his delivery, body language etc. The short fellow just being facetious. Again it is an interesting study of Dawaist body language, type of speech, tone of voice etc etc. Jagraj has adapted his body language somewhat, he's had to behave more alpha male. It's what you do with Muslims because they only respect strength.
  20. If you look closely you will notice a lot of our people suffer from central obesity which means skinny arms and legs but big belly.The pic shown of the two men is a perfect example of this. This is a marker for diabetes, heart disease etc.
  21. You married a Brasilian? I bet Avocados, Kaleh channeh and Acai is very popular in your household. ☺
  22. So how he is worse or better than any other politician. One kind of politician is nice to your face and stabs you in the back. The other one is blunt to your face. It is obvious that a lot of people are fed up with their current crop of politicians. But people in the U.S. are taking to what Trump says. There is a big underlying problem there. It does not bother me which way people in the US votes but the American people are tired of the status quo. THis is real politik unfortunately, that is how the world works.
  23. How many politicians are not hypocrites. Which politicians do not lie or embellish stuff? You think Aunty Hillary is any better, or the Canadian Ted Cruz? Bernie Sanders was bullied by a bunch of black women when he held a rally in Seattle. Thing about Trump, he is blunt and says things as they are, which is why he is so refreshing to a lot of the electorate. He says a lot of unpopular and anti PC things because in society there is a lot of bhenji-bhenji going on and there is other stuff going on in the undercurrent and he is bringing it to the fore. A lot of people hate it but he is saying thing that needs to be said, he does not need political donors like the others and has nothing to lose.
  24. Interesting debate with the candidates on LBC. As with most elections, it is a popularity contest. The Greens, Lib Dems and UKIP are there to make up the numbers. It's going to be between Khan and Goldsmith. Listening to the debate, I think Goldsmith will win it. He sounds more smooth, suave and polished. I don't live in London so I have no bone on this.
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