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Everything posted by jkvlondon

  1. This is just the same poster but removing the frame containing the dates of the program . and seriously I would have a problem with all the pictures not just levels . In Guru ji's hazoori we should be focus on the gurbani not an artist's kalpana
  2. jkvlondon


    When we had the twins my husband went to Gurdwara with my mother and got an ardas done there was zero exchange of money , the akkhars came up and we took time to select and then as soon as we were able took them to Guru ji's hazari and sangat to get the jaikarey after sharing the names (three weeks in special care 2 months preemie) . With my daughter we went on a normal diwan , got an ardas done and took the akkar , on the spot came up with a name and then told sangat etc . Again no money . Of course khushi vich you can put degh vaste chanda but no one ever had the cheek to charge per head or stipulate a cost. Times have really gotten shameful now , used to be everyone's khushi to welcome another sikh ...sorry for the bad experience
  3. but they, the Germans built loos so they can inspect their doings before flushing ...yes it has a shelf before the water level so both cultures are fixated on poo ... hindus use cow poo to make their kitchen pure and have so many descriptive words in their vocab for it ...
  4. he dismisses Hukamnamey just as easily as Gurbani , Methinks his aim is to generate shanka and not actually exchange ideas honestly. He doesn't even understand what he is saying , to proscribe something is to forbid it , Guru Gobind Singh ji did not proscribe kesh but continued the prescription of Guru Nanak Dev ji to live in total hukham . Gur mukh is facing towards Guru ji , one who follows his Guru ji's hukham unquestioningly , trusting Guru ji's bachan above all .
  5. It is the faith and love we have for Guru ji and His love for Us that is in amrit , it is immortal and that is how our love for Guru ji should be eternal, unbroken when that happens we KNOW that everything's fine with us we need nothing more . When a person feels that way they are not scared of risks , they haven't got a white-knuckled grip onto this life or things, they can accept loss as easily as gain , happiness is the same as pain . ALL is a Blessing to that person and that makes them daler/brave
  6. The tuk in Guru GRanth Sahib stands unchanged by jaane jaan Guru Sahiban for 2 hundred years prior to GurGaddi ...there is a reason They showed respect to him as they did to sangat ...
  7. jkvlondon


    I find this disgusting ...doing ardas is every sikh's right you don't need a giani to do it for you and especially not being charged for it
  8. the reason Guru Pita ji told us to study him was to learn exactly how low they are willing to go, and how harshly the non-brahmin is judged in their eyes so we never fall into that pattern of thinking , unfortunately we have stopped studying the truth of the world we inhabit and the people around us , so we have slipped backwards ...
  9. the well educated thing seems like a 'hey i'm a catch I'm well-educated why don't she like me, my folks told me that was what girls wanted'
  10. to say that one who has accepted hukham of Akal Purakh and Guru Nanak Dev ji by keeping kesh and started down the road of sikhi is somehow better is a falsity, you are not a sikh then or now unless you have given of yourself wholly to Guru ji and receive amrit/naam in return. This head is supposed to belong to Guru ji it is not ours if we follow Guru ji so why reserve the right to disobey Guru ji's advice/wishes ? Is this sikhi really , are you following your Guru ji or pretending to ? Do you know better than Guru ji or even Guru ji's sikhs who gave their all ? Guru Gobind Singh ji is Guru Nanak Dev ji IS Guru Granth Sahib ji -there is NO difference so to pretend that sikhi changed is to misunderstand that . Having amrit is just the starting point , you have to strive to become worthy of being called a khalsa , just as you have to put effort and love in to being a sikh. Try reading the definition of a gurmukh from Gurbani .
  11. agreed that is the bimari with the youth especially the bibian , I can't see what is so great about that BS , plastic surgery and steroid taking is creating stupid aspirational models where the girls think that the guys have to be bodybuilders , clean shaven , multimillionaire or at least orchard of note trees out back and the guys think the bibian have to be plucked and hairless , fashion pittiaan with impossible proportions and also stunningly beautiful (amazing with a surgeon can do)
  12. jkvlondon


