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Everything posted by Sewadar
Akal Takht Mata Dasam Granth Bani: SikhSangat.com holds a Pro Dasam Granth stand. We believe that the Dasam Granth Sahib in its current form is the work of Guru Gobind Singh Ji ....... Any topic or post questioning the authority and authenticity of the Dasam Granth will not be allowed.
Dear Sangat jee, Please report any post that you feel is inappropriate, a personal attack, or is off-topic and/or misleading and we will take appropriate action against the post and if required the poster. Its only with your suggestions and help can we help make this site better place.
Already been posted on forum, heres the link: http://www.sikhsangat.com/index.php?showtopic=38600
From the behalf of SikhSangat Mod Team = :R:
GOT SANGAT ? Inviting all SikhSangat members to celebrate the summer in Sunny California with a SikhSangat picnic this weekend at the famous Santa Cruz boardwalk and beach. There will be a lot of activities and fun filled games and samosay and pizza and other stuff to munch on. And don’t forget the rides at the boardwalk! Rides will be available from Stockton Gurdwara at 8am and Fremont Gurdwara at 9 am. So please call Satnam Singh or email sikhsangat@gmail.com if you need a ride.
Moderation Rules ==================== The SikhSangat.com Team has had a discussion about the moderation rules of the forum over the past few weeks. We have all agreed to the following moderation system/rules and have committed to follow this system for the betterment of the sangat and to provide more clarity and reasoning for giving warnings and putting members under moderation. We want to make this available for all the members so there's no confusion as to why they were given a warning or placed under moderation. Remember, we don't have enmity towards anyone we all seek one purpose and all have a common goal. We want to make this site as best as possible according to gurmat and want to bring forth the qualities of gursikhi like peace, love and compassion in the topics being discussed, the only thing we request is for all members post with love and humility. Please review the following moderation rules before posting: Not following the forum rules will result in putting the member on moderation. The mod must direct the user to the rule which the user violated when putting him under moderation. A member will be given a warning for: Insulting, name-calling and labeling other members; this includes both the initiating person and the person retaliating. Writing derogatory comments about different jathas of the Sikh panth. Any particular practice of a jatha can be questioned but must be done so in a respectful and non-offensive manner. Insulting the Sikh Shaheeds and those of the Khalistan movement and criticizing Sikh fighters without any concrete evidence. Indirect personal attacks, sarcasm towards another member's posts and a negative tone of speech are also liable for a warning. Two warnings will be given to a user to modify his/her behavior and adhere to the forum rules. Two warning within the same week will result in moderation for 15 days. The third warning will result user being placed under moderation for 30 days or until 40 qualitative posts (whichever occurs later) have been posted showing improvement in behavior and language according to the forum rules. Upon receiving 3 warnings, if the user continues to violate forum rules the fourth time, it will result in the user being banned from the forum indefinitely. Admin/Mod who issues the third warning will be assigned to that user and will be responsible for keeping track, proving/unapproving and monitoring the quality of all the posts of that member. After the requirement has been met, the user must write to the Admin or Moderator stating why he/she should be taken off of moderation and how they will strive to make better posts. The user will stay under moderation if no improvements are shown in their posts. If any user disagrees with the decision he/she can contact the mod via PM and try to resolve the dispute. If that doesn’t work then he/she can open a ticket and appeal to the Admin to re-consider the case. Here are the list of rules that will result in the user being placed directly under moderation, skipping the moderation system. Death threats, soliciting and private messaging bibis on the forum. Supporting the Indian government for attacking Darbar Sahib and justifying the 1984 massacre. Supporting excommunicated people like Kala afghana and spokespersons. Supporting Anti-Sikh organizations/sects/cults and their affiliated websites. Posting adult or obscene audio/visual content on the site. Posting topics/links against the basic principles of Sikhi. **Asking questions for educational reasons is allowed but all posts must be approved by the moderator in that topic. ========================================
Vaaheguroo jee kaa khalsaa, Vaaheguroo jee kee fateh! Based on a request from one of the members (http://www.sikhsangat.com/index.php?showto...mp;#entry355211 We have created a new forum under the Gursikhi category, called "Cyber Kamaaee" (http://www.sikhsangat.com/index.php?showforum=45) Here ONE of the sevadaars will post a topic per week/month as a promise to complete a certain number of banis to be completed. And we as sevadars will post a number of banis or simran to be done by all those who agree to do them in a poll. If you want to recommend a certain bani that should be done we can make that the following week's kamaaee period bani. Once you commit to do the prescribed banis/simran you must complete them, no matter how long it takes, take it as your promise to guru sahib. Hopefully this little initiative will help us get more closer to akaal purkh vaheguroo jee through naam/bani. Please forgive us for our mistakes and shortcomings. Click here for the forum: http://www.sikhsangat.com/index.php?showforum=45 Vaaheguroo jee kaa khalsaa, Vaaheguroo jee kee fateh!
