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Everything posted by StarStriker

  1. Well well well, ppl complaining the pound is goin down/the economy is effed coz we have now exited the crappy EU....Well go and ask any greek wat it feels like to be in GENUINE turmoil financially...Oh btw theyre STILL part of the EU, n now this will beautifully set a precedence n have a domino effect on other nations within europe. Ppl r behavin as if, the uk has always been part of the EU, n this brexit is a sacrilige, wat a joke. U got dumb OTT reactions from brits who voted to remain in EU, by sayin they r lookin to move abroad now...Haaaaaa. So these same ppl, who secretly moan about immgrants comin in to uk, jus like some of the pro-brexit brits, yet they themselves now want to become immigrants elsewhere...round of applause for these confused fuddhhus. The fact that the world bankers/rothschild zionist paedophile politicians n businessmen only created the EU to steal money to create a future identityless europe with 1currency, 1 army, 1 nation, 1 govt, this is a sensational blow to the NWO's plan on the a 1 world government.
  2. LEAVE has won!! The OTT reaction from asians as to the concequence of UK voting OUT, is pathetic. U wudda thort the BNP has been voted in, and we will all b told to bugger off back to asia, n white vigilantes will target us all.
  3. im not sayin that, i hardly condoned it, coz i condemn it. Im jus statin the fact that, this gurdwara is no longer in use, thats all. Vandalism is vandalism.
  4. That gurdwara was the old gurdwara in gravesend n no longer in use. Im pretty sure guru jis saroop was no longer in there, but if it is, those goreh shud b smash to pieces.https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1061594847244762&id=100001827710234 https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10154366709962932&id=527267931&set=p.10154366709962932&source=47
  5. well i already wrote y i thought he was a decent president, above to 'jacfsing2'. Compare wat kennedy did in standing up to his superiors, to wat obama has done since hes been in charge! He as a blackman (well half black), has invaded and bombed an african country, has overseen more deaths of black ppl in america than any other time, under HIS watch, spent more on a presidential campaign than any other past presidential candidate, and has funded and given blessings to numerous terrorists "rebel" muslim groups (al nusrah/"isis"). Watever kennedy did in his private life i dont personally care tbh.
  6. JFK in my opinion was a great man, 1 of the very few politicians, esp at his high position, of president, who was deemed worthy of his role. The fact that he wanted to make genuine changes, which was complete opposite to wat the 13 bloodlines/secret societies wanted, and challenged them, gets respect from any1. Sadly politicians r few and very far between. The CIA assassinated him, martin luther king, malcolm x, invaded vietnam to steal the heroin from there, under the false pretence of "protectin" s.vietnamese, all in the space of a few yrs.
  7. Firstly...Wikipedia.......dear o dear! Thats like quoting the 'hindustan times' newspaper, wen it comes to news stories about sikhs.Secondly, he was executed for crimes against humanity....and? AGAIN, WHERE have i denied he wasnt a mass murderer or deserved death? Wat has him bein a mass murderer got to do wit the entire nation of iraq bein illegaly invaded, and havin ALL their oil/natural resources/national bank stolen n taken over n then placin a puppet leader? Differentiate between the two lad. Ironically u put a video up of kennedy, well he was murdered by the CIA, for bein anti-vietnam, pro-black civil rights and sympathetic to the complete end of segregation in america. He was murdered by the very same ppl ur mockin. Jus read the comments section of that video. That video, jus supports wat me, genie n jkvlondon r tryna tell u lot on this forum.
  8. Wen did i say saddam shudnt of been brought to justice u thick yank? Every1 knew he was a mass murderer, nobody, esp me aint denying that. However as i sed previously, the REASON for iraqs inavasion had nutin to do wit topplin him, it was to take control of the iraqi national bank. They even admitted the initial reason given to invade iraq...to find the WMD's, was a complete lie. IF saddam HAD WMD's, y didnt he use em on westerners? Stop with ur bakwaas, your embarassing yourself, by attemptin to put words in my mouth (patheticly), and then bein dopey by nature wen it comes to REAL world of politics.
