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muscleman last won the day on August 20 2018

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  1. Thank you Boss! May God keep you in Chardi Kala always and thank you very much for your patience, sir! I have certainly learnt my lesson. Cheers!!
  2. But they don’t look like philosophers to me. They look like ordinary.
  3. Welcome back. Pls, before you hand it over to someone else, can you remove me from the restriction you’ve imposed upon me? It would be nice to be free of it. I know I am not a regulator poster here but it would be good to be free, especially now that I am stranded here due to COVID travel restrictions and have no Sikh brothers or sisters to talk to. My hormones were playing up and causing a lot of aggressive behaviour in the past but now they have settled and I have grown up since then. Thank you.
  4. Ever so sorry to hear about your illness. Some people still don’t realise how serious this virus can be, you still see many people not wearing masks or adhering to 2 meters distancing. It is not nice to get sick but they don’t care. I am very happy to learn you are safe and sound and back. Still take care and follow the instructions to keep yourself safe and protected. Welcome back. You are totally correct, until something as serious and life threatening as this happens to a loved one people regard it as nothing to worry about and ignore its implications. There are some that think it is a big hoax. Anyway, good to know you have recovered and back. Take care.
  5. @ADMIN Wishing you a quick recovery and apologies once again for using ‘bad language’ in some threads. Hope you are feeling much better soon. Please listen to bani everyday and you will be back on your feet in no time. May vaheguru Ji bless you with Chardi Kala.
  6. I apologise if I have used bad language but I am not sure in which post or thread I have done so. Could you please let me know where I have done so. Thank you all very much in advance. I promise not to do it again. I will be more careful in the future. Thanks again.
  7. 96 Crore is the target, the real Khalsa, and not some turban wearing sheep or goats with shaved beards or shaved heads but with nine feet long beards.......... not some enuchs in other words. Real Khalsa men and women with one aim to restore sikhi first and then spread. Don't forget 96 Crore is the figure to start with. Let's see if we can manage this first.
  8. Yes, I am a sikh. I do want sikhi to spread but I am not god. The missionaries are targetting the marginalized and the vulnerable people of Punjab, not the educated and the wealthy. Why are they not taking responsibility of stopping them from becoming their targets? We are not allowed to convert. We may speak about it but we are not allowed to convert anyone, that I know. If sikhi were meant to be given freely to every Tom and whoever walked past you, there would be no requirement for charan pahul or khande di pahul rehat to start with. This requirement is also Gurmat. It's a pre-requisite for any admission into the sikhi or the sikh religion. As far as I am concerned, bring our lost sikhs back into sikhi first then think of spreading it to the outsiders. And forget about the four doors policy, we all know who they remain open for. Why do these four doors suddenly shut for those that are one of us and belong to our panth? Are they not being very selective by shutting them? Why have they kicked out so many kirtaniyehs from singing praises of waheguru from Darbar sahib? They were kirtaniyehs singing gurbani kirtan, which formed part of the Gurmat, weren't they? An example would be Bhai Harcharan Singh Khalsa and many others. Why do these four doors suddenly shut without any explanation? Everyday we observe sikhs attacking and abusing other sikhs making a spectacle of themselves the world over. Is this also gurmat? Gurmat is Baptism, why don't we do Amrit da parchaar and plead with every single lost sikh to come back into the sikhi fold, instead of concentrating on those missionaries and the tactics they use to convert people? Why don't we learn and use the same tactics to convert our lost sikhs back into sikhi? You know they use money and lots of it? Well. someone is paying for it. 96 Crore is the target to start with.
  9. We will have to take care of our own and see they are not harmed or converted in any way whatsoever then. Each kaum to themselves. Take care of our own in everyway we can.
  10. Nor is Christianity or Islam, or Hinduism etc don't you know? Why do you complain,when they convert one of ours' then? They are also doing what we want to do, spread. Live and let live then. Accept the consequences for our actions. Stop complaining.
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