Sarna is promoting blasphemy by patronising Darshan Lal Bhatra.He is an agent of agencies inimical to sikhs.You call Darshan Lal a true sikh.He was amasser of money by singing bir ras bani of Dasam granth .Now he is disowning this Granth.A namak haram rascal.
Moderation Rules ==================== The SikhSangat.com Team has had a discussion about the moderation rules of the forum over the past few weeks. We have all agreed to the following moderation system/rules and have committed to follow this system for the betterment of the sangat and to provide more clarity and reasoning for giving warnings and putting members under moderation. We want to make this available for all the members so there's no confusion as to why they were given a warning or placed under moderation. Remember, we don't have enmity towards anyone we all seek one purpose and all have a common goal. We want to make this site as best as possible according to gurmat and want to bring forth the qualities of gursikhi like peace, love and compassion in the topics being discussed, the only thing we request is for all members post with love and humility. Please review the following moderation rules before posting: Not following the forum rules will result in putting the member on moderation. The mod must direct the user to the rule which the user violated when putting him under moderation. A member will be given a warning for: Insulting, name-calling and labeling other members; this includes both the initiating person and the person retaliating. Writing derogatory comments about different jathas of the Sikh panth. Any particular practice of a jatha can be questioned but must be done so in a respectful and non-offensive manner. Insulting the Sikh Shaheeds and those of the Khalistan movement and criticizing Sikh fighters without any concrete evidence. Indirect personal attacks, sarcasm towards another member's posts and a negative tone of speech are also liable for a warning. Two warnings will be given to a user to modify his/her behavior and adhere to the forum rules. Two warning within the same week will result in moderation for 15 days. The third warning will result user being placed under moderation for 30 days or until 40 qualitative posts (whichever occurs later) have been posted showing improvement in behavior and language according to the forum rules. Upon receiving 3 warnings, if the user continues to violate forum rules the fourth time, it will result in the user being banned from the forum indefinitely. Admin/Mod who issues the third warning will be assigned to that user and will be responsible for keeping track, proving/unapproving and monitoring the quality of all the posts of that member. After the requirement has been met, the user must write to the Admin or Moderator stating why he/she should be taken off of moderation and how they will strive to make better posts. The user will stay under moderation if no improvements are shown in their posts. If any user disagrees with the decision he/she can contact the mod via PM and try to resolve the dispute. If that doesn’t work then he/she can open a ticket and appeal to the Admin to re-consider the case. Here are the list of rules that will result in the user being placed directly under moderation, skipping the moderation system. Death threats, soliciting and private messaging bibis on the forum. Supporting the Indian government for attacking Darbar Sahib and justifying the 1984 massacre. Supporting excommunicated people like Kala afghana and spokespersons. Supporting Anti-Sikh organizations/sects/cults and their affiliated websites. Posting adult or obscene audio/visual content on the site. Posting topics/links against the basic principles of Sikhi. **Asking questions for educational reasons is allowed but all posts must be approved by the moderator in that topic. ========================================
Vaheguru ji ka khalsa, Vaheguru ji ki fateh! Upon discussion with the admins of SikhSangat, we have decided to take an anti-meat stand, we've been thinking about this issue for a while on an individual basis and until recently we've collectively decided that this is best for the forum. We feel that eating meat is immoral, unlawful and simply wrong according to the teachings of Guru Granth Sahib jee. There have been numerous discussions and debates on this topic and both sides of the party have voiced their opinions ever since the start of the site in 2001. We do not want to re-iterate the arguments against the debate. If you do a search on the board for the topic you will find MANY replies and topics on the topic and we leave the ultimate decision to your better judgement. SikhSangat.com will not allow any topics that justify the killing of animals for food or otherwise. Any topic/post stating otherwise will be deleted. SS Team Vaheguru ji ka khalsa, Vaheguru ji ki fateh!
We take pride in introducing the sangat to another website as a part of the sikhsangat project. SikhClips.com is the place where you can upload your sikhi related videos. This website will also host live programs such as debates, seminars and camps. So register your username at SikhClips.com and start uploading all the sikh videos that you have. Share all your videos with gurbani katha, kirtan, sikh activities, achievements, nagar keertans, gurdwara sahibs, lectures, or anything else that you have!