    I think the Bazurg, SInghnis and children should be respected and looked after as our own as they have given their support away to the panth ... those menfolk who are the same age but didn't contribute I would be wary of as they obviously didn't feel the same as their sibling.
  13. madam Sri Chand couldn't bring himself to obey Guru Nanak Dev ji and Rejected Angad Dev ji as Guru also ... it took him decades to accept his ineligibility , that shows he needed to still realise the truth ...One should praise the Guru alone ...
  14. I get the feeling she's not sikh or he's not ...besides he's being a bit delusional that anything will change ...
  15. use simple cleansing lotions daily not extreme ones which strip oils totally otherwise body will go into overdrive and you will end up with more . Wash face with warm water first to open up pores then afterwards use cold .
  16. This is a belief taught by the pakhandi Yogi not Guru Nanak Dev ji so is invalid , full stop. If it was a valid way of dealing with kalyug Guru ji would have promoted it but he didn't. This method was sufficient in earlier yugs as peoples avasta was much higher not now. Guru ji taught to live actively and positively in the world not run away to quiet places and sit in fixed poses, besides the forceful manipulation of kundalini has very serious repercussions for the human if they haven't achieved control of 5 chor and ego first . There have many who have become mentally unstable and terrorised by the things they have seen/experienced.
  17. Also Guru ji taught us the highest Yoga is loving simran of Akal Purakh within a positive grisht jeevan thus improving the world and oneself with the fruit of naam. Without naam all is futile , naam is above all , naam is Waheguru.
  18. for those people who are asking stupid questions like the joker in the video above
  19. just finished warrior by Stephen Pressfield reading in tandem is Autobiographical book of ultramarathoner Scott Jurek , 'Eat & Run' mental toughness ...and pushing beyond ...so far so good.. I have a habit of multiple book reading , just starting 'Siddharta: The Prince Who became Buddha' by Hermann Hesse too
  20. it is not a small thing , if they haven't consulted with the planning authorities you can be sure that fire safety and minimum health requirements were not considered ... if someone had died because they were shoehorned into the house and something went wrong then what would you say ? Making money is fine but not when you endanger someone's safety or when you exploit people which is what is being done here . If she really was above board she could have waited 6 weeks like the rest of the country to get her plans passed.
  21. most of these folks are clueless about the impact that Obama has made , I'm sure they have no inkling just how anti-faith Obama's policies were (multiple reports of anti christian dictats and non-muslim bashing in armed forces) , further sneaking in of bills at the midnight hour to evade opposition such as the type giving the Govt powers to decide who is 'fake' media and accuse them of anti-government speech/propaganda and shut them down . The common core education system is a major fail and parents are unhappy at the quality and content of the course , kids are being made to jump through ridiculous hoops and still get nowhere , penalised if they get the right answers but not by the tedious methods proscribed by the system so are made to feel like failures for no reason othe than non-compliance. What happened to Michelle Obama's healthy food in school ...oh yes it didn't happen. Did her stupid pouty face get 'our girls' home from Boko Haram? People are sheep especially these ones they are wasting their time which would be better spent going back to their communities and using all that pent-up energy to improve them instead letting MSM get them traipsing up and down for photo opps for their agenda pieces . Sikhs shouldn't be handing out langar at such functions it gives legs to stupid rumours , it was different at the mass mourning after Paris or Dover when people were trapped without water or food ...Why are we becoming the world's picnic basket ...we are supposed to help the poor and needy not SJWs on a jaunt from their leafy 'burbs remember these same SJWs are the ones tomorrow who will be trying to hound you for not changing Guru ji's maryada to allow for their special snowflakeness
  22. Talking over the top ? that is making the situation worse...It's simple during the darbar ONLY Guru ji's Kirtaniyas and Granthi should be speaking and that Only on matters of Gurmat, Gurbani and Itihaas . Guru ji's darbar is HIS ALONE , it is supposed be a learning centre , if announcements need to be made use notepad and projection system so it doesn't break sangat's liv
  23. If you go to the just giving page it shows that they are still short of the target ...
  24. Bhai Ajmer SIngh who was Muslim Spy at Vaisakhi 1699 says that the heads were taken in front of the crowd and granted he says that the heads were sewn/matched (???) to different bodies and then amrit di chitti were sprinkled on the five then they arose again . He couldn't have said that and described the terror in the crowd if anything happened inside a tent and he would not have become an amritdhari Khalsa after seeing what he saw if there was any truth to the substitution of goats for people . Baba Deep Singh fought without his head , as did Baba Gurbachan Singh ji if this gurpiarey did this then Yes I believe my Guru ji can make impossible possible ... My question is if Taksal Sant Baba Gurbachan Singh ji rejects this sakhi then why is Thakur Singh Patiala wale doing same katha/sakhi parchar... is this the sign of his 'bought out' state
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