  9. Lol, i gotta admit 'college dropout' was a decent album.
  10. Greatest artist of our generation? Erm no, arguably thats ppl like akala, lowkey, amy winehouse, not some k@njar who chats crap about his prostitute wife's fat arse, diamonds n how he sucks off gay-z. U shud listen to 90s rap.
  11. Best to keep it quiet yanky, i have already embarassed u previously on this forum n had u runnin away like a janani wen u couldnt give me rebuttals. Regarding puttin the videos down, its freedom of speech, any1 can put any video up on youtube, unless it violates rules(racist/religion etc).
  12. Scientific proof? U CLEARLY didnt watch the david icke video above u prat. What scientific proof is needed for icke, when he is tellin u who the rothschild zionists, and its members and wat their ilk have been doing to the world? There r few things which these ppl talk of, which, as i mentioned above, i dont agree with, such as flat earth, fake moon etc. However, for any1 to study and read about the rothschild zionists, and its bankers, the 13 european bloodlines and then deny it all, is a mug of the highest order. U have clearly been watching some other cr@p videos to the 1s the rest of us r watching. It only occured to me, after studying these evil ppls actions and their power structure, did i realise, why, for eg, paedo paki gangs have been gettin away with daylight rape for decades. Once u become enlightened to the fact that, these secret societies practice ancient cult rituals, such as blood sacrifices, mass paedophilia and murdering of innocents. Paedophilia is RAMPANT in hollywood, buckingham palace, the BBC, met police, scotland yard, westminister etc. Ppl who know of the few celebrities who have been famously gripped (saville, stuart hall, rolph harris) think its horrible, have NO idea, how big this problem is. Prince philip, charles, lord mountbatten (queens cousin), ted heath (ex pm), other various politicians r notorious paedos, and have been doing this for decades. This is stuff david icke wrote in his book way back in late 90s, YET only in past 4-5 yrs have some of the celeb paedos been outed, many more will hopefully be outed. U only have to look at a famous paedo, like charlie sheen, who recently dagnosed with H.I.V (brilliant), has been raping child actors (eg corey haim/corey feldman) in the 80s. His own ex wife, denise richards, even wrote in her divorce papers, that sheen frequently viewed child porn infront of their own kids at home. IF u can be bothered, check this very famous video of prof griff (ex member of public enemy), who shows these elite bankers role in destroying hip-hop from black empowering music, to the gandh it is 2day and the sex-rings, homosexual rituals and deliberate promotion of homsosexuality in hollywood. For exposing the 13 bloodlines and the rothschild zionists, he has been atempted to be kiiled on 3 seperate occasions, by posioned food, burning his house down and bein shot at! All this for exposing them in his books and talks. Here, he shows how disney has been using secret sexual images to indoctrinate kids. Go to 2:00mins
  13. What stories? U been reading nursery rhymes u mug? If these videos r such rubbish, give rebuttals to them, coz unlike u, ppl like david icke, prof griff, sean stone, alex jones, jessie ventura know wat theyre talkin about, have evidence, made correct predicitons n written books. I bet u didnt even watch the above video by david icke, coz u might learnt sumink. U dont have to agree with everything they say (just like me), however, wen it comes to topics where theres substantial evidence, u cant sit there n blindly say its crap. Do some research, rather than followin the crowd.
  14. I dont wear a pagh, but nice of u to insult one
  15. Erm u do u realise the towers were sold on sept10th? Every1 knows it was done by the yank govt. Any1 who finks it was genuine airliner hijacked by sullehh n crashed is a grade A fuddu k@njar. Go to 14:00, it talks of the truth regarding 9/11 watch this whole video (26mins), if u want to know the REAL TRUTH of who is running america and the reason for israel.