Here's the updated version of the rule Dasam Granth Bani: SikhSangat.com holds a Pro Dasam Granth stand. We believe that the Dasam Granth Sahib in its current form is the work of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. No provocative, insulting or derogatory language will be tolerated against Dasam Granth Sahib. Any topic or post questioning the authority and authenticity of the Dasam Granth will not be allowed. Not following the rule will result in Under moderation and possible ban without an issuance of warning. Source: Akal Takht Matta Other Supporting Materials: DASAM QUEST - DASAM GRANTH SAHIB - LOTS OF QUESTIONS, BUT ANSWERS? Darshan Singh Charitropakhyan
Vaheguru ji ka khalsa, Vaheguru ji ki fateh We're going to be using the warning system displayed under your display name so that we can keep track of who has been given how many warnings and for what reason. SS Team Vaheguru ji ka khalsa, Vaheguru ji ki fateh
Editor of Sikh magazine Sant Sipahi visits Bay Area California Fremont, Jan 20: Sardar Gurcharanjit Singh Lamba , editor of panthik journal Sant Sipahi from Amritsar, who is on a personal visit to California today attended the weekly diwan at Fremont Gurudwara Sahib and made a speech. Sardar Lamba’s passionate and thought-provoking speech was received by the sangat with apt attention. Although Sardar Lamba spoke for more than 45 minutes but the sangat remained spell bound with the continuous scenes, quotes and references from Guru Granth Sahib, Sri Dasam Granth, Bhai Gurdas First and Second, Bhai Nand Lal, Rahitnames etc. The theme of his lecture was that Guru Nanak Dev ji was the jyot of Akalpurakh and from Guru Nanak Dev ji to Guru Gobind Singh ji is nothing but the continuity of the same jyot. He explained further that it is really hard to look for Guru Nanak Dev ji in Guru Gobind Singh ji. He quoted extensively from Sikh scriptures that Guru Gobind Singh ji has Himself written that only the faithful can understand this phenomena but not the stupid. “sri nanak angad kar mana, amar das angad pechana, amardas ramdas kahiyo, sadhan lakha moorh nahi payo.” He went on to elaborate that the panth was started by Guru Nanak Dev ji and completed by Guru Gobind Singh. The message and concept is same. Sardar Lamba also quoted extensively from Sikh Sakhis and history of puratan Singhs. His narration of the episodes of Bhai Nand Lal and Prof. Puran Singh moved the Sangat. He concluded his speech by a note that unless we have unflinching shradha, faith we will be wondering uselessly. What we have to do is to fall at the feet of Guru and pray for tearing of bedawa given by us. At the end Sardar Lamba was blessed with Siropa from Gurdwara Sahib. Sangat had all the praise and appreciation for the Committee for introducing and allowing time for the motivating speech of Sardar Gurcharanjit Singh Lamba, which was organized on a short notice by Sikh Sangat News ( www.sikhsangat.org).
Locked for a month because of new regulations. If you want to re-open thread after a month please create a ticket.
Regarding bumping of topics If someone is advertising links to another site then no discussion should take place about that site on this forum unless it is an anti-sikh site. Any updates/additions to blogs and other websites which are external to sikhsangat can only be bumped once a month, if someone posts an entry to their blog or an article on their website or adds any other content to it (pictures, videos, etc.) then this should not be posted in their topic on SikhSangat right away, one update per domain, per month. We want to get rid of all posts that are continuously bumping other websites and blogs which leaves little or no room for discussion, this is a DISCUSSION board not an advertising board, therefore we have to make this a regulation, if one doesn't follow this their posts will automatically be deleted and possibly have their account put under quality control. This goes for events as well, for any events that are happening in a week's time, we can allow it to be bumped, but any events whose dates are further in the future we will not allow it to be bumped, if the threads are continuously being bumped and are not following these regulations, they will be deleted. Controversial Topics Raag Maala: Raag Maala appears on the last Ang of Guru Granth Sahib Ji. There has been much conflict in the Panth over this for the last 150 years. Majority of the members on this forum are at young age. This is the age to learn about Sikhi so that we can follow Guru Ji's path. It is very easy for young members to go off topic and turn the debate into personal attacks which brings down the quality of the forum. Although Bani is very dear to us and we would like to see this matter resolved but many great scholars have written so much about it. Both sides have good intentions and respect Bani very much. Any insulting, jatha bashing or vulgar comments are not allowed and will result in banning the member without any notice or warning. If anyone wants to explore this topic he/she should read the books that have been written in the past and make up his/her mind. No topics about Raag Maala shall be discussed on SikhSangat Forum. Warning will be issued. We request everyone to respect each other's beliefs and learn from each other. Kes/Keski Kakkar: Whether you believe Kes is Kakkar or Keski, the most important thing is to keep both. Kes are very important in Sikhi and a Sikh must keep his/her hair. Keski is very important to cover Kes. Both are required for a Sikh (male and female). Both sides have rehatwaan Gursikhs such as Bhai Fauja Singh Ji and Baba Jarnail Singh Ji. We all should look at their jeevans and learn from their sacrifices. Any question that does