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Everything posted by Ranjeet01

  1. My family has been out of Punjab for close to a century. We will find it difficult to adapt. I think this will be the case for many Sikhs (particularly the Sikhs who have been out for a very long time)
  2. Welfare system only works if you have people to work to pay the taxes. If you everybody on welfare, breeding but no one to work to pay for their welfare then the system will crash.
  3. In the West, beards and in some cases keeping kes with tying a man bun has become fashion trend. I am not talking five o clock shadow but long flowing beards. I sometimes see these goreh with these beards and man buns and I think to myself "just put a dastar on!" Women don't seem to have problem with them.
  4. The gorehs standard of living didn't really pick up until post World War 2. There were some fundamental changes in their society. In the Victorian Age, if you saw how they lived, India was far more preferable. Their slums would make Mumbai slums look posh! What you are seeing in Western society is a demographic inbalance. In that there are far more older people and less younger people. Another factor that decreased birth rate was the introduction of pensions. Traditionally having lots of kids meant having providers for your old age. Having a pension meant in theory that you rely less on your children because you pay into pension. However, your state pension is impacted by younger people working to support your pension (tax base ) In the past, there were 8 workers supporting 1 pensioner. However, with more old people and less young people ,there are like 2-3 workers supporting 1 pensioner. Also, when pension was introduced, average lifespan was 75. So if you retired at 65, you would live for another 10 years. However, people live well into their 90's. That is 25-30 years as a pensioner.
  5. There were some statistics I saw. From 1979, productivity has increased exponentially, however wages have not.
  6. I used to lurk on some Hindu websites. Some of them where Military forums and there were some interesting insights. There was this one Gujju guy who used to comment on increasing the Hindu birth rate as it solves a lot of problems. All the other Hindu guys used to berate him. His case was that in Gujerat since partition, Gujerat muslims were quite troublesome. However, since the Godhra incident and an increase in the Hindu birth rate, muslims start decreasing their troublesome ness.
  7. Earning power is down because since the 60's and 70's, women have been encouraged to join the workforce. You are effectively doubling the supply which has in part forced wages down. One man earning could afford a home and support a family of 4 in the past. These days you can't do that with 2 income earners.
  8. How many kids are you planning to have? Having more children is a start. But us Sikhs are doing what every other group is doing and that is having less children. The world has spent the last 50-60 odd years trying to get the birth rate down. Like China's one child birth policy and improving inoculation for children in combination with women's emancipation. Why do you think women's education is prioritised? Because the more women are "educated", they want less children. How are you going to persuade our women to have more children? At first,I was thinking that every Sikh has at least 2 kids but I can see in many families that has dropped down to 1 in the past few years. I worked with many goreh and some of them don't even want kids. They are committing demographic suicide. I don't want our people to get into this situation.
  9. It is something no one can answer because no one knows how to. What we lack is political power. It is something that can only be done by a cohesive minority of Sikhs before the rest of Sangat can jump on the bandwagon.
  10. Puzzled You mentioned you want to get married but you don't want it arranged but you want to find it yourself. How are you proposing to do that? You are talking your way out of marriage. The problem with your cousins is that they never put their foot down Sometimes in marriage you have to stand firm. The in-laws will sh1t test you , if you give in, they smell weakness and go for the kill.
  11. How are you going to meet someone. Everyone you meet is someone you never knew.
  12. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2007/10/in_economic_terms_you_are_a_de.html
  13. Yes, it can mean that. There should be a phrase book, so that young Singh's should know what these euphemisms actually mean. On some matrimonial sites some people mention "innocently divorced ". What does that mean?
  14. "Finding yourself", is a codeword for something else. It means they want to have "fun" before they "settle down". "Settling down" happens for girls around about 27-28 before the big 3-0. "On the same wavelength " means something you have in common with the other person. It means you think on the same lines and you don't have to explain yourself. You are expected to just get it.
  15. Don't languages change over time. We are talking about 500 years here. What if certain words meant one thing during that time and now means something else. If you read Shakespeare and compare the English in the 1500s, it sounds nothing like it does now. There are words we were commonplace in that we no longer use and are incomprehensible.
  16. Oh yes, Mr Cromwell the Roundhead himself, "The Lord Protector " It was these types that left for the Americas in the 1600's.
  17. I can assure no big city in Canada will ever become another Mumbai. Even the bigger cities have a more sprawled feel. On the North America continent it is probably New York that has the hustle and bustle feel.
  18. What you with a lot of the UK Sikhs is a malaise that all people in UK (regardless of background, sikh, non-Sikh, black,white etc) feel is that the grass is always greener. We tend to put down the UK a lot but we never leave the UK. The ones that do leave that do tend to come back. In the UK, particularly amongst the white folk, Australia is a very common destination but half of them come back. It is only when you leave for another country that you appreciate things about the country you left. I knew a south Indian guy who were worked with me. He was here in the UK for several years with his wife and kids (one of those Intercompany transfer) and he decided to go back to India (Pune was his next port of call) I asked him what he would miss about the UK. He said "The Weather " I was startled, nobody in the UK praises the weather. He goes on to say "It is fantastic. In india you go for a walk for 5 minutes and you are sweating. Here in England you can walk and feel the fresh wind blowing on your face" It was something people in UK would never appreciate.
  19. At least you are answering the right questions for the first 2. As to your 3rd question, you won't really have a problem with white supremacists in PC Canada. Toronto is practically a minority majority. It is far too multi-cultural.
  20. If your company has offices in Canada, you could do an intercompany transfer. Your conditions might be different from your friend. Things to consider: -cost of living -jobs (be careful about 'Canadian experience', they don't always recognise foreign qualifications and you may need to re-train. You may need to start at a junior role if you are already at a more senior position. -you may need to rent a basement when you start off. -weather. Toronto has some heavy duty winter with heavy snow but very hot summers. You may prefer it to the humid weather of Mumbai. -you have a wife and kid, your folks will be back in India, so you may not have the support structure. Canada has a points system immigration where they look at look at your age,qualifications, profession, savings etc. Just be mindful that there are a lot of professionals that move to Canada and then find it difficult to get a job because they don't have 'Canadian Experience ' and then have to deliver pizzas for a living. That is why Canada is more preferable for rural uneducated Punjabi folk because for them they can do the farming and trucking etc.
  21. For some of these women, it is better to share this man with other women than be saddled with a faithful loser. The psychology behind this is that if this man has all these women interested in him he must be a high value man.
  22. That is hypergamy of women. She tried to trade up her husband for what she perceived was as a higher value man and it backfired on her. There is term of what she tried to do. It is called "monkey-branching"
  23. A lot of girls look like a 9 or 10 only do so on Instagram with lots of make up and lighting. Remove the make up and it is really shocking how they really look like.??
  24. I think (for some) if you have spent most of your teens and your twenties being rejected and then when you get your <banned word filter activated> together and all those girls that rejected you suddenly start take interest in you, it makes you think. What happens is marriage is largely where the women are the selectors (especially in their younger ages), what happens is that this flips as you get older. Men become the selectors. That is because what makes a woman attracted in a male, is not same the other way around. If I am 31 year old male, who was gawky, gangly at the age of 22 and was completely broke and the hot 21 year old never paid attention to me. Now I dress better, in better shape, got a good job, got good money etc. That hot 21 year old is now 29 years old, she is not as pretty as she used to be and she has put on a lot of weight. Why should I settle for her when there is a better looking, slimmer, younger 25 year old?
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