  16. Ive been wantin to put up these type of videos on this site, but i jus know madam, most ppl, will not even watch em, instead laugh at ppl like u and me, who have come to the realisation, of these dirty bloodlines/zionists agenda. Even this whole vaccination lie, is sumink i wanted to post on this site, so im glad sum1 else has done it! The 'h5N1 - bird flu' virus for eg, was a big scam by these zionist kutteh. They invented a fake virus, say u need to take this injection, with the full intention of injectin u with microchips. However wen they realised the chips were too big, and the needles were too small, they recalled ALL of the vaccines, and it was mysteriously NEVER heard of again..funny that init!
  17. Well if america stopped fundin ISIS, n keep givin em their blessings, while russians r backin/assisting (rightly so) assad/syria, agaisnt these terrorists westerners, then this al wouldnt happen. In all truth, the cold war never really ended, its jus been on hiatus.
  18. The definition of grievance on google says "a real or imagined cause for complaint, especially unfair treatment." That sums up how sikhs feel since 1849 in my eyes. Educating non sikhs on wat has gone on and is going on, is the key to worldwide knowledge n condemnation, its not a weakness at all. Protesting every yr in hyde park, eating samosas and shouting at nobody, is the definiton of weak. Even the police/security dont even turn up, coz they kno... "oh its these lot again". On social media, we have made a lot of in roads to non sikhs n coconut sikhs in past 3-4yrs. U hashtag key words like genocide/holocaust etc and give links to graphic pics/vids of murdered sikhs, ppl start payin attention, its how it is! Muslims do it for gaza/palestine too.
  19. Yea he deffo held a grudge against sikhi after that, sadly. H@rami akalis shud of been slapped up for this. Had sant ji been around at that time, we wudda been so much better off in present day, with a popualtion of well over 150-200m+. Way to achieve khalistan, will deffo not come thru dumb protestin or hunger strikes, but thru parchar, to dumb sikhs and to non-sikhs, n spread our grievances/info thru social media. Social medias power cannot b underestimated. By doin mass parchar of it in panjab, it will cause an uprising like the 80/90s. Also the other way is the old fashioned way....war. Sadly freedom isnt handed on a plate. But these r all obv answers, but the panth is in such a state, lord knows wen the nxt revolution will start. We need anotha giani ditt singh/singh sabha lahore or sant jarnail singh.
  20. while we r having the is ambedkar love-in, wasnt he the guy, who wrote the current indian constitution, where he wrote sikhs r a part of the hindu "dharam"?
  21. Eh? Geezer wat/where on earth have u read in my piece above, where i called u pro-indian govt? Mate u gotta read the above again. Jheez.
  22. U seem to keep mentioning blustar/harimandar sahib, and help from pakistan. U do realise pakistan didnt help sikhs at all, until afta 85, wen the civil war started. Ppl linkin bluestar shaheeds and pakistan/isi is an indian govt propaganda which they know will rile the dumb hindus. U only have to look at the weapons the sikhs were using during bluestar (old village/ww2 rifles) and the weapons used during the civil war (85-95), which were hi-tech rpg/uzi/ak-47/74s. Though, if that isnt wat u implied, then i do apologise.
  23. Im not sure wat u mean by backstabbing by paks, coz it was only that kutthhi, benazir bhutto, who backstabbed sikhs, not isi, top pak army generals n previous prime minister. The paks, supplied sikhs with top draw weapons frm 1985+. It was benazir the $lut who told the indian army/rajiv gandhi etc of the plans/hiding places of kharkhus, so to stop india/pak going to war again. From wat i understand it was benazir who overuled all her cabinet/miltary. From 1985-89, the kharkus had control over panjab, and it was after this that panjab police/"super cops"/bsf etc started committing genocidal human rights violations to stop the movement, which was on the path to success. Im not quite sure wat more u wanted pakistan to do during that time? Its a proxy war and suited them, since it wud weaken their enemy state, its nutin new in this world. Had benazir not been in power n bent over like the b!tch she was, history cudda been so different for us.
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