not directly go against this policy may be asked. Mool Mantar: Mool Mantar is basically first paragraph of Guru Granth Sahib Ji. The controversy is over where this paragraph ends. We (sevadars) do not find it is proper for Sikh youth to be discussing this topic as it involves very deep understanding of Gurbani. Those who fight over this topic hardly recite Mool Mantar even once in a day. Reading Bani less or more with full concentration is more important. Read as much as you enjoy. Dasam Granth Bani: SikhSangatholds a Pro Dasam Granth stand. We believe that the Dasam Granth Sahib in its current form is the work of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. No provocative, insulting or derogatory language will be tolerated against Dasam Granth Sahib. Any topic or post questioning the authority and authenticity of the Dasam Granth will not be allowed. Not following the rule will result in complete ban without an issuance of warning. Meat: SikhSangat.com holds an Anti-Meat stand. We feel that eating meat is immoral, unlawful and simply wrong according to the teachings of Guru Granth Sahib jee. There have been numerous debates on this topic and both sides of the party have voiced their opinion ever since 2001. If you do a search on the board for the topic you will find MANY replies and topics. SikhSangat.com will not allow any topics that justify the killing of animals for food or otherwise. Any topic/post stating otherwise will be deleted. No pro-meat topics allowed on this forum. Dasam Granth Dasam Granth Bani: SikhSangat.com holds a Pro Dasam Granth stand. We believe that the Dasam Granth Sahib in its current form is the work of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. No provocative, insulting or derogatory language will be tolerated against Dasam Granth Sahib. Any topic or post questioning the authority and authenticity of the Dasam Granth will not be allowed. Not following the rule will result in Under moderation and possible ban without an issuance of warning. Source: Akal Takht Matta Other Supporting Materials: DASAM QUEST - DASAM GRANTH SAHIB - LOTS OF QUESTIONS, BUT ANSWERS? Darshan Singh Charitropakhyan
Forum Announcement - Regarding bumping of topics - Part of Rules/Regulations: If someone is advertising links to another site then no discussion should take place about that site on this forum unless it is an anti-sikh site. Any updates/additions to blogs and other websites which are external to sikhsangat can only be bumped once a month, if someone posts an entry to their blog or an article on their website or adds any other content to it (pictures, videos, etc.) then this should not be posted in their topic on SikhSangat right away, one update per domain, per month. We want to get rid of all posts that are continuously bumping other websites and blogs which leaves little or no room for discussion, this is a DISCUSSION board not an advertising board, therefore we have to make this a regulation, if one doesn't follow this their posts will automatically be deleted and possibly have their account put under quality control. This goes for events as well, for any events that are happening in a week's time, we can allow it to be bumped, but any events whose dates are further in the future we will not allow it to be bumped, if the threads are continuously being bumped and are not following these regulations, they will be deleted.
New improved website design of "Youth of the Month" - UnitedSikhs.com Visit our Sister Website
I have suspended the other guys id and all the posts will be deleted after a week.
Please use "Search" option.. This topic has been discussed many times before...
How Do You Change Ur Name On Sikh Sangat ?
Sewadar replied to singhster's topic in POLITICS | LIFESTYLE
Send me PM or email us @ sikhsangat@gmail.com.. (members can't change their name on their own :wub: -
SikhGiving sewadars are in touch with the family members of Jaswinder singh and will let the sangat know whole details as soon as they meet the family member in person. Jaswinder Singh is doing better but still in hospital recovering..
If donors want to stay GUPT, pls notify us @ sikhsangat@gmail.com If donors are from US, please send us your mailing address and we will be happy to send the donation receipt for tax purposes.
Harpal Singh, a 37 yr old gursikh worked as a daily wage earner till he was ridden to bed because of acute health problems. Both his kidneys have been damaged, and he is on dialysis twice a week. The dialysis costs Rs 6000 (US $150) each week. Dr V. Jha, additional professor, department of nephrology, PGI, Chandigarh , said the patient had been advised to start on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD), a life-saving procedure. This procedure is likely to cost Rs 4,55,000 (US $11,260) and would have to be continued throughout life or until kidney transplantation is done. The doctors will not be starting the procedure till the amount is deposited with the hospital. Rs 2,00,000 (US $4,950) has been collected by Harpal's wife till now. SikhGiving.com has started this project to raise funds for this sewa as many members of SikhSangat.com have expressed a desire to help. All the money donated will be hand delivered to the family. SikhGiving Sewadar personally handed over Rs10,000 ($250) to Harpal Singh's wife from its reserved account on July 2nd for the one time dialysis cost. Dialysis costs will continue Rs12000/week ($300/week) until the CAPD procedure is conducted. Our Minimum Target is $2500 Sangat ji please help our Gursikh brother in Punjab SikhGiving Project 3
If the admins come across any personal attacks its an automatic warning and account will be put under moderation, it really needs to clean up.